Outwork the Negativity 

Doubt and fear, among many other negative beliefs, are just that. Beliefs. Not facts. We choose what to believe. Sadly, many are born into “traditional” beliefs and/or believe in what society suggests to be what they should believe. I sure did. Then through a few life or death situations, an exploration to figure out who I was and what I wanted out of life, and pursuing what I love, I created my own beliefs from the data I’ve collected over my short 29 years on this planet as who they call “Josh Perry”. I encourage you all to do what you love and push through the fear and doubt that arises, no matter what it’s origin is. It’s up to you in which you believe. Fear, or love. Choose love. It’s much more enjoyable. 💚✌️
-Josh P.

Success Is Rented 

People think success is easy for some or “over-night” for others. FALSE! Success is a constant work in progress or practice, if you will. 
It’s day in and day out choices we make to better our lives. It’s a constant effort. It may looks “easy” to some, but that’s because they enjoy what they do. 
When you lead a path of little to no resistance, have gratitude for your life, work hard to be the best you can be, visualize the life you want and take action towards it, success is inevitable. 
Set a goal, have a WHY or purpose for that goal, visualize and take action, and believe in yourself. That’s all it takes. 💯💚✌️
-Josh P. 

Depression or Deep Rest?

People are scared to talk about depression for fear of being judged. As someone who has gone through it and gained a new perspective on what depression is compared to sadness, I found that most confuse the two.
 The difference between sadness and depression is…sadness is from “happens stance,” as in whatever happened or didn’t happen to you. This could be loss, circumstance, grief, or whatever it is. Depression is your body saying “fuck you, I don’t want to be this character anymore. I don’t want to hold up this avatar you’ve created in the world.”
Depression is your body and mind going into deep rest. Your body feels it needs to be depressed. It needs deep rest from the character you’ve been trying to play. Depression comes about when there is an imbalance and/or resistance with your inner true self and the version of you you’re trying to hold up to societal standards and what you think “they” want you to do, say, or become.
As you know, I am a huge advocate for nutrition and exercise. It is not only for physical well being, but also your mental health. When we make positive choices within the three pinnacles of health (nutrition, exercise & mindset) they play a fundamental role in the health of our mitochondria. The mitochondria are the “powerhouses” of our cells that create the energy our body, and most importantly our brain, uses to function called ATP. When the three pinnacles are weakened or out of balance, they compromise the strength of our mitochondria resulting in less energy production which creates anxiety, depression, fatigue and overall dis-ease. 
Once I began taking my fitness and nutrition seriously and I let go of what I thought “they” wanted me to do, say, and/or become, and just did what I felt deep down inside to be true to my loving inner voice, the depression, anxiety, fear, and worry all stripped away little by little the more I stayed true to myself and followed my gut and my heart.
I’ll say this again and again, do what you love and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. Take care of your body. You know best and so does your gut. 💚✌️

-Josh P.

Follow Your Dreams

We have all heard “follow your dreams” but how many people do you know actually pursued their dreams? Or, how about the people sharing “follow your dreams”? Did they take a risk on their dreams or is this some kind of generic statement authority figures in our life share as we’re going through the motions of developing as little humans to “adults”?

I didn’t know many people, if any, that pursued their dreams while I was growing up and developing my own dream. I mean this in a personal sense, not the people I saw on tv or in the magazines.

I’ve come to learn that today’s society and standards of “how you should live your life” limits the number of people chasing a dream, or sustaining that chase, with all the pressure to amount to expectations of family and societal standards. The fear of judgment sets in and “what will they think of me if….”, “will mom and dad be disappointed in me for not following the path they set forth for me?”, or “what if I fail on top of going against their wishes for my life?” All these fears kick in and kill any momentum or effort towards challenging status quo for what you truly believe in as the path YOU want to take in life. 

Dreams come true when you believe they will come true and you take ACTION towards them. No amount of suggestion from the outside world (strangers, family, friends, teachers, etc.) can determine your destiny, unless you let that suggestion control your actions. But you also can’t take belief, visualization, and mediation as a cop-out for taking action and risking your comfort zone on a new desirable outcome in your life. You can’t have one without the other, action without belief. Belief without action.


