The Cycle

I don’t believe in one over the other. Do you?

To me, they both have biologically responses and both affect our brain and physiology.

We have a choice in what we feed our brains and body every single day and both of these choices make up who we are.

If we are not happy or content with our current status of being, we can change it. Some don’t believe that to be true and find themselves stuck where they are happy. Sometimes they get inspired to make changes but it doesn’t last due to the underlying disbelief in their efforts.

When it comes to nutritional choices, I’ve come a long way and can assure you that you can make changes to better your health, performance and overall quality of life.

When it comes to the mental side of things, I had a deep rooted belief that I was always going to be broke, I wasn’t capable of “success” outside of BMX, and that I was going to work a job when I was done riding BMX professionally because I had no value to offer the world and was destined to work a job for someone else.

Once I began learning how both the mind & body really work, my perspective shifted in profound ways. I began to empower myself with tools to take back my health and to achieve success in other areas of my life like my relationships, starting my own business, my education, the ability to spread my message and purpose to support others around the world, manifesting amazing people and experiences in my life, and the list goes on.

What we choose to consume (food/beverage) affects our physiology and our brain, which in return affects our thinking. What we choose to consume in terms of content and time with people within our lives affects our thinking, which influences the choices we make nutritionally.

As you can see, it’s a cycle that continues until we’ve become conscious of it and make a choice to optimize areas of our lives we desire to do so.

I was one of the many to commonly say “I’m fine now, so why do I need to change”. Then, when I was 21, my life flipped upside down when I was told I may die of a brain tumor.

Change starts with consciousness, or awareness, and progresses with a desire to change and optimize choices.

Josh P. 💚🧠✌️

The Gap

This was the moment I woke up from a 6 hour brain surgery.

This “gap” of who I wanted to be & how I felt internally, & how others perceived me and my life, developed from a young age and continued to grow as I progressed in my BMX career.

On the outside, others would often assume I lived “the life”, which I have been fortunate to have worked my ass off to live such a life with amazing experiences.

Others would assume my life was easy, I must have a ton of money, I was always happy, and would often say “it must be nice” when I got to travel the world, meet amazing human beings, and or design my days to do what I wanted when I wanted.

Although I did and do live such a abundant life, I have been suppressing deep rooted limiting beliefs, insecurities, pain, and unworthiness.

It took being told “Josh, you may die” at the young age of 21 to wake my ass up to begin expressing my true inner self, and to begin letting go of all those emotional blocks holding me back from true joy and fulfillment.

It lead me on a quest of progression to become the best version of myself, inside and out.

It taught me that we all have amazing amounts of potential to change our lives and the lives of others when the effort is put forth with a clear vision of what we want to create backed by an immense amount of purpose and dedication to that vision.

It taught me life is all about perspective- how we CHOOSE to see the world and our lives in regards to our personal reality and the actions we take to create that reality.

It taught me how health is an internal aspect of reality, not solely what’s on the outside or in a scale.

It taught me that our reality is a manifestation of our choices in life- what we consume (nutritionally and mentally), if and how we move our bodies, how we choose to think and what we choose to believe, and how we choose to act in our lives in which create an emotional experience, all of which makes up our identity known as “self”. At the end of the day, this moment in that surgical bed not only saved my life, it led me to my higher purpose of showing others what we are all capable of when the desire to write our own life script is large enough.

Josh P.💚🧠✌️

BE Before You Become

Without consciousness (awareness) of our personality, we can’t expect to change.

When we live each day as our past self, making the same choices, having the same thoughts, and creating the same emotional experiences, we trap ourselves into a loop of auto pilot.

The thoughts we have, the actions we choose, and the emotions we feel as a result creates our state of being.

In order to change, we must be greater than our state of being, which takes an immense amount of awareness, commitment, and faith in what we can not yet see.

I had a long conversation about this work with @lifesamitchism last week and something he reminded me of clicked. He reminded me that once we leave the “program” (our subconscious personality made of our thoughts, behaviors and emotions) and get into the seat of the observer, let go of judgment and just OBSERVE ourselves for what we see and surrender from controlling our past or future.

For me, letting go of past judgments of myself is a huge success in overcoming myself. I’ve always been so hard on myself and put unneeded pressure “to succeed” when in reality, we’ll “succeed” once we choose to feel as if we have already and can feel that emotion.

In order to get into the seat of the PROGRAMMER and change our reality, we have to let go of any intention and emotion that makes us the current version of “ME”. Once we can establish this new observation and behavior pattern (personality), we can begin to rePROGRAM our personality defined by a vision of the future we have for our lives.

To create a new reality, we have to shed the past / current state of being of ourselves that’s creating the current reality in which we desire to change.

Of course, if you’re truly happy and fulfilled with you’re reality then this may not apply but I argue this applies to all us striving to be the best we can be.

Biggest lesson so far from learning about this topic is “be before you become”. Don’t wait for a cause and effect situation, create the effect that draws the cause into fruition.

Josh P. 💚🧠✌️

When You Grow Up

“What do you want to be when you grow up?”

