Truth Will Set You Free

Ever heard the saying “the truth will set your free”? I felt confined most of my life with regards to speaking my truth to my fullest capacity.

This confinement lead to a gap between my truest self and what others perceived of me.

I suppressed my truth in various forms of my life during many experiences in different times.

The voice suppression began at a younger age with a violent and abusive step father that punished me in various forms for speaking out with how I felt, what I was thinking, and in general if it was a time that triggered his anger.

This voice suppression led into my adult years as I have realized I was conditioned to suppress my truth out of fear for getting hurt or being “wrong”. This conditioning almost killed me as I was 21 and let the medical authorities convince me that I was “fine” even though I was suffering on a daily basis until a concussion led to an MRI finding the cause- a brain tumor.

This conditioning led me to not showing up and expressing myself in my truest form, which affected many of my personal and business relationships.

This conditioning almost prevented me from sharing my truth around the ketogenic diet and lifestyle, which has allowed me to support many people around the globe with empowering themselves to improve their health and quality of life.

After a third brain tumor diagnosis, shortly after placing top 10 in the BMX World Series, I left my dream to speak my truth with no regard to anything besides the purpose of serving others around the world.

Since doing so, I’ve felt more free and have unlocked so much potential to do new things, reach more people, and learn more about myself.

I’ve made it my mission to inspire perspective in others that leads to owning their truth and speaking it as much as they possibly can while empowering themselves to be as healthy and happy as possible.

There’s no reason anyone should feel as if they don’t have a voice and it’s our responsibility to support each of our truths and voice to share that truth.

Josh P. 💚🧠✌️

The Gap

This was the moment I woke up from a 6 hour brain surgery.

This “gap” of who I wanted to be & how I felt internally, & how others perceived me and my life, developed from a young age and continued to grow as I progressed in my BMX career.

On the outside, others would often assume I lived “the life”, which I have been fortunate to have worked my ass off to live such a life with amazing experiences.

Others would assume my life was easy, I must have a ton of money, I was always happy, and would often say “it must be nice” when I got to travel the world, meet amazing human beings, and or design my days to do what I wanted when I wanted.

Although I did and do live such a abundant life, I have been suppressing deep rooted limiting beliefs, insecurities, pain, and unworthiness.

It took being told “Josh, you may die” at the young age of 21 to wake my ass up to begin expressing my true inner self, and to begin letting go of all those emotional blocks holding me back from true joy and fulfillment.

It lead me on a quest of progression to become the best version of myself, inside and out.

It taught me that we all have amazing amounts of potential to change our lives and the lives of others when the effort is put forth with a clear vision of what we want to create backed by an immense amount of purpose and dedication to that vision.

It taught me life is all about perspective- how we CHOOSE to see the world and our lives in regards to our personal reality and the actions we take to create that reality.

It taught me how health is an internal aspect of reality, not solely what’s on the outside or in a scale.

It taught me that our reality is a manifestation of our choices in life- what we consume (nutritionally and mentally), if and how we move our bodies, how we choose to think and what we choose to believe, and how we choose to act in our lives in which create an emotional experience, all of which makes up our identity known as “self”. At the end of the day, this moment in that surgical bed not only saved my life, it led me to my higher purpose of showing others what we are all capable of when the desire to write our own life script is large enough.

Josh P.💚🧠✌️

When You Grow Up

“What do you want to be when you grow up?”

We all remember being asking this as a kid, right?

The possibilities are endless we were told.

But, how sincere was this question when it was asked & how true is the latter statement? How many of us manifested that dream into our reality, better yet, how many of us actually took a risk on that dream?

It seems, although sparking creativity & inspiring imagination, this question was a mask for confirmatory disguised as an idea of a dream when those asking this question most likely didn’t take a chance on theirs…maybe they did, maybe they didn’t.

I’ve realized there are few of us that take a risk on who it is we truly want to become when we grow up & that’s because few are often supported in being that person when they’re younger.

I was encouraged to “go big and fly high”, as my mom always told me, & my family backed anything I chose to do, as long as I worked hard at it and gave it my all.

I realize not everyone has a support system as I did growing up with, but I also had my own struggles along the way.

I often hear the phrase “must be nice” or “you’re so lucky” & it pisses me off.

To me, it negates all the hard ass work, the sacrifice in a “secure” career left behind to pursue and unlikely & unconventional path, pain and suffering endured to find my way (mentally and physically), risking my life, & the countless times I fell down (figuratively and literally) in order to get to a point people have the audacity to say such things to me.

