Failure = Growth

As human beings, we give meaning to every little thing in life.

When something doesn’t go our way, we “failed” we say.

We fear “failure” and in doing so, we fear adversity or challenges in life because we are afraid to “fail”.

What’s cool about our mind is we can change it. We can change our perspective and therefore change the meaning we give to experiences in life.

Rather than seeing “failure”, why not see “opportunity”? Opportunity to learn and grow.

When we’re stressed for any reason, we’re forced to make a choice. A choice to push through and move forward, which allows us to grow and advance in our lives. Or, we can be crippled by the fear and discomfort and continue to living life and getting the same outcomes as before.

With the latter choice, we continue the cycle until we finally push through our fears and really grow as a human.

Often times we only fear “failure” due to the “status” we want to have or think we have with our peers. That’s why we buy the things we buy, or don’t, based on our perspectives of what these things mean to us and society.

When it comes to goals, dreams and aspirations, we let fear hold us back with the thought of “what will they think of me if I fail?” based upon misty people that we don’t care about but for some reason care what they think about us.

I’ve experienced this in many different forms and BMX was the most profound form that’s taught me so much about myself and life, and has allowed me to grow in many different manners. BMX competition helped me as I advanced into being a business owner and public speaker.

I’ve learned to love challenges, obstacles, adversity, “failures”, and “losing” because it stimulates me to optimize my efforts and grow, leading to the life I desire and work so hard to live and share with all of you.

Are you living in fear of “failure” or are you embracing adversity?

Josh P. 💚🧠✌️

Working For A Weekend?

Are you living for the weekend or living for each day?

My friend posted this asking what makes you jump for Monday?

What makes me jump for Monday’s is the fact no one will comment about how it’s the weekend and I’m “working” because they’ll be working too.

I love every aspect of my life and don’t see weekends and weekdays as what I used to. They’re days for me to live my life and make choices that serve me.

Some days it’s work related and some not so much, or at all. It all serves me tho and how I desire to live my life.

Let me know what makes you JUMP for Monday’s and tag 3 fiends so I can DM you to hop on a free call with me.

Josh P. 💚🧠✌️

Extraordinary or Ordinary?

“I’d risk the fall to know what it feels like to fly” @davemirra.

Are you willing to risk failure to have a shot at experiencing success? Yes or YES?

In order to live an extraordinary life, we gotta risk being an extraordinary person taking extraordinary actions.

It’s easy to see risk in BMX bike riding and business, but what about other areas of life?

It’s not always s easy to spot unless you’re really aware of what some risk looks like to each one of us individually.

Some are afraid of public speaking so to see someone like this post a video of them talking about something they’re passionate about, that’s an example of them being extraordinary.

By doing so, they’re getting closer to their goal of inspiring change and setting an example for others to follow that could spark a movement.

Are you being extraordinary or living an “ordinary” life dictated by fear?

Josh P. 💚🧠✌️

It Was Worth It

The life I live today is AMAZING.

It’s for sure not “easy” although I love every aspect of it, therefore eliminating the debate over “easy” and “hard”. It’s just what I want to do with my life.

Along the way, there have been many obstacles that have helped get me to where I am today: 3 brain tumor diagnosis, torn ACL, countless concussions, living off my younger brother couch and out of my car when I was broke, depression, being physically and verbally abused as a child by a step father, being dropped from my bike sponsor mid recovery from surgery, and losing friends and family close to me to suicide.

Non the less, every obstacle, set back, and level of pain has taught me a valuable lesson and that is that shit could always be worse.

Through it all, I’ve been tempted over and over again with opportunity to make life “easier” as the cost of my integrity.

Whether it was taking a pay check to represent a brand that went so against what I stand for or even giving up on all the things I’m actively pursuing, including my own life.

The desire for the life I envision has been so strong it’s brought me out of very dark hole I’ve been in and kept me from taking the “easy route” when presented.

By doing so, it’s allowed me to continue down the path of living the life I desire and to choose to become who I want to be.

I’m grateful for my dedication to my core values and for all the love and support you all continue to show me as I navigate this life journey and sharing with all of you.

Josh P. 💚🧠✌️

Dial In How To Walk Before You Run

I get asked how one progresses with BMX and I get asked this question a ton.

It’s no different than any other aspect or skill in life.

We gotta learn to walk before we can run. In the world of BMX, we gotta learn to ride before we can stunt. Haha.

The messaging behind @justpruvit and I both encourage becoming better every single day. No matter what you do that day or don’t do, as long as you strive to be better, then that’s all that matters.

It’s easy to get caught up in all that we haven’t done yet, skills that aren’t “good enough”, where our business is or isn’t, and how much MORE and BETTER we could be doing.

The issues I commonly see and experience are the following.

1) getting caught up on the “destination” or the goal rather than falling in love with the process or journey.

2) comparing ourselves to others in general, but also with not knowing the whole story or all the context that went into that persons success that we’re comparing ourselves to.

3) not holding ourselves and our actions accountable to the reality we’re living in. Fixing our power away by making up excuses to why we can’t or aren’t succeeding with a desire in our life.

What BMX as taught me is to become relentless with persistence, habits, work, mindset built of belief, not caring what others think of myself, and to not give up when times get tough.

Are you trying to run before you dial in walking, with any aspect of a goal(s) you may have developed?

Josh P. 💚🧠✌️

YOU Choose Your Destiny

Can I get a yes or YES?

This statement took me a while to fully understand but now that I do, I fully believe in this statement and is why I use it.

We choose our personality. Maybe not consciously, but that’s why ignorance is NOT bliss.

