BMX taught me pain endurance

“Pain is just one piece of information.”

I read that quote in Ronda Rousey’s book and it makes so much sense.

The other quote I love is “pain is inevitable, suffering is a choice”.

BMX taught me to endure a massive amount of mental and physical pain in order to accomplish my goals.

That foundation has set the tone for over half my current life and the rest of my life ahead of me.

With a mindset built like what BMX fosters then anything’s possible as long as the desire is strong enough and you’re willing to grind with persistence and faith.

Josh P. 💚🧠✌️

Brain Optimization Food

Fat-burning brain optimization food.

I’ll never get bored of this meal. Full of brain healthy fats and proteins.

100% keto and delicious.

@yezfoods coming in with that weekend “indulgence” in the only “keto bread” I’ve fallen in love with.

Wanna burn body fat and remove excess weight, you gotta give the body the materials to do so.

No more “eat less move more”’ mentality as it’s been documented numerous times that this model isn’t sustainable or helpful for brain optimization.

Carbs are not the enemy, our choices and ignorance are. Being fat-adapted and disciplined creates so much liberation from cravings, empowerment on conciliatory choices, increased energy, effortless fat-burning and a sense of freedom to live life on YOUR terms.

This is a great example of a meal that can help facilitate al of the above and I’m here to help bring awareness and support to all of you.

Josh P. 💚🧠✌️

Choose Gratitude

What we think, do and feel becomes our personality, which becomes our personal reality.

If we desire more than what’s currently in our life, we must be clear on what we desire, think it’s possible, believe we deserve to acquire it and that we can obtain it.

This thought process will lead to the action required to physical manifest the opportunity to obtain our desires.

This combination, along with subconscious programming/auto suggestion, meditation and visualization will create the chemical reaction known as a feeling.

All of this combined with gratitude to be alive is how we make the “impossible” possible and live out the life we envision and desire.

The only reason we don’t do the mental and physical work daily is because we don’t truly believe it works.

I’m here to share that it does work and the life I live today is proof.

It took time for me to fully adopt this concept it apply it but now that it’s apart of my being, I can’t help but share it with all of you.

Being grateful for what’s currently in your life and that yet to manifest is crucial.

Josh P. 💚🧠✌️


Best piece of advice I’ve heard and share….just START!

You don’t have to be the best out of the gate.

You don’t have to run before you can walk.

You don’t have to backflip before you can clear the jump.

You don’t have to speak to large crowds before you can speak in front of the mirror.

You don’t have to write the whole book before you write a chapter.

And, you don’t have to crush heavy weight in the gym before you can make a habit of just going on regular walks during the week and doing some body weight exercises.

STOP overanalyzing your goals.

STOP thinking you need to learn more.

STOP thinking you need to go faster.

STOP thinking you can’t.

STOP thinking you need others to start.

STOP believing the bullshit story you and others have told yourself why you can’t when in fact, YOU CAN.

If I can, YOU can. Just start by believing you want it bad enough to do something about it and can in fact do it!

Then take action and don’t give up!

I get asked “what’s the secret to your success” often and there’s no secret. Starts with a desire, faith in that desire being obtainable, a plan, action and figuring out more along the way.

Read “Think & Grow Rich”, “The Power Of I Am and the Law Of Attraction” or “You Are A Badass” and it’ll make more sense.

Josh P. 💚🧠✌️

EyeQ & Ketones

Before and after with @justpruvit pure therapeutic exogenous ketones thanks to @theaspi.

My EyeQ went up 10 points 30 minutes after consuming Keto//OS NAT and I could feel the difference.

The keto conversation transcends weight/fat loss in such profound ways that if that’s all we focus on, we’re just scratching the surface and devaluing the potential for ketones on so many levels.

Weight loss is a byproduct of prioritizing brian health and performance.

Josh P. 💚🧠✌️

Don’t Let Travel Be An Excuse

If you’re focused on the goal and vision you’ve created for your life, travel doesn’t become an excuse.

Learning how to optimize your efforts and adapt to your environments is key and what I’ve learned over the years to stay consistent with my goals.

Don’t create a story about why you can’t and start looking for opportunities to crush your goals.

Josh P 💚🧠✌️

Left One Dream A For Another

I left behind all I knew up until the point of a few years ago on a quest to progress my life to new levels I desired and envisioned.

This meant radically changing my actions, thoughts, beliefs and who I hung around that were not serving my new mission.

I didn’t have a plan. I just had a goal and a vision. I learned how to properly design and implement an organized plan and its importance as time went on.

The books “Think & Grow Rich” and “The Power of I Am & The Law Of Attraction” have been game changers along my last 3 years and I encourage everyone to read them.

Josh P. 💚🧠✌️

Subconscious Conditioning

Subconscious programming and conditioning are powerful.

I’ve seen it in many areas of my life now that I’m hyper aware of what it is and how it affects our goals.

Something like strength and condition training can bring any single able body benefit with their health and fitness.

But, we’re often conditioned to think otherwise for whatever reason it may be.

Being a professional athlete for over a decade, people assume I trained outside of my sport but that wasn’t true.

Taking care of yourself and wearing protective gear when you ride isn’t “cool” to a lot of people in BMX and it’s quite sad how I fell into the trap of caring what others thought for so long rather than what intrigued me and I wanted to explore due to being judged.

It’s funny because I get hated on so much now for all the positive changes I’ve made and share but I no longer care and is why I’m seeing so much success in my life.

I can’t thank @jciake and @coachmatthunter enough for all they’ve taught me and how far I’ve come thanks to them in terms of my exercise implementation and passion to do so.

Don’t let outsider noise and distractions control your desires and action, do YOU and remember we’re not responsible for others feelings and actions. Only our own.

Live your life, be aware of the subconscious programming you may be living with and break it down for the life you desire.

Josh P. 💚🧠✌️

Eyes Forward

Thank you to anyone who was for or against me.

Either way, in support of me or against me, it ultimately led me to where I am today & all I’m doing with my life & for others & I couldn’t be happier.

I’ve fallen in love with the journey while setting new goals every day & keeping my sights always exploring what possibilities there are for my life & my desire I’ve been creating in my mind.

@brianundy & I chatted about this concept of “where your eyes & head go, the rest of your body will follow” concept we have in BMX in regards to learning how to 360 in the beginning.

We were racing exotic cars out here in Vegas yesterday & the driver coaching us in the passenger seat would have to remind us all to stop looking so close in front of ourselves & look forward to where we wanted to go.

Great example of our goals & not getting stuck looking right at where we are but looking forward to what’s next & our new goals.

I talk about this mindset BMX and my hard working family instilled in me at a young age to always pursue what’s next in my life helping me overcome any hardship whether it’s fear, injuries, “failures” or “disease”. That same mindset has allowed me to get to where I am today and build the belief YOU can accomplish whatever you can see in your mind with the belief and persistence to not give up.

Failure only happens when you give up. Giving up doesn’t always mean you stopped pursuing a goal, sometimes it means being self aware enough to change course for the bigger picture / goal for your life and find another route.

This is all to say we have so much support along the way whether we can see it or not. Even the people that didn’t directly support us may have inspired us one way or another.

To be around @brianundy @ryanplowery Terry @magicmaleah @h_kingsbury and the whole @justpruvit family has been amazing and I couldn’t be more grateful for all I’m learning and experiencing.

There’s no such thing as self made and if you’ve read Think & Grow Rich, you understand this.

Josh P. 💚🧠✌️