WHY we do anything is a million times more important than what we do. 

WHY is the driving force behind what anyone does, whether they are conscious of it or not. Whether they like what they do or not. 

There is a reason WHY they set out for that path and the more conscious we become of our decisions, the more we can navigate to the lives we want. 

Find what you want to do in life and be conscious to your WHY. It will help navigate your path to success and keep you motivated in times of doubt. 💚✌️

-Josh P.

Is Pain & Suffering a “Must” for Life?

According to the actual definition of “pain”,

it’s suffering or discomfort caused by illness or injury.


That being said, the majority of us inflict that said “pain” on our selves by lifestyle choices and or lack of choices, aka mental illness (fear, anxiety, stress, and depression). I don’t believe anyone must choose what “pain” they will HAVE to endure and I don’t believe anyone must suffer against their own will, that is living in a past emotional state and experience, or literally harming yourself on your own terms, which creates illness and or disease.


I am not willing to suffer for shit. I am willing to make choices that will lead me to my goals. The cool thing is about most of anyone’s dreams and goals is that they come without illness or injury. MOST, is the key word. For example, my dream that I live today is to be a BMX athlete. An injury does happen because mistakes do happen in life but you move on, assess what went wrong, and learn from it. “Pain” in that sense is temporary unless you let it mentally hold you back later on in life.


What drives me is that life could always be worse, I am a living human in America, I want to support others in this world with my experiences that have given me tremendous perspective, and I, just as well all do, have potential to reach any and every one of my goals.


Nothing is worth my pain.

Pain is just information to the brain when things are not in balance.


I use pain as I use “failure” a lesson to learn what is out of balance and how to progress with my life.


-Josh P.

Thanks To My Health

Gratitude is, in my opinion, the single most crucial aspect of life.

With the holidays coming, it seems to be the one time of the year everyone, for the most part, agrees on gratitude being so important.

I disagree, though.

Not with celebrating gratitude, or with my first statement, but the fact we dedicate one time a year to be grateful.

It’s great and all, but I believe it’s a facade concealing a business. But that’s a whole other topic.

Back to gratitude. Gratitude has been a game changer for who I am, how I live my life, the relationships I have built, the career I have developed, the health I maintain, how others perceive me, and how I move forward with my life and set goals. See, I used to be ungrateful. Very ungrateful.

Then one day my life was threatened. Then again and again. AND, still.

When you’re 21 and told “you are going to die” if you do not go into risky cranial surgery to remove a massive brain tumor taking up the lef portion of your brain and may die, even so, your perspective on life and what really matters shifts.

Then when it happens two more times, you get serious about this change of perspective. All the petty drama and negativity, we seem to let grab our attention and focus easily, goes right out the window. Why? Because it doesn’t matter at the end of the day and has no real affect on our lives when we stop and give it thought.

Once we shift our perspective in life and focus on the things that matter to us most, our health, family, friends, happiness, fulfillment, etc., gratitude starts to manifest itself every day in new ways. That is precisely what happened to me eight years ago and then again six years ago, and recently earlier this year.

No one thinks they are going to run into major health concerns or even having to face death at an early age. Or at least they don’t consciously think about the possibility. Why? Because we are all so focused on living but, not in this current moment. We are worried about the future and what we are going to do after school, what we are going to do for a career, how much money we “need” to make, what others will think of us, what happens if we take a risk on what we truly want rather than what we are told to want, etc. I was wrapped up in this.

When we are living in this state, it creates dis-ease, which creates “disease.”

Although I was pursuing my dream with massive success, I was still in a state of fear, worry, lack, and judgment. Once I began to shift my perspectives, I saw massive improvements in my life and those around me. This included taking my health into my own hands regarding nutrition, fitness, and mindset, and focusing on doing the things I loved, and what I think is the second most important thing in life, WHY we do anything.

Today I live, ride, train, and coach with 4 brain tumors in my skull and I wouldn’t have it any other way. No, honestly. People say “that’s gotta be the worst thing that ever happened to you.” No way! It changed my life around 180 and all for the best. It took that moment to show me what was important in life and teach me what gratitude truly is. Things could always be worse in our lives, and I don’t think people give that statement the credit it deserves. Don’t agree? Well, the fact that you have an opinion on this backs my statement. YOU ARE ALIVE!

