Truth Will Set You Free

Ever heard the saying “the truth will set your free”? I felt confined most of my life with regards to speaking my truth to my fullest capacity.

This confinement lead to a gap between my truest self and what others perceived of me.

I suppressed my truth in various forms of my life during many experiences in different times.

The voice suppression began at a younger age with a violent and abusive step father that punished me in various forms for speaking out with how I felt, what I was thinking, and in general if it was a time that triggered his anger.

This voice suppression led into my adult years as I have realized I was conditioned to suppress my truth out of fear for getting hurt or being “wrong”. This conditioning almost killed me as I was 21 and let the medical authorities convince me that I was “fine” even though I was suffering on a daily basis until a concussion led to an MRI finding the cause- a brain tumor.

This conditioning led me to not showing up and expressing myself in my truest form, which affected many of my personal and business relationships.

This conditioning almost prevented me from sharing my truth around the ketogenic diet and lifestyle, which has allowed me to support many people around the globe with empowering themselves to improve their health and quality of life.

After a third brain tumor diagnosis, shortly after placing top 10 in the BMX World Series, I left my dream to speak my truth with no regard to anything besides the purpose of serving others around the world.

Since doing so, I’ve felt more free and have unlocked so much potential to do new things, reach more people, and learn more about myself.

I’ve made it my mission to inspire perspective in others that leads to owning their truth and speaking it as much as they possibly can while empowering themselves to be as healthy and happy as possible.

There’s no reason anyone should feel as if they don’t have a voice and it’s our responsibility to support each of our truths and voice to share that truth.

Josh P. 💚🧠✌️

What Are You WILLING To Do?

What are you willing to do for the things you say you “need” and “want” in your life?

Are you willing to sacrifice moments of instant gratification for the long game of sustainability?

Are you willing to put yourself in uncomfortable ale situations or moments of immense pain like I experienced in this photo?

The difference between a pro and amateur is the willingness to push past moments of physical and mental pain, fear, doubt, worry, judgment, stress and whatever else comes your way.

The future vision we create as a pro of our life’s journey is what defines us. We’re not defined by our past, who we showed up as yesterday, the times we fell down or “failed”, or the times we heard the word “no”. We are clear on our purpose behind the vision and won’t let anything stop us, no matter how far off course we find ourselves.

Pain is just information. Use the information to trouble shoot navigating forward to success.

When you find yourself comfortable, that should set off an alarm that it’s time to optimize.

Adaptations are healthy and necessary to build strength, but comfort can lead to stagnant phases in life and lead to unhappiness.

That’s what I’ve found in my life and BMX has taught me there’s always more in us to optimize our current level in area of life, if we’re willing to put the work in.

Get after it with clear, purposeful, and align intent that matches the vision you’ve created for your life.

Don’t settle for anything less and don’t let moment of pain persuade you off the path.

Josh P. 💚🧠✌️

Who Are You?

This quote works really well with this weeks Podcast. If you haven’t listened, check it out! The Grey Matters Podcast!

It’s ok to feel down, angry, sad, confused, lost, alone, and so on.

It’s not ok to judge others for how they respond to hardship in their lives.

We have to remember we are human and emotions come and go. It’s harder when a negative emotion arises from the death of a loved one.

When my younger brother passed last year, I was in a dark place questioning my own life. Asking myself things like “why does it matter if I live or die”? “Why should I bother doing anything anymore”? “Should I feel guilty about living my life and ever-smiling again”?

Being clear on our life vision and confident with our beliefs on life is key to not letting events affect how we feel, long term. Because when we experience an emotional state, it leads us to take action one way or another in our lives.

If we are in a negative emotional state, guess what, we’re probably not going to take the action we’re proud of. And, if we stay in this state long-term, that’s when life may not be how we imagine or want it to be.

Again, it’s ok to feel down immediately after a tragic event and there is no set time one must “get over it” even if others are saying so.

I am confident in knowing that those we love and lose wouldn’t want us to carry on feeling anything but the best we can and living our lives to the fullest in their honor.

I decided I was doing my brother an injustice to be depressed and waste the life I am fortunate enough to live. Instead, I bring his energy with me everywhere I go as I fulfill my purpose to help others.

Josh P. 💚🧠✌️

Starts With Your Thoughts

The life and things we desire both begin as a thought. They only manifest in our reality if we take action.

Take it a step further and add in persistence and consistency to this action as big key players in this equation of manifestation.

The thoughts we have trigger emotions that lead us to take action one way or another. Either way, this action we choose to take yields a result and creates the reality we live in.

This reality builds a belief system within our subconscious mind working for or against us. This belief becomes the code we operate on every single day.

When we don’t make changes in our actions day in and day out, we literally live each day as our present self, manifesting a future that’s no different from our past or current reality.

We literally have to break the habit of being ourselves in order to create a new reality.

I get more and more clear on this statement every day I learn and apply what I am learning.

The more I change my thoughts to align with my desires, the more emotional changes occur leading me to take the action I want and that aligns with my desires.

The more this equation occurs, the more and more I manifest opportunities, relationships, and abilities to create the life I desire.

It starts with your thoughts and manifests into physical form with a belief and action.

Have you witnessed this concept play out in your life?

Josh P. 💚🧠✌️

No excuses, just CHOICES

Yes or YES?

I don’t believe in excuses being anything other than a choice.

We all have a choice, no matter what. That choice is perspective.

