Responsibility (response-ability)

Consciousness is step 1 to changing any aspect of our life.

Step 2 is to take ownership or responsibility of our reality. That’s a powerful step as it puts us back in the driver seat of our lives and empowers us to move forward as we’d like.

When we give blame to outside things or people, we give away our god given power to manifest the life we desire and deserve.

It’s not about blaming ourselves, it’s about creating self awareness and realizing that we are the problem to our undesirable experiences, feelings, actions, etc. which enables us to realize immediately that we’re the solution as well!

When we choose to believe we are the cause our of life rather than at effect to life, massive shifts begin to occur if we’re willing to take responsibility (response able) for our actions.

Step 3 is asking ourselves if we want to stay where we are? Do we want to continue playing the victim card? Do we want to continue complaining about what we don’t have or what we don’t get to do while others are putting in the work to do what we may be capable of?

If the answer is “no”, then the 4th step is to take action in making changes to your being and how you show up in life.

The last few years taught me that in order to achieve new results in our lives we must change who we are: what we think, what we feel, and what we do.

Are you conscious of your thoughts, language, and actions?

Josh P. 💚🧠✌️

Failure = Growth

As human beings, we give meaning to every little thing in life.

When something doesn’t go our way, we “failed” we say.

We fear “failure” and in doing so, we fear adversity or challenges in life because we are afraid to “fail”.

What’s cool about our mind is we can change it. We can change our perspective and therefore change the meaning we give to experiences in life.

Rather than seeing “failure”, why not see “opportunity”? Opportunity to learn and grow.

When we’re stressed for any reason, we’re forced to make a choice. A choice to push through and move forward, which allows us to grow and advance in our lives. Or, we can be crippled by the fear and discomfort and continue to living life and getting the same outcomes as before.

With the latter choice, we continue the cycle until we finally push through our fears and really grow as a human.

Often times we only fear “failure” due to the “status” we want to have or think we have with our peers. That’s why we buy the things we buy, or don’t, based on our perspectives of what these things mean to us and society.

When it comes to goals, dreams and aspirations, we let fear hold us back with the thought of “what will they think of me if I fail?” based upon misty people that we don’t care about but for some reason care what they think about us.

I’ve experienced this in many different forms and BMX was the most profound form that’s taught me so much about myself and life, and has allowed me to grow in many different manners. BMX competition helped me as I advanced into being a business owner and public speaker.

I’ve learned to love challenges, obstacles, adversity, “failures”, and “losing” because it stimulates me to optimize my efforts and grow, leading to the life I desire and work so hard to live and share with all of you.

Are you living in fear of “failure” or are you embracing adversity?

Josh P. 💚🧠✌️

Fail & I Fail Some More

We, as BMX athletes, fail more times in a day than people are willing to in a lifetime. BMX teaches us how to get up when we fall and try again. Not to look at it as a failure, rather a learning opportunity.

The difference between “failure” and “success” is the information we gather and the choices we make moving forward. It’s all just information for us to utilize to reach our next success.

Assess what happened and how you want to move forward. This applies to any aspect of life. Success is not easy, quick, or overnight for anyone. There is a lot of background effort to reach that success. Yes, some success are easier than others. But, that’s also built off of the foundation created over time.

When you fall down in any respect of life, don’t be discouraged. Be motivated to use that as an opportunity to learn and grow. Just like any trick, success takes patience, effort, and conscious thinking and self-awareness. 💚✌️

Taken from this Vlog:

-Josh P.