Actions > Theory

The desire and vision are all that matter in the beginning.

No amount of planning or education will get you where you want to go without taking action.

I know so many people that are addicted to learning as they are insecure or their abilities to achieve their desires and scared to take action, so they learn more and work on more complicated plans.

Usually fear of failure and judgment, but I’ve also experienced fear of success thinking “what will people think of me when I accomplish this” or having to go through with even more action each step we reach along the journey.

Wr are also often unclear of our life vision and the belief that our desires are possible to posses.

There’s a ton of background context leading to these false beliefs based on social conditioning, subconscious programming from a young age, and our who stepping in telling us all the reasons not to act in an effort to keep us safe.

Taking action will teach you more about yourself and the reality of the desire and journey to obtain said desire than any amount of education.

Learning without doing is learning theory. I see so many people teaching theory out of fear to act, for whatever reason fear presents itself in their perspectives. How can someone teach a topic or help others device a plan if they have no hands on experience?

I am a big fan of walking my talk and try to never teach something I have no personal experience with, because that’s theory. Just because you understand something and memorized the topic, doesn’t mean you know the application of this topic. Here’s where I have issues with people “walking their talk” as I believe that’s all that matters when teaching others or learning from someone.

A degree doesn’t mean shit to me. Multiple degrees don’t mean shit. Knowing what works and what doesn’t work, based on actual experience and not theory, means the world to me and will always trump words.

Actions > words.

Life experience > education without action.

Truth > theory.

Gratitude > fear.

Purpose > self.

Do you take action or are you a subject of paralysis analysis?

Josh P. 💚🧠✌️

Perspective & NeuroChemicals

Perspective is all it takes to see the truth in this.

Think about this statement for a minute….gratitude is the key to abundance.

If we live with the perspective of “lack”, then we will feel and believe we have lack. If we develop a perspective of gratitude, we feel gratitude.

That’s how our subconscious mind works. It doesn’t decide what’s “good” or “bad”, or what we like and don’t like.

It can’t tell the difference from perceived or reality and with that, it triggers the release of chemicals in our body according to the thought that entered the mind.

These chemicals are addicting and are what lead to our actions.

Those actions bring on an experience, and that experience creates a story and emotion embedded into our brains that triggers the chemical cycle all over again with that action every time.

So if we think in lack and then take actions throughout the day that don’t serve us and our goals, we create this feeling linked to this thought over and over again.

We literally live as our past self and create our past as our future.

How do you think working every day to foster a perspective of gratitude would allow you to change your life?

If you felt a higher vibration of energy, would you be more inclined to act different and make new choices?

Would this “different” version of yourself and new choices being on new feelings, ultimately bringing you closer to the reality you desire?

I have found the answer to be YES.

No matter what we believe in (religion, spirituality, energy, etc.), how can we expect that source that gave us life to give us more of what we want if we’re not grateful for what we have right now?

The key to happiness and success is to feel what that desired outcome may feel like now.

This allows us to act, think and believe in ourselves and goals, ultimately manifesting what we focus our minds in and give energy to.

Josh P. 💚🧠✌️

Who Are You?

This quote works really well with this weeks Podcast. If you haven’t listened, check it out! The Grey Matters Podcast!

It’s ok to feel down, angry, sad, confused, lost, alone, and so on.

It’s not ok to judge others for how they respond to hardship in their lives.

We have to remember we are human and emotions come and go. It’s harder when a negative emotion arises from the death of a loved one.

When my younger brother passed last year, I was in a dark place questioning my own life. Asking myself things like “why does it matter if I live or die”? “Why should I bother doing anything anymore”? “Should I feel guilty about living my life and ever-smiling again”?

Being clear on our life vision and confident with our beliefs on life is key to not letting events affect how we feel, long term. Because when we experience an emotional state, it leads us to take action one way or another in our lives.

If we are in a negative emotional state, guess what, we’re probably not going to take the action we’re proud of. And, if we stay in this state long-term, that’s when life may not be how we imagine or want it to be.

Again, it’s ok to feel down immediately after a tragic event and there is no set time one must “get over it” even if others are saying so.

I am confident in knowing that those we love and lose wouldn’t want us to carry on feeling anything but the best we can and living our lives to the fullest in their honor.

I decided I was doing my brother an injustice to be depressed and waste the life I am fortunate enough to live. Instead, I bring his energy with me everywhere I go as I fulfill my purpose to help others.

Josh P. 💚🧠✌️

Starts With Your Thoughts

The life and things we desire both begin as a thought. They only manifest in our reality if we take action.

Take it a step further and add in persistence and consistency to this action as big key players in this equation of manifestation.

The thoughts we have trigger emotions that lead us to take action one way or another. Either way, this action we choose to take yields a result and creates the reality we live in.

This reality builds a belief system within our subconscious mind working for or against us. This belief becomes the code we operate on every single day.

When we don’t make changes in our actions day in and day out, we literally live each day as our present self, manifesting a future that’s no different from our past or current reality.

