Most Protein Bars Are Candy

Marketing is a tricky obstacle for health enthusiasts.

Labels and words we’ve never heard of on ingredients lists trick us into think protein bars are “healthy” when they’re no different than a candy bar for the most part.

Containing glutenous grains, added sugars, poor quality protein, gmo ingredients, artificial flavoring, colors, and sweeteners, and other junk don’t qualify a food as “healthy”.

Thanks to doctors like Dr. David Perlmutter and other health advocates, the information on why these ingredients are detrimental to our health is abundant and clear.

Tag your favorite protein bar and share why it’s your favorite.

My favorites are @primalkitchenfoods and @gardenoflife. Loaded with quality protein, prebiotic fiber, and healthy fats. πŸ’šβœŒοΈ

-Josh P.

My Mission

My mission is to create support for those in need, direct patient funding for brain tumor patients, empower people to live as healthy as possible, and create faith, inspiration, and partnerships through sport, education, and story telling. πŸ’šβœŒοΈ

What’s your mission in life?

-Josh P.

Push Your Limitations

How do you push your limits and increase your potential in life?

I never thought weight lifting would be apart of my life or even half of the role it plays in my life today.

I got into fitness after I blew out my knee in 2013. That’s what I call being “reactive” rather then being proactive”.

Today’s it’s a passion of mine. I love the health benefits, of course, but I also love the challenge mentally and physically, learning a new skill, how it supplements my riding very well, and how the risk factor is not as high as BMX but sill presents that mental and physical challenge.

That said, here is a face of joy and relief as I successfully cleaned my highest weight so far (88kilos) and got it after just missing it on the attempt prior. I’ve come a long way his last year of introducing Olympic lifting to my programming and mobility as played the biggest factor. I had some strength, and it does keep increasing, but my lack of mobility held me back so much in terms of technique and form, which determine how successful my lifts are.

I’ve been working hard with Jackie and 919Spine to correct that and have been stoked! πŸ’šβœŒοΈ

-Josh P.

What’s In Your Hand?

What would you do if this was your scan result after an MRI following a sports related head injury?

My path to making my dream of becoming a pro bmx athlete come true has never been an easy one.

I know things that are worth having don’t come easily. I have overcome financial instability, injuries, cancer, abuse, heartbreak, and depression. If the things we desire most in life were simple, we’d already have them.

I am a firm believer that it’s not the cards were dealt; rather it’s the way we CHOOSE to play those cards that determine the outcome of our life. πŸ’šβœŒοΈ

Did you get dealt a shit hand of cards? How are YOU CHOOSING to play them?

Power Clean PR 3-14-18

Almost got in the 200pound club for power cleans today.

Hit a PR (88kilos) for power cleans after an 85 kilo cleans, and then just missing 88 before getting it. I’m liking week 1 of my new block from Coach Matt Hunter at Athletic Lab.

I’ve been working with Matt for a little over a year now and am getting more and more comfortable and strong with these Olympic lifts. Have more work to do to get this weight cleaner and advance. So stoked! πŸ’―πŸ™ŒπŸΌπŸ’ͺ🏽


Don’t Wish For An Easy Life

If you are wishing life to be easier, then you’re living in a victim mentality and not taking ownership of your life.

I’ve learned it’s never going to be easy, especially if you want an extraordinary life and to challenge status quo.

The level of progression with every aspect of life has rissen so high that committing 100% to desires is more important than ever.

Every second of every day is an opportunity to choose actions that will better yourself and get you closer to what you desire.

Don’t fall for the easy way out because of the resistance change and hard work brings with it. Just know you’re on the right track and having a clear vision is what will keep you moving forward to your success. πŸ’šβœŒοΈ

-Josh P.

Training vs. BMX

I’ve grown to love training over the years and recently was sharing why I love it so much beyond just the health benefits.

Training vs. bmx when your mind isn’t right is safer to me. Training has less risk than bmx. Both of them push me mentally and physically but if I’m not 100% feeling like riding, or am in a bad mode for whatever reason, I’d rather train.

I enjoy the aspect of pushing myself mentally and physically with both bmx and training. It’s just different with bmx if you’re not all in it because you can get fucked up.

I’m not competitively power lifting so the risk factor for my training is nothing compared to my level of risk riding as a professional bmx athlete, but I can still push my body and mind. πŸ’šβœŒοΈ

Why do you train?

-Josh P.

Success Is Not A Destination

Success is where we all strive to be and even though it says “success” this doesn’t mean stopping there and setting up camp.

I don’t believe in a destination for success. I believe in loving the process and continuing to grow and progress. This is when we can reflect on the changes we made and the benefits that have taken place.

When success is viewed as a final destination, it’s more than likely going to be left behind as success is a continuous pursuit of evolution and obstacles.

You have likely heard “that was worth it” or something along those lines or “the struggle yesterday made me stronger today”. It’s times of adversity that we sort out who we truly are and our inner strength to move forward. Only when our Vision is clear can we move forward, leave the “victim” mentality behind, and manifest true success in our lives. πŸ’šβœŒοΈ

What does success mean to you?

-Josh P.

Do What You Love Every Day

Don’t make it about money. Don’t make it about “success” or “failure”. Don’t make it about fear. Don’t make it about “what you’re supposed to do”.

Make it about YOU and your true desire. I believe true success comes when we are happy and fulfilled with every aspect of our lives. Not about money, materials, titles/accomplishments, and so on.

If that was the case, why is it so many we see as successful, defined by having money, materials, and titles/accomplishments are unhappy and/or sick? They live a life they don’t believe in or that aligns with their in we desires but we’re told to lead by parents or society.

Although it’s possible to manifest success in your life by doing what others “expect” you to, it’s a hell of a lot easier to lead a life you believe in while maintaining that life.

Nothing is guaranteed so you may as well take a risk on what you dream of. πŸ’šβœŒοΈ

-Josh P.

No One Will Do It For You

Hi! For those who don’t know me, my name is Josh Perry.

I’m a pro BMX athlete living with 4 brain tumors and I coach people to help them leave where they are stuck within their health and wellness goals and achieve their goals of removing weight, pain, headaches, fatigue, having motivation, and so much more.

I also started raising funds for a non-profit touring BMX stunt show/wellness event that’s mission is to raise funds for direct brian tumor and brian injury patients by creating faith, inspiration, and partnerships through sport and education. Being in the shoes of someone told “you have a brain tumor” or “you have a traumatic brain injury” has given me great perspective and appreciation for my life. Brainy BMX is my way of sharing all I have learned and become grateful for with others in their greatest time of need. πŸ™πŸΌ

I have a great team that supports and loves me, but the reality is that I still have so much I need to do and learn on my own everyday in order to make my dreams/goals manifest in my reality. It’s important to have a vision, which sets the goals and motivation, but the most important factor that follows the vision is taking action.

I firmly believe everything I say in this video as well as getting at least 6hrs of sleep a night. But that often requires sacrificing a lot of which I used to do aimlessly everyday that no longer serves me. Things like television, movies, hanging out with friends, even riding some days, and so on. I make it a priority to get my training in each day, eat nutritiously, and sleep at least 6hrs, but I live my message 100% and some days require 12-14 hours of hustling and grinding.

I wouldn’t have it any other way though.

What do you work your ass off for in life?