To be on a path speaking my truth to people I don’t know, 100% fueled by passion & purpose, is crazy to sit back & reflect on.

It started with a self filled dream to become a professional BMX athlete and after many unfathomable adversities along the way, I got real clear on my purpose in life to show others what’s possible when we dig deep within ourselves, even when we thought we had nothing left.

This purpose is fueled with a mission to inspire new perspectives in others to step into that untapped potential empowerment by living through the lens of my life rather than waiting for catastrophic events to occur in your life to wake up.

Josh P. 💚🧠✌️

Actions > Theory

The desire and vision are all that matter in the beginning.

No amount of planning or education will get you where you want to go without taking action.

I know so many people that are addicted to learning as they are insecure or their abilities to achieve their desires and scared to take action, so they learn more and work on more complicated plans.

Usually fear of failure and judgment, but I’ve also experienced fear of success thinking “what will people think of me when I accomplish this” or having to go through with even more action each step we reach along the journey.

Wr are also often unclear of our life vision and the belief that our desires are possible to posses.

There’s a ton of background context leading to these false beliefs based on social conditioning, subconscious programming from a young age, and our who stepping in telling us all the reasons not to act in an effort to keep us safe.

Taking action will teach you more about yourself and the reality of the desire and journey to obtain said desire than any amount of education.

Learning without doing is learning theory. I see so many people teaching theory out of fear to act, for whatever reason fear presents itself in their perspectives. How can someone teach a topic or help others device a plan if they have no hands on experience?

I am a big fan of walking my talk and try to never teach something I have no personal experience with, because that’s theory. Just because you understand something and memorized the topic, doesn’t mean you know the application of this topic. Here’s where I have issues with people “walking their talk” as I believe that’s all that matters when teaching others or learning from someone.

A degree doesn’t mean shit to me. Multiple degrees don’t mean shit. Knowing what works and what doesn’t work, based on actual experience and not theory, means the world to me and will always trump words.

Actions > words.

Life experience > education without action.

Truth > theory.

Gratitude > fear.

Purpose > self.

Do you take action or are you a subject of paralysis analysis?

Josh P. 💚🧠✌️

Starts With Your Thoughts

The life and things we desire both begin as a thought. They only manifest in our reality if we take action.

Take it a step further and add in persistence and consistency to this action as big key players in this equation of manifestation.

The thoughts we have trigger emotions that lead us to take action one way or another. Either way, this action we choose to take yields a result and creates the reality we live in.

This reality builds a belief system within our subconscious mind working for or against us. This belief becomes the code we operate on every single day.

When we don’t make changes in our actions day in and day out, we literally live each day as our present self, manifesting a future that’s no different from our past or current reality.

We literally have to break the habit of being ourselves in order to create a new reality.

I get more and more clear on this statement every day I learn and apply what I am learning.

The more I change my thoughts to align with my desires, the more emotional changes occur leading me to take the action I want and that aligns with my desires.

The more this equation occurs, the more and more I manifest opportunities, relationships, and abilities to create the life I desire.

It starts with your thoughts and manifests into physical form with a belief and action.

Have you witnessed this concept play out in your life?

Josh P. 💚🧠✌️

Make Em & Take Em

#MakeEmTakeEm refers to 2 aspects in my mind:

1) Ketosis

2) Manifestation

1) The ability to create endogenous ketones and supplement with @justpruvit pure therapeutic ketones is important for maximum optimization of our efforts living a ketogenic lifestyle. (Listen to learn why in regards to the adaptation process).

2) The ability to make a choice and take action every day that’s going to serve your desires is key to manifesting our goals and dreams.

I explain the context behind each area from my perspective.

Are you Making Em & Taking Em?

Josh P. 💚🧠✌️


Who’s walking their talk and Prüving it every SINGLE day?! Words don’t mean shit if you’re actions aren’t align, otherwise you’re speaking in theory.

Part of manifesting our desires is taking action, not just speaking or visualizing our desires.

If you’re not uncomfortable every day, you’re not doing what you need to do to create a new reality for yourself.

That’s not to say you have to dislike your life and not enjoy the process. It just means in order to grow, you need to be challenged.

In order to manifest the life we don’t currently live how we envision, we gotta grow and pursue MORE.

Otherwise, we’d be content where we are now and not have any desires.

Are you walking your talk?

Josh P. 💚🧠✌️

It Was Worth It

The life I live today is AMAZING.