Thanks, to my health, I can continue living my dream, develop new passions, and what I think is the greatest, I can share my experiences, beliefs, love, and support with others around the world in an effort for us all to live as healthy and happy as possible. It starts with gratitude, and it begins with us, then it spreads throughout the lives we lead.


-Josh P.

Go All In On Plan A

You can always get a “job” if things don’t work out. F a “plan b”. Go all in on plan A. You can never turn back time to a younger age and opportunity to go all in on a dream. I dropped out of high school, moved 14 hours away from my family, and pursued my dream of becoming a BMX athlete.


I suffered injuries, depression, anxiety, fear, brain tumors, concussions, being broke, living on a couch, living out of my car, and many other challenges to make my dream happen. I had those who supported me and those who doubted me. The most important things I did was believe in myself and take action while never giving up! If I can do it, a kid from Cape Cod with all the odds against him, so can you. Just believe in yourself and know fear is just a thought that can be changed. 💚✌️


Josh P.

You Make The Choice

If it were easy then everyone would do it. Do what others won’t today so you can do what others can’t tomorrow. It’s all a matter of perspective, belief, and choice. 

You choose what to believe whether it’s the haters or the supporters. You choose your perceptive, glass half full or glass half empty. You choose to take action towards what you want in life.

Your reality is a reflection of your beliefs, perspectives, choices, actions and only yours. No one else’s. Take your reality into your own hands and hold yourself accountable.

Don’t complain about what you don’t have because we all have a choice to act in a manner that’s going to help us succeed in life or help us regress and stay where we’re unhappy. Rather than reacting to what you observe and “know to be true”, focus on the desired outcome and what that reality is like. Speak, think, feel, and act in that energy to help attract that into your life. 💚✌️

-Josh P.

Let Go Pt. 2

These are great lessons I’ve learned over the years and continue to bring amazing people, experiences, and opportunities into my life. 2 years ago I met Jackie for the first time and she worked her athletic-training magic on me. Little did I know that we would become best friends with so much more in common than I’ve ever experienced with someone from the opposite sex. From fitness and nutrition to sports, to universal energy and alien talks, she gets me and the way my brain works and vice versa.

Lesson 1: what’s done is done and the only thing you can do now is choose how you want to move forward. Don’t let your past define who you are or sway you from happiness.

Lesson 2: be grateful for what you have and to be alive. It’s easy to compare our lives to others without knowing the whole story and then feel discouraged or that we lack things. It’s ok to strive for more, but how can you expect to obtain more when you’re not coming from a place of gratitude?

Lesson 3: again, strive for more. That is not greedy or selfish. That’s progression. Life is full of that. Just look around and think about how life was even 5 years ago. Don’t worry about the past or the future, be present and set goals for the future. Don’t get married to an idea or a “plan”. Plan and set goals, of course, but don’t stress it when things don’t go to plan or they change. That’s the journey at its finest. Embrace it. Embrace the unknown, the fear, the uncomfortable, and the changes that will take place. It’s all about the journey, never the destination. 💚✌️

-Josh P.

Love What You Do

Love What You Do! 

“A lot of people think it’s a dream to work in a field that you believe in and that you’re passionate about. It’s not a dream, it’s just something available to the people who insist it should be that way.” 

Just because the majority of society says to do “this or “that”, doesn’t mean that’s what you and I are meant to do. Follow your heart, do what you love, and love what you do. Why would you settle for doing something that takes up the majority of your day but doesn’t fulfill you, leave you happy every single day, challenge you and doesn’t fill you full of love and gratitude?

Saying you can’t make money doing something you love and are passionate about is an excuse, and I used to think that. Luckily for you and I, we can change our thoughts and create the lives we think, believe and feel are possible. Think it’s easy to do what I do as a career?

