It’s All Perspective

Perspective is essential to life. “Life is 10% of what happened to us and 90% of how we respond.” “Life doesn’t happen to us, life happens for us.” Both quotes come from different people but underline the same choice & that’s a choice in perspective that we have every single day, no matter what. We all face this choice with every part of our lives.

This choice can not be taken from us unless we decided to give it up.

We can choose how we decide to see the world, see our lives & we see the events that place one way over another, good or bad, with the simple act of thought.

Glass half full over glass half empty. “Failure” over an opportunity to learn and grow.

It’s all perspective.

Now, I could have given up on more than 2 handful of occasions but good would that have done for me & my vision for my life?

It wouldn’t have done any good & would have actually put me further back from reaching my goals & potential to help others.

I also can’t stress enough how gratitude fuels the shift in perspective & leads to abundance.

When I was faced with a death sentence at the pinnacle of my dream BMX career & just turned 21, I first went to fear, worry, & what I call “victimville” but my family, the BMX community, learning of @lancearmstrong, & my own desire to live my life on my own terms wouldn’t allow that choice in fear.

My perspective quickly shifted to that of gratitude to still be alive, have the love & support of many around the world, & most importantly, a chance to fight to make my tomorrow better & continue living my life.

I often hear friends, family, & strangers complaining of how “hard” life is, how much life “sucks”, or “it must be nice” when in reality, every single person that is conscious & breathing has something to be grateful for.

I challenge you all to focus on just ONE thing you’re grateful for each day & really feel it deep down. That emotional state you find yourself in can change you life as it’s changed mine.

Josh P. 💚🧠✌️

Slap Of Reality

Today wasn’t easy. Not gonna lie.

My mom & I drove to the police station that held my younger brother, Danny, belongings for nearly 10 months after he took his life a week after turning 26 last June.

Upon opening the container of his personal belongings, I was greeted with his phone covered in his own blood.

Although I thought I was prepared for this moment, I wasn’t. It was another slap in the face of reality that my little brother is no longer here with my mom & I. What’s worse, I can’t do anything about it. Of all the years growing up protecting my best friend, I wasn’t able to this time.

I have a ton of thoughts of regret for being so hard on him over the years as others just enabled him & allowed him to play small in life. I battle against those thoughts with my belief that I was doing what I felt was right in challenging him to live up to his potential from a place of sincere love.

I often get asked “how are you always so positive”?

I’m not. But, I also know that the mind is like any muscle in the body & daily practice, exercise, & recovery are required to ensure we have a chance at becoming what we desire.

I’m human & experience all the ups & downs that we all face but my perspective to be alive and have a chance at changing my tomorrow & sharing it with all of you is what keeps me moving forward.

The people I choose to surround myself with plays a huge role in giving me the courage to be vulnerable, not give up or feel sorry for myself, & allow me to be who I set out to become.

These people in the photos have become brothers from other mothers to me & I’m incredibly grateful for all of them & Jackie

Danny & I both cherished our friends equally as much as we cherish each other. We don’t believe family is solely blood related.

I want you to share your love for those you care about & know your life is what you choose to make it.

Inside & out.

Always strive for happiness but don’t ever think you have to be happy every day or that your broken.

Josh P. 💚🧠✌️

Amen Clinics & SPECT Imaging Video 1

Check out my perspective as I fly from NC to Atlanta to see Dr. Daniel Amen at Amen clinics to get a brain scan using SPECT imaging along with Dr. Ryan Lowery.

Follow along to see what a day in the life is like for Josh as he travels from Raleigh, NC to Atlanta, GA.

Josh P. 💚🧠✌️


Follow Josh on Instagram: @JoshPerryBMX

Follow Ryan on Instagram: @RyanPLowery

Follow Dr. Amen on Instagram: @Doc_Amen

Follow KeotgenicCom on Instagram: @KetogenicCom

Follow Pruvit on Instagram: @JustPruvit


Josh Perry Website –

Amen Clinics Website –

Ryan Lowery’s Website –

Pruvit’s Website –

You’re Not Your Past

Our identity isn’t defined by our past. Our identity is defined by who we choose to be in the moment and the choices we make in the now.

If we feel as tho our identity is dependent on the outcome, then there is no way we can perform at our best.

When I stopped focusing on the outcome, rather I set goals and focused on the actions in the moment, I found a lot less resistance in my life with more success.

Don’t get wrapped up in outcomes or suggestions from external sources.

Design a life you envision, put in the work, build the belief, and don’t ever give up!

Josh P. 💚🧠✌️

📸 @jciake

Power of Sharing

I believe the power of sharing your WHY, or your beliefs, can lead you to meeting and connecting with extraordinary people like Michael Bustin 💯

The fact that we can share to an unlimited amount of people via social media and the resistance people show towards that fact is mind boggling.

It wasn’t as clear to me in on the beginning in regards to how much value sharing, story telling, and combining the two via the internet could have for others and myself.

I learned the power of sharing in 2010 as I shared for the first time that I was diagnosed with a brain tumor. Fast forward & years, sharing in an effort to bring others as much value as possible has led me to meeting incredible people like Michael as well as many more and experiences and opportunities.

What is your perspective on story telling, connecting, and bringing others value?

-Josh P. 💚🧠✌️


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Thermometer or Thermostat

I believe we all have a choice.

A choice to become a survivor or a victim. React to life or be proactive in life.