As for suggestions, I mean if someone says “you’re never going to make it”, at whatever it is you want to pursue, this isn’t true or false until your actions determine that suggestion to be factual or not. Meaning, if you let that suggestion control your thoughts, beliefs, and therefore take actions in a manner to not succeed, then their suggestion is true and you will choose fear over your dream. If you take that suggestion and do what I did growing up, turn it into fuel to make your dream happen and dismiss their suggestion as irrelevant, you won’t care what they suggest because it’s not aligned with your inner truth, desires, and beliefs, which then correlates to the actions you choose along your journey. 

Bottom line: take a risk on your dream, go “all in”, stay committed, believe in yourself, and take action!
A dream starts with belief and manifests with action. 💚✌️



-Josh P.


WHY we do anything is a million times more important than what we do. 

WHY is the driving force behind what anyone does, whether they are conscious of it or not. Whether they like what they do or not. 

There is a reason WHY they set out for that path and the more conscious we become of our decisions, the more we can navigate to the lives we want. 

Find what you want to do in life and be conscious to your WHY. It will help navigate your path to success and keep you motivated in times of doubt. 💚✌️

-Josh P.

Thanks To My Health

Gratitude is, in my opinion, the single most crucial aspect of life.

With the holidays coming, it seems to be the one time of the year everyone, for the most part, agrees on gratitude being so important.

I disagree, though.

Not with celebrating gratitude, or with my first statement, but the fact we dedicate one time a year to be grateful.

It’s great and all, but I believe it’s a facade concealing a business. But that’s a whole other topic.

Back to gratitude. Gratitude has been a game changer for who I am, how I live my life, the relationships I have built, the career I have developed, the health I maintain, how others perceive me, and how I move forward with my life and set goals. See, I used to be ungrateful. Very ungrateful.

Then one day my life was threatened. Then again and again. AND, still.

When you’re 21 and told “you are going to die” if you do not go into risky cranial surgery to remove a massive brain tumor taking up the lef portion of your brain and may die, even so, your perspective on life and what really matters shifts.

Then when it happens two more times, you get serious about this change of perspective. All the petty drama and negativity, we seem to let grab our attention and focus easily, goes right out the window. Why? Because it doesn’t matter at the end of the day and has no real affect on our lives when we stop and give it thought.

Once we shift our perspective in life and focus on the things that matter to us most, our health, family, friends, happiness, fulfillment, etc., gratitude starts to manifest itself every day in new ways. That is precisely what happened to me eight years ago and then again six years ago, and recently earlier this year.

No one thinks they are going to run into major health concerns or even having to face death at an early age. Or at least they don’t consciously think about the possibility. Why? Because we are all so focused on living but, not in this current moment. We are worried about the future and what we are going to do after school, what we are going to do for a career, how much money we “need” to make, what others will think of us, what happens if we take a risk on what we truly want rather than what we are told to want, etc. I was wrapped up in this.

When we are living in this state, it creates dis-ease, which creates “disease.”

Although I was pursuing my dream with massive success, I was still in a state of fear, worry, lack, and judgment. Once I began to shift my perspectives, I saw massive improvements in my life and those around me. This included taking my health into my own hands regarding nutrition, fitness, and mindset, and focusing on doing the things I loved, and what I think is the second most important thing in life, WHY we do anything.

Today I live, ride, train, and coach with 4 brain tumors in my skull and I wouldn’t have it any other way. No, honestly. People say “that’s gotta be the worst thing that ever happened to you.” No way! It changed my life around 180 and all for the best. It took that moment to show me what was important in life and teach me what gratitude truly is. Things could always be worse in our lives, and I don’t think people give that statement the credit it deserves. Don’t agree? Well, the fact that you have an opinion on this backs my statement. YOU ARE ALIVE!

Thanks, to my health, I can continue living my dream, develop new passions, and what I think is the greatest, I can share my experiences, beliefs, love, and support with others around the world in an effort for us all to live as healthy and happy as possible. It starts with gratitude, and it begins with us, then it spreads throughout the lives we lead.