We all remember being asking this as a kid, right?

The possibilities are endless we were told.

But, how sincere was this question when it was asked & how true is the latter statement? How many of us manifested that dream into our reality, better yet, how many of us actually took a risk on that dream?

It seems, although sparking creativity & inspiring imagination, this question was a mask for confirmatory disguised as an idea of a dream when those asking this question most likely didn’t take a chance on theirs…maybe they did, maybe they didn’t.

I’ve realized there are few of us that take a risk on who it is we truly want to become when we grow up & that’s because few are often supported in being that person when they’re younger.

I was encouraged to “go big and fly high”, as my mom always told me, & my family backed anything I chose to do, as long as I worked hard at it and gave it my all.

I realize not everyone has a support system as I did growing up with, but I also had my own struggles along the way.

I often hear the phrase “must be nice” or “you’re so lucky” & it pisses me off.

To me, it negates all the hard ass work, the sacrifice in a “secure” career left behind to pursue and unlikely & unconventional path, pain and suffering endured to find my way (mentally and physically), risking my life, & the countless times I fell down (figuratively and literally) in order to get to a point people have the audacity to say such things to me.

To be on a path speaking my truth to people I don’t know, 100% fueled by passion & purpose, is crazy to sit back & reflect on.

It started with a self filled dream to become a professional BMX athlete and after many unfathomable adversities along the way, I got real clear on my purpose in life to show others what’s possible when we dig deep within ourselves, even when we thought we had nothing left.

This purpose is fueled with a mission to inspire new perspectives in others to step into that untapped potential empowerment by living through the lens of my life rather than waiting for catastrophic events to occur in your life to wake up.

Josh P. 💚🧠✌️

Defined by A Vision Of the Future

Are you defined by your past or a vision for your future?

I struggled with overcoming who I thought I was that was molded by my past identity and personality.

I thought who I am was determined by what I did and experienced.

It wasn’t until I began learning about consciousness and our subconscious minds that I realized I was living my current life based on a past perception of my being.

In doing so, I was creating the same reality and one could predict how my tomorrow would look based on these actions.

When I began to understand this concept on a deeper level, I began to audit my thoughts, actions and emotions that were influencing the creation of my reality today and tomorrow.

It hasn’t been easy but it’s been worth it to let go of the familiar past in an effort to focus my attention and energy on creating my future vision.

The mind is beyond powerful as it triggers the things we say, do and feel, all of which make up who we are in terms of our personality, which creates our personal reality.

By choosing to let go of who we think we were or the identity we’ve clinched onto for the familiarity of the “known”, we can grow the courage to step into the unknown where all the potential possibilities live for our future.

It hasn’t been easy to remove my past identity as I built over half my life based on it, but it’s been an amazing experience to see how much contribution I’ve given to others in the short time I’ve consciously worked on focusing my time, energy and resources to create a new version of myself build upon a future vision I’ve created based on purpose.

Josh P. 💚🧠✌️

Purpose > Giving Up

Never in a million years did I think this was possible.

That I would be speaking to a crowd of hundreds to thousands of people I don’t know.

Especially with my insecurities of being “good enough” to speak on such a stage.

Or, my social anxiety of speaking with strangers and how they may judge me and my life decisions.

Or, thinking “who wants to hear what I have to say? I’m just a high school dropout that pursued BMX as a career option, overcame some challenges along the way, and am trying to find my way in life beyond my past identity as just a BMX athlete living with brain tumors”. That’s the thing about being on PURPOSE, though.

You overcome the mental challenges to pursue the mission at hand while finding yourself in situations you never fathomed being in.

In this case, my mission is to inspire new PERSPECTIVE in others that leads them to making the choice to step into their power of creating the best versions of themselves.

With that said, I find myself speaking around the world, making videos sharing my journey, experiences, passions and my TRUTH, and reaching out to strangers to have a conversation to what value I can provide and what perspectives/insights I can learn.

The last decade of my life has taught me 3 valuable pieces to life that I live by and am passionately sharing as much as I can:

– perspective is essential.

– Health is internal.

– our reality is a manifestation of our choices.

The more I focus on my purpose to serve others, the more the anxiety, fear, and overwhelm disappear but it’s a constant work in progress to do so.

As a former professional athlete and multiple brain tumor survivor, I find myself being incredibly hard on myself and thinking I could be doing more.

I’m learning this perspective is limiting my ability to fulfill my purpose on a archer scale and manifest my goals in an efficient and the least challenging way.

The fact that I get out of bed every day & don’t give up even when I feel as if I’m a failure, I can’t handle the overwhelm & stress, and think “why bother because no one would care either way”, is something to be grateful for.

If you haven’t given up, be grateful & see the value in that.

Josh P. 💚🧠✌️

Pursuing BETTER

No words will do this feeling justice beyond euphoria and gratitude.

I’ve never felt the same emotions since competing other than before, during, and after I step on stage to share my TRUTH with 1,000’s of people.

The energy from a Prüvit event, the love and support from this amazing community, and the atmosphere of the Louisville Palace is incredible.

