Outwork the Negativity 

Doubt and fear, among many other negative beliefs, are just that. Beliefs. Not facts. We choose what to believe. Sadly, many are born into “traditional” beliefs and/or believe in what society suggests to be what they should believe. I sure did. Then through a few life or death situations, an exploration to figure out who I was and what I wanted out of life, and pursuing what I love, I created my own beliefs from the data I’ve collected over my short 29 years on this planet as who they call “Josh Perry”. I encourage you all to do what you love and push through the fear and doubt that arises, no matter what it’s origin is. It’s up to you in which you believe. Fear, or love. Choose love. It’s much more enjoyable. 💚✌️
-Josh P.

Success Is Rented 

People think success is easy for some or “over-night” for others. FALSE! Success is a constant work in progress or practice, if you will. 
It’s day in and day out choices we make to better our lives. It’s a constant effort. It may looks “easy” to some, but that’s because they enjoy what they do. 
When you lead a path of little to no resistance, have gratitude for your life, work hard to be the best you can be, visualize the life you want and take action towards it, success is inevitable. 
Set a goal, have a WHY or purpose for that goal, visualize and take action, and believe in yourself. That’s all it takes. 💯💚✌️
-Josh P. 

Depression or Deep Rest?

People are scared to talk about depression for fear of being judged. As someone who has gone through it and gained a new perspective on what depression is compared to sadness, I found that most confuse the two.
 The difference between sadness and depression is…sadness is from “happens stance,” as in whatever happened or didn’t happen to you. This could be loss, circumstance, grief, or whatever it is. Depression is your body saying “fuck you, I don’t want to be this character anymore. I don’t want to hold up this avatar you’ve created in the world.”
Depression is your body and mind going into deep rest. Your body feels it needs to be depressed. It needs deep rest from the character you’ve been trying to play. Depression comes about when there is an imbalance and/or resistance with your inner true self and the version of you you’re trying to hold up to societal standards and what you think “they” want you to do, say, or become.
As you know, I am a huge advocate for nutrition and exercise. It is not only for physical well being, but also your mental health. When we make positive choices within the three pinnacles of health (nutrition, exercise & mindset) they play a fundamental role in the health of our mitochondria. The mitochondria are the “powerhouses” of our cells that create the energy our body, and most importantly our brain, uses to function called ATP. When the three pinnacles are weakened or out of balance, they compromise the strength of our mitochondria resulting in less energy production which creates anxiety, depression, fatigue and overall dis-ease. 
Once I began taking my fitness and nutrition seriously and I let go of what I thought “they” wanted me to do, say, and/or become, and just did what I felt deep down inside to be true to my loving inner voice, the depression, anxiety, fear, and worry all stripped away little by little the more I stayed true to myself and followed my gut and my heart.
I’ll say this again and again, do what you love and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. Take care of your body. You know best and so does your gut. 💚✌️

-Josh P.


WHY we do anything is a million times more important than what we do. 

WHY is the driving force behind what anyone does, whether they are conscious of it or not. Whether they like what they do or not. 

There is a reason WHY they set out for that path and the more conscious we become of our decisions, the more we can navigate to the lives we want. 

Find what you want to do in life and be conscious to your WHY. It will help navigate your path to success and keep you motivated in times of doubt. 💚✌️

-Josh P.

You Control Your Thoughts

Our mind is our biggest tool that manifests our thoughts into reality, which can limit us or help us thrive. Assess negative thoughts and sort out if you want to give them power or not. YOU control your thoughts and life. You choose to be enslaved or free by the thoughts you create.

Subconscious vs. Conscious Beliefs 

95% of our personalities and day-to-day actions/thoughts come from our subconscious. Only 5% of what we do, think, and fell are conscious. 

That being said, when a negative thought or emotion arises, determine where it’s originating from. Even if you can’t narrow down to exactly when and where, you can narrow down if it’s coming from you in your current being, an experience in the past, an experience in the future that’s yet to happen (anxiety), or if it’s coming from someone other than you. Once you can pinpoint where it’s coming from, you can delete it out of your subconscious and move forward with a new belief. 

Fear is probably the most prevalent thought and emotion in today’s society. Fear comes from all kinds of sources, internally and externally. The good news is that we can re-wire our brains to think, believe, and feel differently. Google “Neuroplasticity”, which is the growth of new neurons and new neurological pathways/connections. If you have strong subconscious beliefs, which are primarily set into our brains from the age of birth to 7, it will take the time to recognize them and change them. But it is so possible and it’s what’s helped me so much in my life this last year. 

The crazy thing about changing your thoughts to change the hardwiring of your brain, and what you manifest into your life (health, happiness, disease, stress, obtaining goals, relationships, achieving dreams, etc.), is that we are now able to see this take place at the atomic level.

Dr. Joe Dispenza had an 8-week workshop I’m enrolled in and the things he’s teaching are truly life changing. I’d suggest everyone watch his TedTalks for a quick glimpse into this subconscious and conscious science and how to improve your life. You won’t regret it! 💚✌️ 

Joe Dispenza Ted Talk

-Josh P.