We Compete Against OURSELF

I find most, if not all, of the competition we face is life is against ourselves.

When I talk about “perceived” fear, I’m talking about the mind games our brain plays on us to elicit the emotional response of fear to prevent us from danger or some kind of potential harm or threat.

The problem with this life saving programmed response is that the majority of the fear we experience today is self-created which begins the competition against ourself.

Once we can begin to understand this concept and apply more focus and intention of catching ourselves in these acts, we can begin to make changes to our behavior and create new habits, thus creating a new version of ourselves and ultimately putting the ball back in our court.

That’s not to think we’ll ever gain 100% control over the ego because that’s a fairy tail & if you think you do have that control, that’s your ego at work.

What I’m suggesting is that we can become as aware or conscious as humanly possible which will allow us to consciously design the life we desire rather than be run by conditioned / programmed fear from what’s uncomfortable in our lives.

Maybe then we’ll be more BOLD & take action that’s aligned with what’s in our hearts & what we envision for ourselves.

Maybe then we’ll focus more on being ourself rather than comparing ourselves to others.

Maybe then we’ll be able to make the changes we want in our lives and close the gap between how we feel inside and what our external world reflects back to us.

Josh P. 💚🧠✌️

Addiction to Knowledge

What makes us feel safe and secure is often the exact thing that enables our fears and insecurities.

Today’s podcast drop is titled “Addiction To Knowledge”.

I share how by taking a month off from external learning taught me a lot internally and most profoundly was my addiction to knowledge that was created unconsciously to hide an old insecurity of mine that I didn’t know enough.

I learned I was constantly trying to learn as much as I could because I had this fear of not knowing enough that stemmed from an early age and magnified when I was diagnosed with a brain tumor.

By giving into this vice I was creating stronger and stronger bonds with, it was preventing me from taking the action I knew I must take and wanted to know. Ultimately, this created a bigger gap with what I wanted and what I was experiencing.

By being challenged to take a month off from any external information coming in, I began to intently learn so much about who I am, why I do what I do, and what needed to change.

I learned that what often feels safe and comfortable is the very thing that enables us to play small and hide behind our fears and insecurities.

It’s not until we change things up and remove these vices that we can look behind the curtain of our reality and see what’s going on opposed to the lens of perception our unconscious mind has created to keep us safe.

If you’re interesting in what I have to share about all of this, the link to my podcast is here: https://the-grey-matters-podcast.simplecast.com/episodes/addiction-to-knowledge

Josh P. 💚🧠✌️

Speak YOUR Truth

Speaking your truth is about connecting with others so we can begin to understand one another but it’s also about holding yourself accountable for your life and speaking your truth into existence.

Here are 3 episodes of my series “Josh Perry’s Mind” on The Grey Matters Podcast Fleming about how stress and fear can hold us back from speaking and living our truth.

Welcome Inside: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-grey-matters-podcast/id1475573434?i=1000482361530

Fear Is Practical: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-grey-matters-podcast/id1475573434?i=1000482361529

Speak YOUR Truth: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-grey-matters-podcast/id1475573434?i=1000484026488

Far too many of us are living a life designed by others while feeling suppressed to voice what we truly want to do within our lives along with how we may feel about it.

The potential for so much return in ones life is unfathomable when our actions are congruent with our thoughts and emotions.

This coherence of mind and body eventually manifest outwardly into our personal reality and by living in this state of being, walking your talk and experiencing what your heart desires, there’s no shortage of who you may inspire and connect with and all that you may experience along the way.

By following my heart and the future vision I held in my mind as my North Star, I was able to manifest my dream into my reality and that dream saved my life in so many ways as well as led me to my PURPOSE in life.

Today, I’ve become hyper conscious to this concept as a fact of my story and it’s become my truth I share with the world in an effort to empower others to consciously design their lives by optimizing their health and performance.

Josh P. 💚🧠✌️

Fear Is An Emotional Response To A Thought

There’s a big difference between perceived threats/stress and actual threats to our life that create the thoughts of fear. There’s also a ton of similarity in terms of what each one elicits in regards to chemicals within our bodies that can become addictive and run our lives.

People ask me about my tattoo “fear is just a thought thoughts can be changed” a lot.

I figured I’d share with all of you.

It’s a reminder of empowerment.

Not many people ask me what went through my mind right before having open brain surgery to remove a tumor when I was just 21 years old.