I’ve only been speaking for about a year now and to have spoken in front of such an amazing audience in a historical and iconic theater blows my mind and I’m incredibly fortunate to have this opportunity to speak in such a venue to such a crowd.

As I stepped on stage and looked at all the amazing humans challenging BETTER for our society, I felt at home. As I looked up into the second level balcony, I took a breath and allowed all the love and gratitude in as I felt more belief in my purpose to empower people to be BETTER and realize their potential in life as soon as they choose to step into it.

I couldn’t be more grateful for Brian Underwood (Prüvit CEO) trusting me to share with his community and to have the opportunity to experience such an amazing time with Brian Guilmette Prüvit and PrüvitNation.

Thank you all for the love Prüvit, thank you to those who’ve ever given me fuel by saying I couldn’t be successful or that I wasn’t good enough, and thank you for whoever read this all the way through.

My top HACK for BETTER in my life is to become as conscious as possible in such a way that we can audit our personality (our thoughts, actions, and emotions) to see how aligned we are with our desires….and drink Prüvit exogenous ketones!

Josh P. 💚🧠✌️

Hacking BETTER

Excited to speak at the “Louisville Palace” theater for “HACKING BETTER” hosted by Prüvit.

I’m excited to share my gratitude for such an amazing and supportive community challenging the current status of brain health and optimization.

To me, Hacking Better simply means to optimize. But, in order to optimize, we must become conscious of the way we think, act and feel. This trio is a set of behavior patterns known as our personality, which is what creates our personal REALITY.

I will be speaking about this sense of consciousness a bit more, as it’s what I’m super passionate about today, and how it’s shown up in various ways to help me in my life along with a ketogenic lifestyle.

After overcoming 3 brain tumor diagnosis, and living with 4 tumors in my skull today, I’m become very aware of my life and how I show up.

The more I audit who I am and how my personality influences my alignment with my life vision, the more clarity and abundance I find.

I can’t help but share all that helps me with others as I want everyone to be as healthy, happy and successful as possible.

I suffered for a while on my journey to empowering myself as a byproduct of having to react to my life being threatened. I don’t believe it takes such an experience to shift our perspective and that’s why I share my story.

I believe we can work SMARTER and be PROACTIVE rather than wait for a wake up call like I experienced to be initiated to be on PURPOSE and optimize my life reality.

Josh P. 💚🧠✌️

Is Keto hard or is it hard to break your food addictions?

I cringe when people say “keto is hard” or “I can’t follow keto because____”.

It’s not hard and anyone who wants to create the best version of themselves can apply the fundamentals of a ketogenic diet if I and countless others who travel, are busy, or had past food/sugar addictions can.

If someone’s willing to change their mindset and stop making excuses to hide behind, any type of change is possible.

It’s not that “keto is hard”, the reality is that the person saying this may have food/sugar addictions they’re not addressing, isn’t educated on the topic, or is being held back from emotions of fear.

This was the case for me when addressing my lifestyle and really beginning to audit my choices.

Then a brain tumor almost killed me in 2010 but thankfully I experienced this because that’s what got me to get over my excuses and fight/change for my life.

It was that emotion of fear for my life tied to that experience that led me on the path I’m on today and has helped me stay persistent and consistent while dropping the excuses to play small.

My biggest struggle with my life purpose today is helping others overcome their past selves and their excuses.

Not everyone has a wake up call as I had to fuel their fire of change.

That’s why a WHY or a purpose is so critical for all of us. Vanity purposes, in my opinion, are not complete. There’s always a deeper rooted motive to look good and it comes down to our past and the emotional baggage that we’ve brought into our adults years.

Creating a future version of ourself, mentally and physically, I find leads others to change for their better when becoming conscious to this level of thinking.

It’s not guaranteed that tomorrow will come, yet so many of us believe it will. I was one of those thinkers before I learned the hard way.

It’s my mission to get people proactive about their future to be as healthy, happy and successful as possible.

Are you being defined by your vision for the future or the past experiences you’ve had?

Josh P. 💚🧠✌️

Do You REALLY Want To Win?

Who’s guilty of being salty and jealous of others wins and successes?

This is a subconscious fear of “lack” in our lives when we think this way.

That scarcity mindset and fear mentality is what leads us to feeling jealous of others successes and often times leads to throwing shade their way.

When we’re living in this environment, our brain doesn’t know the difference between what we want and what we currently feel.

That said, lowering your energy to that of jealousy and hate surrounding “success”, even if it’s others, tells our subconscious mind that we don’t like success and don’t believe we can achieve success in whatever area we are focused on.

If we truly were happy of others winning, we’d achieve an elevated state of consciousness and signal our brain in different ways to release chemicals in another form that leads to positive and uplifting feelings and emotions.

These higher levels of emotions tells our brain that the thought of winning or success is good and we should act in a manner to create this feeling.

When we relate success or winning with lower levels of energy, we tell our brian that winning and success is negative and therefore, our subconscious avoids the things we must do in order to create this success and win in our lives.

Josh P. 💚🧠✌️