You’ve Been Through Worse

‪You’ve been through worse & are still here.

Remember you’re alive & each adversity is a gift. A gift sitting there waiting for us to learn from & to take….if we choose to do so.

Life is all about choices.

We choose to think what we think. Take away & give meaning to experiences in life.

React to others in a specific manner. Speak to others however we do.

Take action, or lack there of, however we choose to do so.

Believe whatever we have told ourselves or was suggested upon us.

And so much more.

At the end of the day…it’s a choice.

Maybe unconsciously, which is usually the case, but also consciously influenced by our emotions that are triggered by our perceptions of our reality & experiences.

We can see beauty in the world along with love & abundance, or we can see pain, lack, & struggle.

Either way, it is what we make it in our minds.

Why not make it worth your while & benefit you life moving forward?

Sounds simple & it is simple.

The difficult part of this is overcoming ones past/present self that’s been programmed by years of past experiences that are basically memorized emotional responses from input (thoughts and beliefs) that come about in our everyday life moments.

The brain is constantly scanning our environment for cues or signals to cross reference with our past to influence how we perceive an event which triggers the cycle of thought, emotion, & action that we’ve been conditioned to operate under.

So to shift perspective of ones reality is to challenge & overcomes ones current version or model of who “they are” & the life they live within the world they know it as.

You’re alive & are able to control your shift in focused thought.

Once you practice this more, learn more, & experience this shift, the more you’ll open your mind to new possibilities & see evidence of change in your putter world.

It starts with appreciating the fact that you’re alive & able.

Some people don’t wake up but you did.

So stop complaining or hoping for a new reality.

Shift your focus & intentions & see what changes.

Josh P. 💚👊🏼✌️

We NEED Adversity

3 years ago I got dropped from my bike sponsor halfway through ACL recovery with no notice.

That was my main source of income that I risked my life to obtain and represent the brand. It was $600/month but it paid my rent, utilities, and phone bill.

Thankfully, my mom taught me how to save and budget from an early age so I was fine. Fueled by spite, anger and rejection, I worked my butt off and placed top 3 in my first contest back.

That is one of many adversities I’ve used for my advantage.

It fueled my drive for success and challenged me to think of ways to replace that $600/month.

It put me on a new path where that’s not even 1/10 of my income per month today. I find the reason I live with so much abundance and success today is that I’m 100% on PURPOSE to serve and support.

I realize all the “problems” and “bad things happening to me” back then was a result of my choices in life and not having accountability for my reality.

Also, because I was solely on self and not grateful for the “little” I had, which could be seen as “much” to others.

Point of this story is to share how necessary adversity is for us to grow and progress past our current reality. Not just financially, but spiritually, personally, creatively, etc.

What adversity have you experienced and used for your?

Josh P. 💚🧠✌️