Many may be surprised to know I felt less fear and stress in the moments right before surgery when compared to when I received the news of my diagnosis.

To me, fear is nothing more than a thought that’s often influenced by past experiences, past emotional memories, & future unwanted events when presented with perceived situations of stress in our lives.

What I’ve come to learn is that we’re often presented with situations that hold no true threat to our lives but the thought of fear is just as real thanks to the chemicals the brain produces in theses stressful moments.

Becoming conscious of this and redirecting focus and energy are key and are what allowed me to overcome every situation I have experienced with real or perceived threat to my life.

If it’s fear that’s holding you back from DOING something, it’s quite simple. Do you want the outcome that fear provides, or do you want the outcome your heart desires?

If it’s the latter, focus on what is it you DO WANT for your life and allign your thoughts, emotions, and actions with that outcome.

Fear is just an emotional response to thoughts we either create ourself or thoughts influenced by outside suggestions. It’s all the same, it’s a thought that manifests physically when given enough energy.

Knowing this is step 1 to empowerment. Making a new decision that serves you is the next step.

-Josh P. 💚🧠✌️

Limitless Potential

We are all tied to the limitless potential that surrounds us at all times with various doors to choose from in our lives.

The key is to believe that statement and then raise your state of being to the truest version of yourself.

The truest version of ourselves doesn’t doubt. The truest version of ourself doesn’t feel lack, doesn’t feel like a victim, isn’t angry or resentful, doesn’t feel shame or guilt, doesn’t NEED motivation and most certainly doesn’t feel hate.

The truest version of ourselves feels whole, confident, joyful, love, optimistic, inspired, and grateful for all aspects of life.

The more you can raise your state of being to match the purest form of yourself is the very thing that speeds up time to manifest your vision into your current reality and the very moment you’ll experience it happen.

There’s multiple realities out there for us to live and it’s up to us to decide which door we’ll walk into and what that reality will look and feel like.

Josh P. 💚🧠✌️

📸 by @jlauricellaimages


I always have fear.

The difference is, I do the work (mentally & physically) to choose how fear contributes to my life.

Fear doesn’t own me, it’s just a thought. I use fear to guide me towards the things I must do in order to fulfill my purpose. I choose the thoughts by doing the mental work EVERY single day.

It starts with my morning routine and continues with the choices in who I surround myself with and the content I choose to consume.

I’m scared shitless every time I get on a stage, no matter the size.

But, I know it’s my calling and it’s necessary to succeed at fulfilling my purpose that I’ve devoted my life to.

Preparation is a form of being proactive and in this writings context, it’s being proactive of the fear of public speaking.

Few reasons as to why the fear is there, which is my ego trying to protect me from the “unknown”, is the fear of rejection & unworthiness.

I know it’s not true and even tho I may be shaking and my heart racing, I repeat my mantras to myself and focus on the vision. Just the sane way I would when competition or doing a new trick for the first time.

Josh P. 💚🧠✌️

Detachment & Desire

I’ve taken all I’ve learned from BMX and have shared as much as I can but I’ve also uncovered deeper learnings from BMX and applied to my personal and professional life outside of the sport.

This has allowed me to build a 6-figure business based on my purpose to shift perspectives and empower others to achieve success in their lives, and it’s allowed me to experience the freedom I desire more and more.

For me, freedom means an equal balance of detachment and desire.

It means to surrender and let the feelings of empowerment and joy shine through liking the path to freedom.

The more I’ve reflected on the “things” we want in life and for what purpose, the more I’ve become aware that it traces back to an emotional feeling we’re seeking. Often times to cover up an insecurity we haven’t yet faced and accepted.

Steps one and two of freedom is to become aware / familiar with yourself and accept who you are in order to surrender to detachment and desire.

From there, you can begin paving the path to freedom with the simple internal decision to let go and put your focus on your intentions and match them with a heightened emotional state.

The thought sends the signal out and the emotion draws the event into your life.

If you want to speed up time, you gotta let go of past emotional baggage and focus on overcoming your past “known” self to create a new idea version of you that’s doing, feeling, and having the things and experiences you truly want.

I’m practicing this more and more, and I’ve been challenged to let go of many things that I did on a daily basis to affirm my identity.

I’m learning I don’t need that identity and it’s so freeing to know and feel.

Josh P. 💚🧠✌️

Shine The Light

I’m sharing my TRUTH in an effort to shifts others perspectives because I believe that’s what is required to change your life.