We can make excuses as to why we can’t live the life we desire and affirm it to be true, therefore live in that truth.

Or, we can shift our perspective to seeing the world differently and finding a way to manifest the life we desire.

It’s not easy but it’s quite simple and my life is a great example of perspective shifts added to the mental and physical sense of action aligned with the desire.

Want something in your life?

Step 1: create the desire in your mind.

Step 2) stop telling yourself the bullshit excuse as to why you can’t when others just like you, and sometimes worse off than you, are doing that very thing you’re telling yourself isn’t possible.

3) develop a routine of positive subconscious programming whether that’s affirmations, meditation, or the content you choice to consume. Either way, make sure the energy and words are uplifting and serving your desire and purpose. What we feed our minds leads to the action we take and manifest our reality, either for or against our desires.

4) take ACTION and be relentless when it comes to perseverance and making it happen. Had I not had this step implemented for my BMX career, I wouldn’t have won a content, wouldn’t have made it to the most elite level of competition, and wouldn’t have started riding again after injuries or brain surgery.

5) build and maintain the belief in yourself despite whatever noise out there saying otherwise. If I can succeed with my goals, anyone can. *self awareness comes in play huge here because I’m not saying if your my height that you’ll be in the NBA or that if you’re terrible at singing that you’ll be the next Aretha Franklin. I’m saying follow your heart, out the work in (physically and mentally), beat the odds, and never give up on what you truly desire and believe is possible for YOU.

Josh P. 🧠💚✌️

Basics To Moving Forward

It took 75 staples, 16 stitches and a 6hr brain surgery to get me on the path of perspective and having a perspective of gratitude for even the most common things we tend to over look.

How we choose to see the world leads us to take action one way or another, which determines our personality and creates our personal reality.

When we audit our perspective and redirect it in a manner that serves us, we can then create abundance in all areas of life.

That’s my belief today and I see it unfold more and more as I practice and share this belief with others.

You can choose to believe the world is conspiring against you or for you. Either way, you’ll get what you’re looking for so I suggest we all audit what it is we’re looking for and desire.

Our subconscious doesn’t care about what we “like” and “don’t like”, it just beloved whatever we tell it.

So if everyday we tell it we’re tired, upset, broke, sick, anxious, stressed, worried, etc., that’s what we’ll find more of and eventually believe based on how we fell.

This combination leads us to falling into the auto-pilot cycle that happens every day of our life and solidifies this belief more and more based on our thoughts, actions, and emotions.

Change your thoughts, audit your actions, and change up your routines that are not serving you any more.

Josh P. 💚🧠✌️

Thoughts Become Things

Our personality creates our personal reality.

Words are the first step beyond thought leading into emotion, action and manifestation.

Action solidify the words spoken, one way or another and take the desire in the thought and verbal form to the next level of manifesting our desires.

Patterns become our personality and manifest what we think, feel and do on a regular basis. I argue beyond the simplest form of desire, thought and actions, patterns > EVERYTHING.

Josh P. 💚🧠✌️

Choose Gratitude

What we think, do and feel becomes our personality, which becomes our personal reality.

If we desire more than what’s currently in our life, we must be clear on what we desire, think it’s possible, believe we deserve to acquire it and that we can obtain it.

This thought process will lead to the action required to physical manifest the opportunity to obtain our desires.

This combination, along with subconscious programming/auto suggestion, meditation and visualization will create the chemical reaction known as a feeling.

All of this combined with gratitude to be alive is how we make the “impossible” possible and live out the life we envision and desire.

The only reason we don’t do the mental and physical work daily is because we don’t truly believe it works.

I’m here to share that it does work and the life I live today is proof.

It took time for me to fully adopt this concept it apply it but now that it’s apart of my being, I can’t help but share it with all of you.

Being grateful for what’s currently in your life and that yet to manifest is crucial.

Josh P. 💚🧠✌️


Best piece of advice I’ve heard and share….just START!

You don’t have to be the best out of the gate.

You don’t have to run before you can walk.

You don’t have to backflip before you can clear the jump.

You don’t have to speak to large crowds before you can speak in front of the mirror.

You don’t have to write the whole book before you write a chapter.

And, you don’t have to crush heavy weight in the gym before you can make a habit of just going on regular walks during the week and doing some body weight exercises.

STOP overanalyzing your goals.

STOP thinking you need to learn more.

STOP thinking you need to go faster.

STOP thinking you can’t.

STOP thinking you need others to start.

STOP believing the bullshit story you and others have told yourself why you can’t when in fact, YOU CAN.

If I can, YOU can. Just start by believing you want it bad enough to do something about it and can in fact do it!

Then take action and don’t give up!

I get asked “what’s the secret to your success” often and there’s no secret. Starts with a desire, faith in that desire being obtainable, a plan, action and figuring out more along the way.

Read “Think & Grow Rich”, “The Power Of I Am and the Law Of Attraction” or “You Are A Badass” and it’ll make more sense.

Josh P. 💚🧠✌️

EyeQ & Ketones

Before and after with @justpruvit pure therapeutic exogenous ketones thanks to @theaspi.

My EyeQ went up 10 points 30 minutes after consuming Keto//OS NAT and I could feel the difference.

The keto conversation transcends weight/fat loss in such profound ways that if that’s all we focus on, we’re just scratching the surface and devaluing the potential for ketones on so many levels.

Weight loss is a byproduct of prioritizing brian health and performance.

Josh P. 💚🧠✌️