We literally have to break the habit of being ourselves in order to create a new reality.

I get more and more clear on this statement every day I learn and apply what I am learning.

The more I change my thoughts to align with my desires, the more emotional changes occur leading me to take the action I want and that aligns with my desires.

The more this equation occurs, the more and more I manifest opportunities, relationships, and abilities to create the life I desire.

It starts with your thoughts and manifests into physical form with a belief and action.

Have you witnessed this concept play out in your life?

Josh P. 💚🧠✌️

Reality > Social Media

I haven’t done this trick in over 5 months.

It’s crazy what goes into a single piece of content that gets forgotten in less than 5 minutes or gets overlooked in the first place.

With that said, far too often do we as a society see the glamor on social media that is a person’s highlight real without seeing the journey that involves the up’s and down’s along the way.

I try to be as transparent as I can in regards to all of my life, the “good” and the “bad”.

The reasons I put quotation marks around the words good and bad is because what may seem like “good” to some, may be a burden and stressor to others. Or, it may not even be the whole truth behind what’s being shown.

Same for the “bad” as one individual may see something that I see as what served me well in my life. A tragedy to one person is the single most defining moment of my life that has led me to the love of my life (@jciake), an amazing career I created for myself, and has helped me inspire and motivate others to make changes that ultimately improved their quality of life.

I am grateful for all my experiences and do my best to show you all of what goes into living the life I lead today.

Walk your talk and make sure you don’t walk into someone’s b.s. because you only get to see what they want you to see.

Josh P. 💚🧠✌️

Make Em & Take Em

#MakeEmTakeEm refers to 2 aspects in my mind:

1) Ketosis

2) Manifestation

1) The ability to create endogenous ketones and supplement with @justpruvit pure therapeutic ketones is important for maximum optimization of our efforts living a ketogenic lifestyle. (Listen to learn why in regards to the adaptation process).

2) The ability to make a choice and take action every day that’s going to serve your desires is key to manifesting our goals and dreams.

I explain the context behind each area from my perspective.

Are you Making Em & Taking Em?

Josh P. 💚🧠✌️


Who’s walking their talk and Prüving it every SINGLE day?! Words don’t mean shit if you’re actions aren’t align, otherwise you’re speaking in theory.

Part of manifesting our desires is taking action, not just speaking or visualizing our desires.

If you’re not uncomfortable every day, you’re not doing what you need to do to create a new reality for yourself.

That’s not to say you have to dislike your life and not enjoy the process. It just means in order to grow, you need to be challenged.

In order to manifest the life we don’t currently live how we envision, we gotta grow and pursue MORE.

Otherwise, we’d be content where we are now and not have any desires.

Are you walking your talk?

Josh P. 💚🧠✌️

My 3 Core Life Principals

I live my life by these 3 principals:

1) perspective is essential to life

2) health is internal

3) our reality is a manifestation of our choices

After losing my brother, Danny, over a year ago to suicide, I have faced these principals in depth for how i choice to move forward with my life even tho I felt like quitting.

I can’t quit or I’d be letting my brother down and my biggest fear in life is letting down those I care about.

I’m fueled by doing right by Danny and Mirra and it’s part of what drives my efforts on the daily.

Josh P. 💚🧠✌️

Optimize > Adapt

There is a difference with tolerating what happens in our life and challenging it.

When we are constantly “adapting”, we’re settling for tolerating or accepting life as is.

If we’re “optimizing”, we’re challenging the undesirable and uncomfortable, and taking control of creating our envisioned life.

If we are unhappy with a particular aspect of our life, it’s our own fault. Nothing else’s and no one else’s fault.

What we experience as our “environment” internally and externally, is predicated on our thoughts, emotions and actions.

This cycle becomes our personality and is what creates our personal reality every day.

If we want a new outcome for our lives, we have to make changes. It starts with our thoughts and picks up momentum with taking action in the physical form.

This is how we optimize our life for what we desire, rather than accepting the status quo.

Believe in yourself. Don’t give in to fear. Know fear is just a thought and you can replace that thought with ones of love, abundance, and gratitude.

Are you optimizing or adapting your life?

Josh P. 💚🧠✌️

Everything you want is on the other side of fear.

One of the top questions I get is how do I overcome fear and what’s the secret?

Secret? Non!

It’s a choice I make and we all can make when presented with fear.

Start with this set of questions:

1) is this fear I’m perceiving real?

2) is this fear what I desire?

3) is this fear what I want?

If you say “no” to any of these 3 questions, then you have to make the choice to let that fear fuel you to push through to pursuing the action that sparks fear.

Everything we desire is on the other side of fear when we sit and look at what that statement represents.

If it were easy and or not scary, we’d already be doing the things we want and have the life we desire.

“Easy” and “scary” are just words and perspectives. When we shift our perspectives, we are more likely to take new action in life that leads us closer to our desires.

Josh P. 💚🧠✌️