It’s not a lack of motivation, resources, or skills.

We possess all the tools we need within us once we believe we’re capable of accessing these tools.

Our personality is what creates our personal reality and our personality is made up of how we think, act, and feel.

If our thoughts are 90% the same as the day before, can you see how easy it is to get stuck in the same patterns of thinking, feeling, and acting?

We call this a habit and the habits you’re unconsciously operating from as a past conditioned program built of your past memories and experiences are what control who you are and the life you live.

Until you’re aware and shine a light on these hidden programs, you’re controlled by your body which begins signaling your mind to stay comfortable and not make any changes because that’s not the known familiar state you’ve been conditioned to feel.

Once you shine a light on these programs of fear, limiting beliefs, and emotional addictions/attachments, you’re able to decide how you want to move forward and that’s when the magic happens.

We’re all capable of creating a new version of ourselves and therefore a new reality…if we stop playing the victim and telling ourselves we “can’t” or giving into our fears.

Once we practice acceptance we can gain clarity and optimism.

To my post yesterday, what baggage are you hanging onto that needs to be checked?

Josh P. 💚🧠✌️

Unconscious Alarm Systems

Having trouble feeling grateful 100% of the time?

Welcome to the club of being a human being.

It’s unrealistic to feel the way we what every second of every day and that expectation leads to pain and suffering.

What helps shift into that desired elevated state of gratitude is PERSPECTIVE.

Perspective is being proactive about your state of being and taking a step back from the lack you are currently experiencing and recognizing while deeply believing that no matter what the circumstance is leading you to feeling anything but grateful that it could ALWAYS be worse. “Bad” things happen out of our control and there is no denying that. What we also CAN NOT deny is how we respond moving forward from experiences out of our control- that’s our responsibility as conscious human beings.

We as human beings choose to suffer chronically, though, due to our thoughts focusing on the things we don’t like, the things we don’t have, or the fears we have been conditioned to live by.

Pain is inevitable but suffering is an unconscious or sometimes conscious choice.

If you are not feeling grateful and want a tip to feel grateful, remember YOU WOKE UP. Start there!

Beyond waking up, know you’ve overcome all you’re most challenging struggles to get to where you are and are capable of more than you may currently feel in the moment.

Finally, it’s important to recognize that whatever it is you’re experiencing could always be worse or get worse.

Catching yourself in the cycle of thoughts triggering emotions (state of being) that doesn’t serve you is EVERYTHING because once aware, you can begin making changes towards what you want your future to feel, look, and be like.

I call this my “unconscious alarm” for negative self talk / thoughts.

Josh P. 💚👊🏼✌️

Sink Or Swim

Who can truly say the “worst thing” to ever happen to them was in fact the BEST thing to happen to them aside from being born?

It’s a weird state of being to reflect on something so tragic & feel gratitude for that experience when you consciously think of who you are today because of that event.

I would have never fathomed being grateful for almost dying from a brain tumor.

But as I began shifting my perspective & becoming self aware of my unconscious programming, I realized that experience was a gift.

It was a gift I had the choice to receive or deny.

My internal vision & values aligned in such a congruent manner that it inspired me to go on a mission to challenge my external reality as it didn’t align with the internal vision I had created.

In doing so, I found my Massive Intention To Optimize my life & audit any area of my being that didn’t follow suit with the vision I in pursuit of since I was a 13 year old boy.

This pursuit taught me the value of choosing a lens to see our world (perspective) & I was reminded of this lens time & time again in very very painful ways.

From 3 total brain tumor diagnosis to suddenly loosing my younger brother, I have been reminded how fortunate we are to be breathing human being no matter what challenges we face.

The reality of life is there is going to be obstacles, challenges, pain, “bad” things will occur, etc.

What people choose to focus on is their business but when we choose to focus on the “bad” rather than what is in our control (our state of being: thoughts, feelings, & actions) we are contained to that unwanted reality that creates a ceiling over us each day & influences how we create our personal realities & how we show up in that reality.

I’m not sharing there is a “right” or “wrong” or that it’s going to be easy.

What I am saying is we choose to play small as the victim in life or rise above our adversaries and choose to be a victor of each unwanted experience & learn to grow & thrive from it.

The choice is ours. That’s a fact no matter what happens or what your circumstance is.

You can complain & say “what about this” or “what about that” but that doesn’t change your reality.

Josh P. 💚🧠✌️