The Goal Is Keto Adaptation

“What’s the difference between nutritional ketosis and keto-adaptation?

Nutritional ketosis is defined as an elevation of blood ketones above 0.5 mmol/L, a state that can be achieved fairly quickly either through fasting or the ketogenic diet. As it turns out however, the longer you sustain nutritional ketosis (i.e. the longer you have ketones circulating), the more benefits you can derive from it by becoming “keto-adapted”.

The human body is incredibly metabolically flexible in its ability to use different types of fuel sources, but transitioning from relying heavily on one to another, such as from glucose to ketones, can take some time since different fuels use different metabolic machinery!

Keto-adaptation, a term coined by low-carb expert Dr. Stephen Phinney, involves many separate pathways that ultimately leave your body optimized to metabolize fats and ketones. It is in this state where the benefits of ketosis can finally manifest. Studies suggest keto-adaptation is associated with spared lean muscle mass, efficient muscle glycogen recovery post-exercise, decreased uric acid clearance, enhanced mitochondrial function, and more!

So, while in the early stages of your ketogenic journey, you may be in nutritional ketosis by definition, keto-adaption can take weeks to months. Be patient…it’s worth the wait!

Join us in January to learn more about keto-adaptation at The 3rd Annual Metabolic Health Summit!!” @metabolichealthsummit

-Josh P. 💚🧠✌️

Our Brains NEED Cholesterol

Do you eat eggs?😋

I love eggs and they can be a great solo protein source of their own, with great amounts of healthy fats and cholesterol, or they can be a great addition to any meal of your preference.👌🏼

Eggs are one of the most nutrient dense foods we can consume but must be eaten in their entirety (white & yolk) to get all of the benefits. 🤓

I know there’s a lot of confusion and worry about the word “cholesterol” and the truth is, your body makes it’s own supply of cholesterol weather you eat animal foods or not. The right/healthy kind, not the damaging kind from processed foods, sugars, and elevated blood sugar levels.

🧠 Your brain makes up about 2% of your body weight but contains 25% of your body’s cholesterol, most of which is in your myelin (the insulation around neurons that helps them send messages faster). Cholesterol is essential for our myelin health and cognitive function, keeping your brains signaling both fast and efficient, preserving your body’s energy (ATP) stores.

Cholesterol deficiency is directly related to decline in cognitive function and memory, especially for those following a high-carb, low-fat, and low-cholesterol diet. 🙈

Thanks @ketogeniccom for the info graphic! 🙌🏼

What’s your favorite way to cook/consume eggs?🤔

-Josh P. 💚🧠✌️


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🔥 Fat burning Metabolism!

🧠 Improved Brain Health!

💪 Natural BDNF & Growth Hormone Stimulation

🔬 Disease Fighting & Prevention Potential

🌀 Improved Mental Clarity & Cognitive Performance

⚡️ HIGH ENERGY that’s sustained all day

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Leaps of Faith

Grateful to have met @isaacstegman & taken a leap of faith to move away from BMX competition & performing full-time to starting my own business supporting others on their health & wellness journey.

In taking the risk of leaving my comfort zone of BMX after over a decade, I’ve hit the 1 year mark of a successful profitable business owner. I’ve manifested my own income & the ability to pay others for their support in the business.

I’ve also began speaking to share my story, beliefs, & the things I’ve implemented into my life in an effort to inspire new perceptive & actions taken in the lives of others in order to create the healthiest, happiest, & most successful versions of ourselves.

By taking opportunities like attending these @kaizenprocoaching business/personal masterminds, I’ve been able to connect with other successful people, contribute value, & grow as an individual in personal areas as well as with my business.

What’s amazing to me if how far I’ve come mindset wise. I started with the belief that in order to earn a great income, I had to work hard, not fully enjoy what I do, be capped with a fixed salary dictated by others, &/or couldn’t pursue a passion to earn an income I envisioned.

I’m just a kid from Cape Cod who grew up with just enough in my life to build a dream & envision a life I desired with the work ethic to play the cards I was dealt to the best of my abilities. No upper hand, no financial help (actually I grew up living pay check to pay check and it’s amazing I was given a bike by my dad & that my mom ushered me all around the country for BMX), no education other than a GED, & actually a ton of adversities (5 brain tumors, depression, abuse, living out of my car, closets, and on couches, and blowing out my knee to name a few).

I share this so others can see the possibilities for their lives, no matter how many odds are stacked against them.

