You Are A Champion

We are all champions in the simple fact that we have all overcome the most difficult challenges life has thrown at us until this very moment in time.

That isn’t to say no more obstacles will present themselves in our futures. But, the past has built us up and shown us what’s possible when we want something bad enough.

I’ve been tested on and off my bike my whole life, both mentally and physically, and I’m truly grateful for all of it.

It’s shown me how strong I am and led me to my purpose of serving and supporting all of you.

Take some time to reflect on all the hardships you’ve experienced and how you’re still alive and able to move forward.

Focus on the fact that YOU are a champion and the only thing holding you back from more abundance is your mind and the belief YOU choose.

F all the noise out there and go after what you desire because YOU are a champion and DESERVE to be as healthy, happy, and successful as you truly believe.

I’m living proof that anyone can be successful despite whatever life throws our way.

Love you all!

Josh P. 💚🧠✌️



Incredibly grateful for this woman bringing Danny and I into the world.

Grateful for the amazing things she’s instilled in us from working hard, not judging others for anything other than their character, how to budget but also how to reward ourselves appropriately, how to be strong and positive even when facing the hardest times in our lives, how to treat others we care about, and how to love life as much as we can.

Grateful for her being my number 1 fan and supporter my entire life and never allowing me to doubt myself no matter what I was going through.

My mom has always told me “go big and fly high” and has never let me not see the possibilities for my life when I give it my all and don’t give up.

To say I love and appreciate this woman is, of course, a given but doesn’t come close to expressing the true love and appreciation I have for my mom and all she’s been through in her life and all she’s done for my brother and I.

I love you, mom.

Josh P. 💚🧠✌️

Thank You, BMX

I wouldn’t be where I am without my BMX bike.

The friends, the travels, the life lessons, the opportunities, the experiences, the ups and downs, and the challenge of getting to a top professional level of competition was an amazing journey.

All I do today is with the utmost respect for what BMX has done for me and what @DaveMirra did for the sport and my life directly.

Even tho I’ve removed myself from the competition side of riding and the BMX industry for the most part, BMX is still in my heart.

All I do today is with the backend thought BMX will be positively exposed to crowds that have never seen it properly, heard of it, or maybe didn’t take a second look at the sport for what it really is.

When I share my video and experiences on stage, people are always amazed by what we can all do on our bikes along with the mindset that fuels those actions we dismiss as it’s just what we do.

Today, BMX is a vehicle that carries my voice and story around the world and contributes to my journey moving forward to serve and support others as much as I can. It’s also a valuable educational tool I use to reflect on all its taught me over the years and how to apply those lessons in my life today with my business.

I’m incredibly grateful I found something at such a young age that consumed my being because had it not been for that focus, I wouldn’t be here today on a lot of different levels.

It’s why I believe everyone MUST have something they are passionate about and can progress with. It’s a great outlet for many purposes and keeps you pushing for something.

@joerogan referred to this as “creating your own struggle” on @aubreymarcus podcast. It’s so true. Rather than wait for some struggle to come at you despite what you want, create your own struggle to overcome like working out, sobriety, a clean diet, a project, that business you always wanted to start, and so on.

It’ll make you stronger, mentally and physically, and may bring more than you ever fathomed into your life. 📸 @jciake

Josh P. 💚🧠✌️

Time Off

A month off my bike and I am feeling good!

For those that don’t know, or didn’t see my posts about this, I took about 6 months off from BMX before my follow-up SPECT scan with @doc_amen in October.

I did this for 3 reasons:

1) for my own health.

2) to not have any issues with the research we’re doing involving exogenous ketones (@justpruvit) and how our brains are in fact able to be changed in a positive manner. Even for someone like myself with a past of many TBI’s and multiple brain tumors that came with surgery, treatments, and mental health battles.

3) to focus more on the changes I’ve been pursuing in my life to create an entirely new reality that I’m seeing manifest more and more everyday.

To be honest, I don’t miss it much.

That said, I still love BMX. I know I’ll pick it right back up. And I still think about it and envision riding all the time.

But, the itch to ride isn’t quite there. Mainly, because I don’t have any goals around BMX now that I’m not competing and don’t have any sponsor obligations.

The sponsorships and support I’ve acquired are built around me as a person, the value I’m providing, and the purpose in fulfilling.

If I want to ride, cool. If I don’t, that’s cool too.