It is but then it isn’t. It takes a lot of hard work and dedication, on and off the bike, no doubt but it’s also easy in the fact that it’s just what I have to do in order to provide for myself doing what I’m 100% set on doing in my life.

No dream is too big!

-Josh P.

Fall In Love With Your Life

I am in love with the life I live, and I work hard for it. More importantly, I believe it’s possible. If you have a dream, get it! Believe in yourself and surround yourself with others that believe in you. Build your tribe of like-minded people and fill it with love, gratitude, and possibilities. Don’t ever listen to anyone that says “no” or “it’s not possible”.

If you don’t have anyone that supports your dreams, you have me. I believe in all of you. I was told “no”, “that’s not possible”, and “you’re not gonna be successful with that choice of a life”. I took that and fueled my fire of determination. Not to necessarily prove them wrong but to prove to myself I can do what I believe.

Our thoughts become our reality, both positive and negative. You can’t just think it for it to come true, though. You gotta take action and do things you’re uncomfortable with.

I’ve been practicing that more and more lately and oh my! The people I’ve attracted to my life, the places I’ve seen, the opportunities that have presented themselves to me, and the experiences I’ve been a part of are truly eye opening to my previous sentence.

Follow your heart, stay humble, share love and gratitude, and don’t ever give up!

Can You Love & Accept Others For Where They Are In Life

Let’s say someone disrespects you, cuts you off, hurts your feelings, calls you a hurtful name, directly does the opposite of what you asked them for, walks into you at the store, etc.

Can you love and accept them for the space and energy they are in within their life, not judge, and not make it about your emotions? Think, “what is their story, what do they have going on in their life, what happened to them that day, etc.?

I myself have learned that when someone is treating me negatively, it is a mirror for either what I need to work on with my personality or it’s a mirror of what I don’t want to be. Always look deeper and see what I can learn from the situation.  How I can either improve how I react to those experiences, how I myself can improve those qualities of myself, etc.

I have got better at not making it about me and realizing that is where that person is at in their life and it’s not my place to judge. Now, I don’t need to tolerate or accept it, I can just choose to not jump into the energy and mindset while realizing that is their own shit, not mine.

Example: A woman almost hit me driving after she swerved over to me the other day. Instead of getting angry and saying “wtf, you asshole”, I remember what I have been practicing and then saw her screaming at her kids’ in the back seat. I said to myself, “Ah, there it is. She wasn’t being an asshole, she is probably stressed out with her kids and having a and day. I hope she is safe and finds peace.”

Now, that is a huge step for me and I am proud of how far I have come with my reactions to situations like that. It has been non-stop practice and will continue to be a practice.

What I want to get across is that we quickly jump to our conclusions and make things about us. If we slow down and look at the picture on a larger scale, taking our own emotions out, we can see that other people have their own shit going on and that it isn’t us and we can choose to not let it affect us.

We can accept and love people for where they are in life, the struggles they may be going through, and not making it about us allows us to not jump into that emotion.

I would love all your feedback on my sharing my opinion on this and how you can find ways to practice this more and just love and accept others for where they are in their lives without judgment, fear, or making it about the self.

-Josh P.

Find Your Purpose

People ask me is s brain tumor diagnosis was the worst thing to happen to me. One may think so but to me, no way. It’s the best thing to happen to me! It opened my mind to be conscious of my life decisions and how they impacted my health. I have now made over my life to an organic, holistic diet and lifestyle. 

I used to ride for myself. I now ride for myself as well as those suffering or who have suffered from a brain tumor, brain injury or any other brain disorder. 

I ride because I love it, it’s my escape from negativity in my life, it’s my form of meditation and creativity, I’m fortunate enough to be able to ride and live my dream, and nowadays I ride to be a symbol that you can achieve success when you get knocked down in life. 

We are not defined by our past, mistakes, failures, the times we fell down, or what others think of us. We’re defined by our actions in this current moment in time and who we decide to be, as well as help along the way. A great leader inspires action/change, which is my goal. To get you inspired and motivated to achieve your goals, live your dreams, adopt healthy habits, love your brain, and live the life you dreamed of.

-Josh P.