It’s for sure not “easy” although I love every aspect of it, therefore eliminating the debate over “easy” and “hard”. It’s just what I want to do with my life.

Along the way, there have been many obstacles that have helped get me to where I am today: 3 brain tumor diagnosis, torn ACL, countless concussions, living off my younger brother couch and out of my car when I was broke, depression, being physically and verbally abused as a child by a step father, being dropped from my bike sponsor mid recovery from surgery, and losing friends and family close to me to suicide.

Non the less, every obstacle, set back, and level of pain has taught me a valuable lesson and that is that shit could always be worse.

Through it all, I’ve been tempted over and over again with opportunity to make life “easier” as the cost of my integrity.

Whether it was taking a pay check to represent a brand that went so against what I stand for or even giving up on all the things I’m actively pursuing, including my own life.

The desire for the life I envision has been so strong it’s brought me out of very dark hole I’ve been in and kept me from taking the “easy route” when presented.

By doing so, it’s allowed me to continue down the path of living the life I desire and to choose to become who I want to be.

I’m grateful for my dedication to my core values and for all the love and support you all continue to show me as I navigate this life journey and sharing with all of you.

Josh P. 💚🧠✌️

1 Choice : 2 paths to choose from.

No matter what the reality may be, 2 things are to note: 1) shit could always be worse and 2) you still have a choice in perspective.

This choice is where the 2 paths come in.

Choose a path of victim mentality – why me, what did I do to deserve this, this always happens, am I a bad person, life’s not fair, etc. etc.

Or, choose a path of survivorship and view every event, no matter how difficult or undesirable it may be, as an opportunity to learn, grow, and move closer to achieving our goals and living the life we desire and deserve.

Both choices take the same amount of energy and effort upfront to make but I argue victim mentality takes more time and energy, and sometime money, in the long run.

The further down the victim route we go, the more deep rooted those neurological firing and connections set it as we think the same thoughts on a regular basis and create the chemical response known as an emotion, and then take similar action to create this experience all over again on a daily basis further cementing us into this undesirable emotional and physical experience.

I encourage the choice of a survivor as it’s worth the energy and effort for the long game. Sacrificing time, energy, money, etc. is always a must in order to achieve more in our lives.

The way we choose to sacrifice things in our life is our choice and is one built on deep rooted subconscious programming.

Sometimes this programming isn’t what we want to fuel how we think and act, but often we don’t know any better or know that there’s an alternative route.

That’s my goal in all I do and share.

Show you all what I’ve learned and implemented, proving we can create the reality we desire despite where we start.

Seeing all the “bad” in your life and the world is a choice because there’s enough “good” happening if we want to find it.

Josh P. 💚🧠✌️

How To Form Partnerships & Obtain Sponsorships

I get asked a lot about “how to get sponsored” as athlete or in other forms.

What I’ve learned over the years with sponsorships or even personal relationships is value is king.

Let’s break down both examples.

1) Sponsorships: I’ve created a partnership with @justpruvit based on our core values aligning 100% and my ability bring the brand and community immense amounts of value. We both believe the same thing but my story, my actions, my desires, and my perspective are the proof of our core values in reality, not just on paper. How I live my life, how I connect with others, and how I bring others value at the same time is an example of what @justpruvit and I stand for. The value they seem in me is the ability to walk, talk, and help grow their message and beliefs around the world. It’s not just about my abilities, it’s more about my integrity and purpose.

2) Personal Relationships: @jciake and I not only enjoy our time with one another and all our similar interests, we also provide each other with endless amounts of mutual value in the terms of support, self-awareness, love and laughter, creativity, adventure, etc. as a loving couple sharing a life together. We don’t look at our relationship as a business transaction, haha, but to easily paint a picture and give an example of “value”, this is kind of how it breaks down when you stop and look at things. Same with @justpruvit, it’s not a business transaction we see. It’s the potential to change lives by combining our energy, perspectives, actions, and voices together to fulfill our purpose.

At the end of the day, if you want something in your life you have to think about what it is you’re willing to do for the things you want. Somethings that means sacrifice.

Sacrifice could be time invested into a biz or personal relationship, less time for yourself to support the one you live, your time creating content for the brand you desire a partnership with, money invested into an idea for a business you may have, energy spent in the gym to get in shape, etc.

VALUE VALUE VALUE is the key to any partnership you desire, in business and personal relationships.

Josh P. 💚🧠✌️