It’ll be interesting to see how these next 5 months go and when that follow-up SPECT scan is complete.

I understand what Dave Mirra told me years ago when he retired when he said “Josh, my hearts just not in it anymore. I have nothing to prove. I have no goals within BMX. And, honestly, it’s not worth my or my family’s well being.”

I was confused thinking “but, Dave. You’re, Dave Mirra. How can you not ride”?

It’s all perspective and my perspective is one of gratitude for my past and all BMX has done for me. But, after 17 years on my bike, I’m excited to see where this new route and my efforts take me.

I’ll for sure ride again after the 6-month mark but to what degree, no clue.

It’s all love tho and I hope you’re all following exactly what you feel deep down.

Josh P. 💚🧠✌️

We NEED Adversity

I would complain about things in my life, let alone what was outside of my immediate and selfish perspective that I would then complain about.

I lived my life fueled by anger, spite, and on a mission to prove abusive people in my life wrong.

After many wake up calls (3 brain tumor diagnosis, my main bike sponsor dropping me out of the blue mid ACL recovery, multiple TBI’s, debt, etc.) I decided to stop making excuses for why I couldn’t do or have something I desired.

I then took accountability for my life and started making small shifts that led to massive changes.

I sacrificed what I had left after my sponsor giving me the boot and set myself on a path fueled by gratitude and love with a very clear reason as to WHY I was doing what I was doing.

That why was PURPOSE.

A purpose to help others reach their full potential with health, happiness, and success, without the suffering we choose upon ourselves.

The reality is, we all face some sort of shit in our lives.

Perspective is essential, tho!

It could always be worse.

Anyone reading this, especially from a smart phone, is winning.

The belief we choose about our life and limitations dictates our reality and we become a slave to external sources when we’re all incredibly capable of manifesting a life we belief we deserve.

What do YOU believe is the life YOU deserve and what are you willing to do for it?

Josh P. 💚🧠✌️

Gratitude = Manifestation

Are you grateful for what’s not yet manifested in your life? Not just what you have now, but what you desire in the future.

A desire sets the plan but gratitude, the belief it’s possible, and non stop action is what manifests a desire into reality.

Something I’ve been more conscious to is the feeling of gratitude for moments I visualize in my future.

@the.holistic.psychologist and @drjoedispenza talk a lot about this and how if we’re able to visualize our future self where we want to be, doing what we are working for and really feeling that emotion, we can change our current state of emotion and plant that “seed” into our subconscious mind.

The power of this is truly remarkable. Try it!

1) Think of a goal you’re working on.

2) Visualize that moment in the future and how it really feels to be living that reality.

3) Write that scenario down and revisit this exercise and compare the feelings you write down, and anything else that comes to mind that can paint a vivid moment of that time.

4) Take it a step further and add some affirmations around manifesting that moment. The book “think & grow rich” chapters 1-5 have a detailed plan of how to take all of this and create a morning ritual/routine that I call my “morning manifesto” that takes you closer and closer to your goal(s) each day as you change your state of consciousness to one of gratitude.

After waking up, brushing my teeth, and going to the bathroom, I read my morning manifesto out loud to myself to start each of my days.

The subconscious programming that comes from this allows us to “prime” our minds for the day to exactly what we want to focus on rather than outside sources.

There may be a lot of resistance the first days trying this but stick to it until is just a part of your morning routine.

The difference in how you think & feel can be night and day. This leads to new and consistent actions.

Let me know what you think and if you’ve experienced gratitude for the now and what’s to come.

Josh P. 💚🧠✌️

But, Fat Makes Us Fat

Not. Fat does NOT make us fat. If we’re talking the right context.

Here is an easy filling dinner consisting of a bunch of non-starchy & fibrous veggies, quality protein, and lots of delicious fats.

If you want to burn body fat, you gotta eat healthy fats while getting rid of the crap foods.

I was conditioned by mainstream media and education to think fat was bad for our heart health and would make us fat.

What I had to dig deep to learn on my own was far from what I was being told and sold.

In the pretense of whole foods, lowering carbohydrate and sugar consumption, and eliminating toxins and stress as much as we can, fat is an integral part of brain and overall health.

Fat is critical for brain health in general.

Where fat gets a bad wrap is when people confuse dietary fat with the following:

1. unhealthy body fat as a result from poor lifestyle choices.

