Poke bowls are one of my favorite meals on the go.
Skip the rice and add more veggies/fat.
@pokeworksco offers “zoodles” 🙌🏼
I often hear:
🙈 “but I don’t have time to make my own meals”
🙈 “I’m too busy to eat”
🙈 “I can’t get in enough fat”
🤓 you can literally find keto food options anywhere you go. It’s about being diligent, educating yourself on what to avoid/add (insert coach Josh P.) and stay focused.
🤓 drop that excuse and prioritize your health or your business won’t survive because you won’t be in good health or performance. Nothing trumps your health.
🤓 thanks @fatissmartfuel for allowing that excuse to go out the window 😂
Bottom line, there’s no excuses in life. Just choices. You choose to prioritize being where you are in life and making it near impossible to change/improve.
We all need support/coaching so you can get rid of the excuse of “I don’t have time to research”.
I am here to serve/support all of you the best I can because I want others to experience the benefits I’ve seen in all areas of my life.🙏🏼
My passion started out as BMX, which led me to a ketogenic diet & lifestyle and then led me to become passionate about serving and supporting others.
BMX taught me hard work pays off.💪🏽
BMX saved my life in more than one unfathomable way.🙏🏼
BMX taught me so many life skills I never imagined manifesting my dreams beyond my imagination as well as manifesting my passions into another business I can feel fulfilled with.🌀
Now BMX has led me to starting a successful business and has led me to starting another 2 businesses in time to come. 🤓
Forever grateful for all I’ve been through and everything BMX has led me to.
I believe we all have the same choice in our life and that’s our perspective, which no one can take from us.
It’s a choice we’re faced with on a daily basis.
It’s not always easy but it’s worth putting in the effort to become aware of our thoughts and focus on improving them.
I could have easily chosen the path of a victim and had given up on more than a handful of occasions and no one would have questioned me.
But, my vision for my life wouldn’t allow that choice.
My vision to become the best version of myself also led me to @davidperlmutter work, ultimately leading me to a ketogenic lifestyle for the health and longevity of my brain.
Since adopting this lifestyle, I’ve connected with wonderful people in my life like @jciake @ryanplowery @themilessullivan @dave.asprey @markmetry @bryanfalchuk @therealestjenna @david_goodall @isaacstegman @logan_fusionlean and many more (some others are tagged).
Had I not chosen to be proactive about my health, I wouldn’t be where I am today connecting with all of you.
2 quotes I love that go with this belief I’ve created:
👉🏼 life is 10% what’s happens to us and 90% how we move forward.
👉🏼 life doesn’t happen to us, it happens for us.
Both quotes detail the same choice, a choice in perspective and how we see the world and the events that take place in our lives.
Do you choice the path of survivorship or the path of a victim?
Josh P. 💚🧠✌️
👉🏼 interested in a ketogenic diet and becoming the best version of yourself?
To begin your transformational journey…
📲 go to www.KetoBrains.com
Enroll in my 12-week health coaching program & Let’s Get GOING! 🙌🏼
As you’re probably aware by following me, I’m a big fan of saying “there are no excuses in life, just choices”.
This isn’t an easy concept to accept or implement into our lives and I’ve been there before where anything I didn’t enjoy about my life was anyone and anything else’s fault but my own.
When it comes to food choices and achieving health & fitness goals, there are tons of excuses I hear from all sorts of people including my self in the past.
As a coach, I share my philosophy of no excuses, just choices, along with all I’ve learned and experienced
Some of these choices are to educate ourselves via books, online curses, or hiring a coach like myself to guide and support you so that we are prepared to ditch the excuses no matter what the circumstance is. I’ve done all the above🤓
Other choices are food prepping & awareness for packing travel options for on the go, on the plane, or at a hotel.
Here is an example of an easy to make & pack meal:
👉🏼shredded buffalo chicken thigh
👉🏼 grass fed butter & cream cheese sauce
👉🏼 broccoli & asparagus & onion
👉🏼 @redmondrealsalt & spices
👉🏼 Cook chicken thigh in grass fed butter
👉🏼 add buffalo sauce, diced onion & spices
👉🏼 shred chicken then add cream cheese until melted down
👉🏼 pour over steamed/sautéed broccoli & asparagus (or whatever veggie you like)
👉🏼 add 1 TBSP MCT oil for extra ketone production 😎
Josh P. 💚🧠✌️
👉🏼 interested in a ketogenic diet and becoming the best version of yourself?
To begin your transformational journey…
📲 go to www.KetoBrains.com
Enroll in my 12-week health coaching program & Let’s Get GOING! 🙌🏼
Although the mindset piece came last for me in terms of awareness and a passion to learn more, I believe it’s the most important factor dictating our realities.