If I can manifest my dreams to become a reality, and so much more, so can all of you.

-Josh P. 💚🧠✌️

Words Mean Nothing

“Words mean nothing. Actions mean something. Patterns mean everything.” Isaac Stegman

We’ve all verbally shared what we aspire to do or who we aspire to become. Some have taken action. Few have created patterns of actions that align with their words.

I’ve been there many times as I’m sure we can all relate to.

New Years “Resolution” ring a bell, anyone?

Through my experiences, I’ve built a belief around walking my talk or it’s just that. Talk, which is easy for us to do. What separates those from talking about goals & dreams and those who crush their goals and live their dreams is DOING.

Not just DOING but DOING with purpose and clear intent, and creating habitual patterns. Doing the hard things we know will benefit us.

“Doing hard things defines & refines character. Character is who you really are” Isaac Stegman

One of the patterns I’ve created that’s brought such profound benefit to my life is a morning routine.

Isaac shared “the Miracle Morning” with me as a way to “win the day” by noon and one of the acronyms from the book is “SAVERS”.






S-cribe (write/journal)

By creating discipline in my life, I’ve seen profound transformation in my health, time, and business ultimately having a more profound impact on others.

This approach to “win the day” before noon also sets me up to be in integrity with myself, which allows me to show up as my true authentic self around others.

Today’s workshop has shown me that we all experience pain one way or another: through discipline or regret.

I’d rather not regret what I could have done.

How about you?

-Josh P. 💚🧠✌️

Structure & Purpose

What is your PURPOSE and do YOU have STRUCTURE around it?

Maui @kaizenprocoaching Mastermind 2018 Day 1 is a wrap.

It’s 530am (my normal wake time bank home) but we’re 6 hrs behind our here and I went to bed at 8pm and woke up at 3am the first time 😂

I’m here with @david_goodall for @isaacstegman Kaizen Coaching Mastermind to learn and grow as an individual and business owner.

Yesterday’s workshops was powerful and a mix of eye-opening material, reminders, and very real, authentic, and powerful moments of collaborative growth.🌀

Yesterday’s topics were focused on PURPOSE & STRUCTURE. 2 pieces of my life that I’ve been chasing (as all is is are at some level of consciousness) and gaining more clarity on over the last 8.5 years of my life after being told I was facing death at the young age of 21.

I turned that suggestion from the doctor into fuel to find and execute my PURPOSE while creating more and more structure in my life while pursuing my BMX career, which led me to taking adversities and the knowledge along the way and turn it into a business supporting others. 🙏🏼

A quick overview on PURPOSE AND STRUCTURE to me:

PURPOSE= your truth & beliefs and comes with many methods to achieve your purpose. Purpose gives us something to PURSUE that is calling us. “Move towards what moves YOU.”🙌🏼

STRUCTURE= a blueprint for your life & business. Start by choosing with end in mind (purpose/legacy). Create boundaries, eliminate choices that don’t align with PURPOSE, foster “strategic ignorance”, turn it into a habit, and build a fence around it.

-Josh P. 💚🧠✌️

Be Uncommon

“Be uncommon amongst the uncommon.”

I heard David Goggins say this on a Joe Rogan podcast the other day.

I’ve never really felt like I fit into something until I found BMX. Even then, I felt like I did tricks differently, looked at riding a different way, and used my BMX career to escape negativity in my life.

I’ve taken a very unconventional route in life as well as within BMX but as I reflect on the last decade, I wouldn’t do anything differently because it’s ultimately led me to who I’ve become, where I am, who’s in my life, and the people I’ve supported.

Of course, sometimes I feel as if I could have had more focus, worked harder, etc etc., but who doesn’t reflect on the past and see areas of improvement?

That’s called growth and education.

Today, and for the last 2 years, I’ve found myself feeling like I don’t belong again but in the realm of BMX. Not in a negative context. Just, like, I want more than to compete or promote BMX brands.

Being diagnosed with brain tumors more times than anyone could ever fathom has given me clarity on my WHY, or purpose for my life. That WHY is to see others become the healthiest, happiest, and most successful versions of themselves without suffering as I did for many years until sorting that out.

-Josh P. 💚🧠✌️

Glycogen Stores

Did you know sugar gets stored in the body as “glycogen” in the liver & muscles?

The liver glycogen can be released & used for energy but the muscle glycogen is “trapped” in the muscle & must be burned inside of the muscle tissue as energy.