2. the combination of excessive fat consumption along with excessive carbohydrate and sugar consumption.

3. fat combined with processed food and sugar intake, which the latter is toxic no matter what its combined with or not.

4. tom foolery marketing backed by sugar companies claiming that fat is bad.

5. false propaganda for different dietary theories claiming that fat and cholesterol destroy our health and they we need “heart healthy” whole grains.

Can you name any more reasons why people believe fat to be evil?

Josh P. 💚🧠✌️

Financial Stories

This trip meant the world to me to have documented.

In the past, I would make decisions by the short term gain vs loss.

I used to be crippled to the lack of money I had and my choices would be dictated by the fear of “not having enough”. That meant I missed out on seeing a lot of my family and friends a lot of the time because although I was laser focused on my BMX career, and successful, I wasn’t making much more money than my basic needs.

I’ve learned that was a simple perspective piece based on past subconscious programming that manifested this past relationship with money.

Today, I’ve thrown out the mentality of being limited by what’s in my bank account, not being to manifest more than “average”, and have swapped it out for the belief we live based on the limits we believe in for ourselves.

I’ve taken massive risks over the years, gone all in on what I believe in today, and made choices based on what’s best for my long game and my soul.

Taking the money I have after basic living needs is usually saved up to reinvest back in my business.

This time, I wanted to use that money for the people I love, now that my belief system is one of love, health, happiness, success, and abundance.

It’s always been a dream of mine to fly in with no notice to surprise my family and best friend (Brandon) and take Brandon and my dad to a Celtics game.

I was able to do that a few weeks ago and it was a byproduct of my belief and hard work for the life I envision.

Nothing more.

Josh P. 💚🧠✌️

Our Eyes Are Projectors

“Our eyes are not only viewers, they’re projectors.” -Jim Carrey

I love Jim and have always been a fan of him since I was a kid.

His statement is so true and anyone that’s accomplish a goal, no matter how big or small, can confirm this.


Because, it took some level of focus and visualization to make that goal manifest into your reality.

It can be clearer for making dreams come true, or things beyond what we ever fathomed becoming our reality, as I have during my BMX career.

All I did was think about BMX, dream BMX, watch BMX contest and videos, talk about BMX, and TAKE ACTION on my BMX bike.

Not only was the emotional and psychological aspect of manifesting a goal or dream there, I also took non stop action every single day possible.

We can create the realities we want or don’t want. It all comes back to what we see in our minds.

All the greatest in sports focus on visualizing their actions, especially when it comes time to compete and test all the “homework” done at home when no ones watching.

Think back to any “good” or “bad” experience in your life and really audit your mindset, actions, beliefs, words spoken, and how it resulted. Was it aligned with those mindsets, actions, beliefs, and words spoken, even if it wasn’t the desired result?

If it’s a yes, then think of how you could spin it for what you want.

My biggest problem along my journey with manifestation the life I desired was the patience piece and I find that’s way more prevalent in today’s society with everything being so instant.

It won’t happen over night but you’ll be surprised how quickly changes are made in your life when you audit and change your mindset, words, and actions.

Josh P. 💚🧠✌️

Photo by @jciake

I Am More Than Yesterday

BMX was something I did for more than half my life.

BMX is not what defines me because we’re not defined by what we do. We’re defined by who we are and how we show up in life today.

Today, I’ve dedicated my life to serving and supporting others, and sharing the following concepts about life I’ve learned in my 30 years:

1) perspective is essential and gratitude create abundance.

2) health is internal, not solely numbers on the scale or what’s on the outside.

3) our reality is a manifestations or our choices. Choices in thoughts, food, action, sleep, perspectives, etc.

I strive to I inspire new perspectives that leads to new action being taken to create a new reality. I also share all I’ve learned and experienced so others can become empowered to love as healthy, happy, and successful as possible.

I’m just a kid who dropped out of high school for a wild dream of becoming a pro BMX athlete with no upper hand other than a mindset to take action and never give up, no matter how much mental or physical pain I was in.

I decided to learn how to accomplish my goals and surround myself with what I call virtual mentors and connect with those that were successful in my everyday life. That meant being alone more often, doing the uncomfortable, and reaching out to those I aspired to be like and ask for help or guidance.

If I can succeed, I believe others can too. It just takes a vision, taking action, self-awareness, perspective, a plan, and a support system.

Josh P. 💚🧠✌️