At the end of the day, our reality is a manifestation of our perspective due to the actions we take after making up our mind one way or another.
If you’re currently reality is undesirable, change your thoughts, which allows you to take new actions and manifest a new reality.
Nutrition came first due to being diagnosed with brain tumors and then fitness after blowing out my knee 3 years later, but I wasn’t aware of the mindset I was creating for myself all my life.
Once I was aware of this piece, I was able to act on it more and ultimately shift my life in the direction I wanted rather than complaining about what I didn’t have or wasn’t able to do.
We are all only limited by the beliefs we instill in our lives and I can share from experience how powerful or limiting it can be.
Build a belief in yourself, be patient, and take non stop action while enjoying the process. You’ll see success in all areas of your life when you have this equation in your life.
No excuses. Just choices. Choice the life you want.
Have you tried keto but stopped due to feeling like crap? Aka, “keto flu”?
You’re not alone!
It’s common for this occur as a natural effect of keto-adaptation. It’s also a result from not approaching keto appropriately and even so, can still affect us to a degree.
I went through this the first time and since then, I’ve learned and experienced a ton of helpful information that I now am able to share with my clients and all of you.
What’s cool is that it doesn’t last long and there’s things we can do to mitigate the effects and length of this experience.
Thanks to Dr. @ryanplowery for this helpful info graphic. 🙏🏼
Josh P. 💚🧠✌️
👉🏼 interested in a ketogenic diet and becoming the best version of yourself?
To begin your transformational journey…
📲 go to www.KetoBrains.com
Enroll in my 12-week health coaching program & Let’s Get GOING! 🙌🏼
Our identity isn’t defined by our past. Our identity is defined by who we choose to be in the moment and the choices we make in the now.
If we feel as tho our identity is dependent on the outcome, then there is no way we can perform at our best.
When I stopped focusing on the outcome, rather I set goals and focused on the actions in the moment, I found a lot less resistance in my life with more success.
Don’t get wrapped up in outcomes or suggestions from external sources.
Design a life you envision, put in the work, build the belief, and don’t ever give up!
“Did you know that the ketogenic diet can fight inflammation?
Ketone bodies, are more than just an energy metabolite, they also act as potent signalling molecules, similarly to how hormones do!
Within the last few years, it was discovered that beta-hydroxybutyrate (BHB) inhibits the assembly of something called the NLRP3 inflammasome. When over-activated, it triggers the release of a whole cascade of pro-inflammatory molecules in the body, promoting inflammation.
While acute inflammation is a good thing and part of a normal functioning immune system, chronic inflammation is associated with various diseases. Therefore, finding mitigation strategies against chronic inflammation is incredibly useful for overall health!
Simply having circulating BHB may be one of these strategies, and eating a well-formulated ketogenic diet makes this possible!
Learn more about the ketogenic diet and the latest science behind how it’s being used in human disease and performance at The 3rd Annual Metabolic Health Summit! Tomorrow is the last day to take advantage of Early Bird pricing! Get your tickets at www.metabolichealthsummit.com 🥑🎉! #MHS2019”
Thanks @metabolichealthsummit for sharing the info!
Josh P. 💚🧠✌️
👉🏼 interested in a ketogenic diet and becoming the best version of yourself?
To begin your transformational journey…
📲 go to www.KetoBrains.com
Enroll in my 12-week health coaching program & Let’s Get GOING! 🙌🏼
Keep it simple and consistent. That’s how you create sustainable success.
Doesn’t matter if it’s Keto, sports, career, relationships, etc.
We as human beings love over analyzing things because we’ve been conditioned to think it’s gotta be complicated in order to achieve our goals.
Fact of the matter is, and this is from my personal experience in all areas mentioned above, it’s really damn simple.
Set a goal, put the work in, foster the believe YOU CAN do it, don’t give up, be patient, learn what’s working or not working, become self-aware of what you’re good at, find your tribe of support, and stay focused on your WHY!
That’s it. If you have that equation, you’ll succeed.
When I began my nutrition and holistic health journey, even before Keto was as a passion or on my radar for that matter, I got too wrapped up in the complexity of it all.
As anyone who’s looking into health if any kind knows, it’s complex!
As time has gone on and I’ve experimented and coached others as I continue to educate myself, I’ve connected with some of the best Keto experts in the world. They all have an immense depth of knowledge for Keto, nutritional science, and health, and all same the same thing.
Kermit simple!
Simple can taste delicious, be efficient for your time, and nourish your body at the same time letting you crush your goals while feeling and looking the best ever.
Josh P. 💚🧠✌️
👉🏼 interested in a ketogenic diet and becoming the best version of yourself?