I love how Jim Kwik puts it as comparing a thermostat to a thermometer. A thermostat controls the environment and a thermometer reacts to an environment.

I know we can’t control our lives but we can control our choices, which will manifest a reality one way or another. Or choices in food, thoughts, and physical activity.

We can choose to be proactive and prevent unwanted realities, or we can live our lives in auto-pilot and react to events as they come. I choose to follow a ketogenic diet & lifestyle for my 🧠, choose to educate myself on a daily basis, choose to serve others and help support them, and choose to hold myself accountable for my reality.

I was living my life as a thermometer and just reacting to my environment until I was 21 and told I was going to die from a massive brain tumor taking residence on the left half of my brain. It took that life or death situation to audit my choices, foster self-awareness, and make the choice to become empowered over my reality.

I share not to brag, but to inspire you all to take action as a thermostat for your life rather than reacting to your life environment/reality as a thermometer.

I don’t want others to suffer as I did and be forced to react to a situation. I want your choices to come from move rather than fear.

-Josh P. 💚🧠✌️

Second Chances

I had a large brain tumor taking over my life and 4 currently trying.

Health is internal.

I learned the hard way after a BMX crash led to a life-saving MRI where they found the first tumor taking over half my brain.

Wrapped around an artery and my optic nerve, the surgery complications led to a 6hr surgery. When I woke up, it was the best moment in my life.

Almost like second chance.

For the first time in about a year or so, I wasn’t in pain and could see, hear, and move my body after signing paperwork acknowledging all those risks on top of death being a possibility.

The story doesn’t end there and to be short, I’ve been diagnosed 2 more times since the original surgery leaving me with a total of 4 tumors in my skull today. 2 in which shrunk thanks to Gamma Knife and the other 2 haven’t progressed since changing my life.

The last 8 years of experiences have led me to a ketogenic diet and lifestyle, learning about the importance of mindset, perspective, choices, the ego, and consciousness, and has given me clarity around my purpose.

-Josh P. 💚✌️

Thanks to Mark Metry for the conversation and opportunity to share! 💯🙏🏼

Fueled by Gratitude & Love

“Now every day I wake up and breathe

I don’t have it all but that’s alright with me.” Mac Miller 🙏🏼

To me, this is a phrase backed by gratitude and love.

Gratitude to be alive and be filled with abundance right in front of me. Love for what I believe in, my purpose to serve and support others, and love for the process and journey of it all.

When we live in lack, spite, stress, doubt, worry, or fear, it only lasts so long as fuel to keep us going.

I was full of spite and anger towards an abusive drunken step father and those who doubted my dreams to become a pro BMX athlete like I am today.

Reflecting on my beginnings, I can see all that anger and spite combined with a negative lifestyle and diet probably caused the brain tumors to show up.

Now that I’ve audited my life and shifted my priorities to love, gratitude, and serving others, along with @elekta_ Gamma Knife & a ketogenic diet, the tumors have shown no progression, I’m progressing all areas of my life, I’ve overcome obstacles I never fathomed, and I’m happier and healthier than ever.

My 3 core beliefs as who I am today:

🌀 Life starts with perspective & progresses with gratitude.

🌀 Health is internal, not numbers on a piece of paper or scale.

🌀 Life is a manifestation of our choices, there’s no excuses.

Fear is just a thought, thoughts can be changed. 💚✌️

-Josh P.

Fueled By Love

I love BMX and all it’s done for me, shown me, led me to, and what’s to come.

I began on this path of self discovery (didn’t know it at the time) while chasing my dream at the age of 17 when I left home on a mission to prove doubters wrong and live the life I desired.

I’m now doing things I never fathomed being apart of my reality. Things like motivational speaking, coaching, running my own business, and becoming featured in major media outlets like GQ, People, ESPN, Fox News, Americas Got Talent, top podcasts and many others.

I started this journey fueled by spite. Today, it’s fueled by love and gratitude with a purpose of serving others.

A bmx crash one day led to an MRI that found a massive brain tumor taking over my brain. Had I not fallen and hit my head that day, I’d be dead. That’s when my whole perspective on life shifted and gratitude to be alive took over.

I then found the ketogenic diet and fitness (after blowing out my knee and needing ACL surgery) and it’s changed my and my clients lives in such profound ways.

I don’t know where I’d be if it wasn’t for that childhood dream but I know I’m grateful to have taken the risk of leaving everything behind in pursuit of making it happen.

I work my ass off and never give up because some people don’t have the option to even try, let alone wake up. Loosing my younger brother gave me a new perspective on my life once again and I’m going to continue working my ass for him and all those that don’t wake up as we often take for granted. 🙏🏼

-Josh P. 💚✌️

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It’s the vision that allows us to keep moving forward in life even when we don’t feel like it.

Resistance doesn’t feel good but that usually means one of two things: either you’re on the path to a new outcome and resistance is appearing because of new actions, which triggers the ego to go into “protection” mode from a unknown outcome. Or, it’s because you’re doing something you don’t believe in to fulfill someone else’s vision.

Resistance is where people usually get stuck. They either give up when they feel any resistance because they fear failure or their ego is so strong in protecting them from the unknown that they settle for suffering in the moment because it’s familiar, even though it’s undesirable.

Are you taking action to get one step closer to living your vision, and what resistance do you see show up regularly? 💚✌️

-Josh P.

📸 @jciake