-Josh P.

Can’t Have Abundance Without Gratitude

There isn’t a single thing anyone wants.

Just the emotional response that “thing” triggers and the emotional state you’re living in once that “thing” is obtained. What would it take to live in that state of happiness, gratitude, ease, love, high energy, & optimism….now?

People and things don’t make you happy. YOU make you happy. It’s a choice. You either choose to be happy, or you choose to be happy because of this or that.

When you let go of the resistance to what you think will make you happy…”I’ll be happy when…fill in the blank…..” and choose to be happy because you’re grateful to be alive, then and only then will you find yourself feeling prospered in all the interests of your life. The universe provides you with your desires, “good” or “bad”. That’s only determined by your state of being and what you are focusing on.

Are you focusing on what you don’t have and living in lack? Hence, “I’ll be happy when I get that job, get that house, make that money, buy that car, find that significant other, etc, etc.”. Or are you living in gratitude for what you have, and because you know what you don’t enjoy/what, you do know what you enjoy and desire in life?

That’s the goal and that’s when the things we want and desire appear in our lives. When we let go of the lack, stress, worry, fear, judgment, anger, and suffering, and focus on what we do enjoy and are grateful for, the rest comes easy. It’s our choice.

Can’t have abundance without gratitude. 💚✌️


-Josh P.

Go All In On Plan A

You can always get a “job” if things don’t work out. F a “plan b”. Go all in on plan A. You can never turn back time to a younger age and opportunity to go all in on a dream. I dropped out of high school, moved 14 hours away from my family, and pursued my dream of becoming a BMX athlete.


I suffered injuries, depression, anxiety, fear, brain tumors, concussions, being broke, living on a couch, living out of my car, and many other challenges to make my dream happen. I had those who supported me and those who doubted me. The most important things I did was believe in myself and take action while never giving up! If I can do it, a kid from Cape Cod with all the odds against him, so can you. Just believe in yourself and know fear is just a thought that can be changed. 💚✌️


Josh P.

You Make The Choice

If it were easy then everyone would do it. Do what others won’t today so you can do what others can’t tomorrow. It’s all a matter of perspective, belief, and choice. 

You choose what to believe whether it’s the haters or the supporters. You choose your perceptive, glass half full or glass half empty. You choose to take action towards what you want in life.

Your reality is a reflection of your beliefs, perspectives, choices, actions and only yours. No one else’s. Take your reality into your own hands and hold yourself accountable.

Don’t complain about what you don’t have because we all have a choice to act in a manner that’s going to help us succeed in life or help us regress and stay where we’re unhappy. Rather than reacting to what you observe and “know to be true”, focus on the desired outcome and what that reality is like. Speak, think, feel, and act in that energy to help attract that into your life. 💚✌️

-Josh P.

Let Go Pt. 2

These are great lessons I’ve learned over the years and continue to bring amazing people, experiences, and opportunities into my life. 2 years ago I met Jackie for the first time and she worked her athletic-training magic on me. Little did I know that we would become best friends with so much more in common than I’ve ever experienced with someone from the opposite sex. From fitness and nutrition to sports, to universal energy and alien talks, she gets me and the way my brain works and vice versa.

Lesson 1: what’s done is done and the only thing you can do now is choose how you want to move forward. Don’t let your past define who you are or sway you from happiness.

Lesson 2: be grateful for what you have and to be alive. It’s easy to compare our lives to others without knowing the whole story and then feel discouraged or that we lack things. It’s ok to strive for more, but how can you expect to obtain more when you’re not coming from a place of gratitude?

Lesson 3: again, strive for more. That is not greedy or selfish. That’s progression. Life is full of that. Just look around and think about how life was even 5 years ago. Don’t worry about the past or the future, be present and set goals for the future. Don’t get married to an idea or a “plan”. Plan and set goals, of course, but don’t stress it when things don’t go to plan or they change. That’s the journey at its finest. Embrace it. Embrace the unknown, the fear, the uncomfortable, and the changes that will take place. It’s all about the journey, never the destination. 💚✌️

-Josh P.