To begin your transformational journey…
📲 go to www.KetoBrains.com
Enroll in my 12-week health coaching program & Let’s Get GOING! 🙌🏼
I was invited to the University of Florida to give a talk about what leadership means to me, how I led my own life to manifest my dreams, and how I turned a plethora of adversities into a business today.
Here is a cut of the talk I gave minus the beginning part of me breaking down what leadership means to me. If you’re interested in that, read below!
Good evening, everyone. It’s great to be here at UF again and I want to thank Ben for inviting me back.
My name is Josh Perry. I’m a former pro BMX athlete and today I am going to share my journey of how I led my own life to manifest my dreams and turn a plethora of adversities into a business.
I am also going to share a bit about what leadership means to me and ultimately what I have learned from the last 29 years of my life, actually going on 30 in exactly one week from today.
I want to give you guys some context of where I started and came from to open up the floor for some Q&A because I love Q&A and I want to bring you all as much value as I possibly can with the limited time we have.
I want to start off by saying thank you all for your valuable time. I never imagined I would be where I am today and it’s truly an honor and privilege to be here sharing my life with all of you. It’s my hope that my story and all I have to share with you will help bring you all value and clarity on how you are all leaders and that there’s no set path to becoming one.
When you look at me, you see a healthy human being, right? But what you don’t see is what’s on the inside and you’d probably never guess I have anything internally wrong.
What if I told you I live with 4 tumors in my skull today? Would you believe me? Well, I do and now find myself as a living example of the famous saying “don’t judge a book by its cover”.
I share that part of my story because I believe health is internal, not numbers on a scale or piece of paper, which I learned the hard way. It’s my mission to inspire that perspective in others to empower them to take accountability for their health and overall quality of life so that they can become the healthiest, happiest, & most successful versions of themselves without suffering or given a death sentence to make changes.
When you’re told a brain tumor is slowly killing you as it occupies half of your brain, AND, you WILL DIE, unless they cut open your skull to remove that tumor, your priorities and perspectives in life begin to shift really fast.
That’s exactly what happened to me as I was diagnosed with a massive brain tumor just after turning 21 and living out my dream. I’d been told that I was healthy all of my life up until that moment so that diagnosis left me feeling confused, angry, and thinking I must have been a bad person or done something to deserve this. It didn’t help that I was alone for that diagnosis or that the doctor told me I’d never ride my bike again.
My experiences of being diagnosed 3 separate times, totaling 5 different tumors, among other obstacles like blowing out my knee, living out of my car, overcoming depression, being abused most of my childhood by a drunken step-father, and flat lining on the bottom of a contest course all has led me down a deep path of self exploration and auditing who I am, the choices I’ve made in my life, and ultimately who I wanted to become.
I’d tell you were crazy had you told me what I would accomplish today, the parts of the world I’d see, and who I’d become when I was 17, just dropped out of high school, and left home in pursuit of a dream to become a professional BMX athlete. But, looking back on the last 12 years of my life makes sense as to why I was able to do so. It all stemmed from a vision I had created for my life and the tenacity to not give up.
I believe we all have the same choice in our lives and that’s our perspective, which no one can take from us. It’s a choice we are faced with on a daily basis. It’s not always easy but it’s worth putting the effort in to become aware of our thoughts and focus on improving them. I could have very easily chosen the perspective of a victim and had given up on more than a handful of occasions and no one would have ever batted an eye.
But, for what purpose? How would that help me? It wouldn’t and my vision wouldn’t allow that choice.
I love sharing these 2 quotes that go with this belief.
1) Life is 10% what happens to us and 90% how we respond
2) Life doesn’t happen to us, it happens for us…
Both quotes come from different people but detail the same choice, a choice in perspective and how we see the world and the events that take place in our lives.
Simon Sinek says a great leader has a clear vision of the world that does not currently exist & an ability to communicate this vision. I also believe a leader is someone who wants others to succeed and has the following 3 traits….
Authenticity– following your heart, being yourself, sharing what you believe, and walking your talk, even when no one is looking.
Trust– providing a sense of trust and loyalty to others and showing them you truly care so they feel safe.
Serving– sharing and bringing others value and support so they can become as successful as possible.
Notice nowhere in there did I say in order to become a leader you must have a sense of power or “leverage”. What I have learned from my own experiences and from other leaders is that being a great leader is all about sharing our beliefs, bringing others value, and aligning all of our actions with our WHY, or our purpose.
“There are leaders and those who lead. Leaders hold a position of power or influence. Those who lead inspire us. We follow those who lead not because we have to, but because we want to. We follow those who lead not for them but for ourselves.” Another great quote from Simon Sinek.
As Ben has shared with me, I know most, if not all of you, are familiar with Simon Sinek’s book “Start With WHY” and the examples of leaders he uses. So, I won’t say much else about what makes up a great leader. But, I will share a bit about my journey and how I ended up here today.