One factor dictating the state of ketosis you enter is liver glycogen being removed.

Following a ketogenic diet on top of resistance training & HIIT will support your efforts into getting into a state of ketosis by burning up the stored liver glycogen as well as ensuring that you don’t overfill em back up from excessive amounts of carbohydrates & sugars as most of us do after workouts.

Here is a great full-body circuit that can be done in less than 15 minutes.

5 rounds of the following:

👉🏼squats x3

👉🏼seated box jumps x5

👉🏼overhead press x3

👉🏼shot put this x3 each side

Hit me up if you have questions or want support along your health and wellness journey.

-Josh P. 💚🧠✌️

DM me or 📲 for questions

Drink Your Fat

Do you drink your fat?
We all know that our morning cup of coffee can get us moving, but how long does that quick energy boost really last? Usually, by late morning or early afternoon, the dreaded “crash” makes its way into our day leading to unhealthy choices like too much caffeine or sugar overload.
Instead, adding “healthy fats” to your morning cup can provide more sustained energy as these fats are the most energy packed macronutrient and can support your fat-burning machinery.
I use @wildfoodsco coffee & 🍄powder (code “WILDJOSH12” for 12% off entire order) and @perfectketones MCT oil powder (code “JoshPerry” for 15% off entire order) for those 🧠 boosting ketones🔥
Drinking fat made all the world of a difference for my energy levels and ability to effortlessly begin my fasting routine. It has also helped me add in the fats required for nutritional ketosis when I first began my keto journey and couldn’t fathom adding in even more fat and where to add it.
Drinking your fat can supply you with a “fat fast”, which aligns with a ketogenic diet and lifestyle but also helps curb hunger and allows you to adjust to a strict intermittent fasting routine. Consuming fat to start your day, minus carbs and protein, can improve your mental focus, energy, clarity, and help reduce inflammation that comes with a traditional westernized meal of grains, fruit, juices, sugar, etc.
So #drinkyourfat ladies and gents!
– Josh P. 💚🧠✌️
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Eat More Fat, Don’t Eat Less Food

Would you believe me this type of meal allows you to burn fat?
Contrary to what society tells us today, it’s much more than calories in vs calories out.🔥
No more “eat less, move more” crap 🙈
No more 6 meals a day to “rev up the metabolism”.😂
Just easy, delicious, efficient, and simple ways of eating and living that make up a ketogenic lifestyle.
Oh, I travel a lot. It still works well. My clients that travel will share the same thing. NO EXCUSES. Just choices!💪🏽
What to learn how to implement such a lifestyle and get the results you DESERVE today?🙌🏼
Hit me up!
-Josh P. 💚🧠✌️
To begin your transformational journey…
📲 go to
Enroll in my 12-week health coaching program & Let’s Get GOING! 🙌🏼
🔥 Fat burning Metabolism!
🧠 Improved Brain Health!
🥑 Reduction In Inflammation & Oxidative Stress
💪 Natural BDNF & Growth Hormone Stimulation
🔬 Disease Fighting & Prevention Potential
🌀 Improved Mental Clarity & Cognitive Performance
⚡️ HIGH ENERGY that’s sustained all day
DM me for questions😊

Power of Sharing

I believe the power of sharing your WHY, or your beliefs, can lead you to meeting and connecting with extraordinary people like Michael Bustin 💯

The fact that we can share to an unlimited amount of people via social media and the resistance people show towards that fact is mind boggling.

It wasn’t as clear to me in on the beginning in regards to how much value sharing, story telling, and combining the two via the internet could have for others and myself.

I learned the power of sharing in 2010 as I shared for the first time that I was diagnosed with a brain tumor. Fast forward & years, sharing in an effort to bring others as much value as possible has led me to meeting incredible people like Michael as well as many more and experiences and opportunities.

What is your perspective on story telling, connecting, and bringing others value?

-Josh P. 💚🧠✌️


To begin your transformational journey…

📲 go to


Enroll in my 12-week health coaching program & Let’s Get GOING! 🙌🏼


🔥 Fat burning Metabolism!

🧠 Improved Brain Health!

💪 Natural BDNF & Growth Hormone Stimulation

🔬 Disease Fighting & Prevention Potential

🌀 Improved Mental Clarity & Cognitive Performance

⚡️ HIGH ENERGY that’s sustained all day

DM me or 📲 for questions