We don’t know what we don’t know and if we want a life we desire, it’s our personality that keeps us from obtaining said reality.

Our personality creates our personal reality. Meaning, what we think, say, do, feel and believe becomes our personality. Our personality leads ya into patterns day in and day out that we are not always aware of and this is called “auto pilot”.

When we get into auto pilot in a way that doesn’t serve our deepest desires, we say things like “impossible”, “must be nice”, “I can’t”, and so on regarding the possibilities to manifest a life we desire based on false influences embedded deep within our subconscious.

I guarantee that no matter what obstacle you’re experiencing to use an excuse for why you can’t, someone who did exactly what you did came from a worse start.

We often neglect the backend story for many reasons and just see the finished product and compare ourselves to that and not the starting position or journey it took to create that product (success in ones life).

I used to be full of resurgent, jealously, and anger towards others that were successful because I didn’t feel that I was and wanted it. I didn’t know that emotion, thought, and belief was telling the universe I didn’t like success and was hardwiring my brain to believe success wasn’t good nor possible for myself.

I believe that in order to be successful, we have to want to serve others, lift others up, and be relentless with gratitude, perseverance, action, belief, and empathy.

Josh P. 💚🧠✌️

Speak YOUR Truth

I get asked how to make a change or influence others to make changes.

It’s simple.

Share your truth!!


“You can’t handle the truth” haha 😂

Speak your truth. Walk your truth. LIVE your truth!

If you want others to make changes that you’ve made and witnessed successes in your life from doing so, the only way to influence others is by showing them.

“Leading by example” may be an old corny phrase but it’s so true.

We see it in BMX when a new rider does a trick for the first time and it opens everyone’s mind to the possibilities of said trick for themselves because they saw it.

That’s why sharing transformational photos is so powerful. It’s more than words on a piece of paper of screen. It’s an image illustrating the proof of those words.

Same for a presentation and why stories are so powerful. The information is useless unless there’s stories backing said information to give the loving proof of the ideas presented.

I encourage everyone to speak, walk, and live their truths and not worry about others. Only yourself.

We’re not responsible for others and how they feel or act. Only our own actions and feelings.

Josh P. 💚🧠✌️

Reboot Fot Keto Adaptation

August 18th starts the next Prüvit Rebøøt, who’s in?

”Give me 2-3 days 100% effort and you won’t crave sugar” (Dr. Eric Westman), especially if you use the Rebøøt to initiate the keto adaptation process.

Keto and fat adaptation is the process of your body recognizing how to burn fat for fuel, make ketones from said fat, and learn to uptake and utilize ketones for fuel efficiently over time.

Being fat and keto adapted can be a game changer for your physical and mental performance, body composition, disease risk factors, recovery and ability to handle stress, reduce your rate of aging, and help support so much more undesirable ailments we as a society suffer from on a chronic basis.

The epigenetic (ability to influence and change gene expression) effects of ketones are truly profound as Dr. Ryan Lowery and I have been showing with medical imaging and testing, and Dr Andra Campitelli presents and she mentions how 75% of our genes may be influenced due to lifestyle choices.

The Rebøøt is a great way for people to reset their metabolism for the first time, after some indulgence, straying away from the ketogenic diet, or as a monthly mental challenge and metabolic/mitochondria boost.

Mitochondria are what’s responsible for creating energy in our body and when we can optimize their effectiveness and resilience, our body functions more optimally.

The Rebøøt is a great way to optimize your mitochondria and strengthen your fat metabolism, further supporting keto adaptation.

Josh P. 💚🧠✌️

1 Choice : 2 paths to choose from.

No matter what the reality may be, 2 things are to note: 1) shit could always be worse and 2) you still have a choice in perspective.

This choice is where the 2 paths come in.

Choose a path of victim mentality – why me, what did I do to deserve this, this always happens, am I a bad person, life’s not fair, etc. etc.

Or, choose a path of survivorship and view every event, no matter how difficult or undesirable it may be, as an opportunity to learn, grow, and move closer to achieving our goals and living the life we desire and deserve.

Both choices take the same amount of energy and effort upfront to make but I argue victim mentality takes more time and energy, and sometime money, in the long run.

The further down the victim route we go, the more deep rooted those neurological firing and connections set it as we think the same thoughts on a regular basis and create the chemical response known as an emotion, and then take similar action to create this experience all over again on a daily basis further cementing us into this undesirable emotional and physical experience.

I encourage the choice of a survivor as it’s worth the energy and effort for the long game. Sacrificing time, energy, money, etc. is always a must in order to achieve more in our lives.

The way we choose to sacrifice things in our life is our choice and is one built on deep rooted subconscious programming.

Sometimes this programming isn’t what we want to fuel how we think and act, but often we don’t know any better or know that there’s an alternative route.

That’s my goal in all I do and share.

Show you all what I’ve learned and implemented, proving we can create the reality we desire despite where we start.

Seeing all the “bad” in your life and the world is a choice because there’s enough “good” happening if we want to find it.

Josh P. 💚🧠✌️

Where Our Focus Goes, Energy Flows

What are you focusing on?

Weather it be “good” or “bad”, what we focus on is what we train our subconscious to be on alert for. It may not be desirable but that focus takes time and energy, and leads to specific action, and this combination keeps us on track for whatever that focus is be it desirable or not.

If we are not happy with where we are in our life, we can focus on the action we take and if they truly align with our desires.

If not, make some changes to the actions so that they align with your desires.

I first became really aware of this concept as a teenager thanks to BMX.

If I want to do a trick for the first time and don’t invest time and energy to practicing that trick, how can I ever expect to do the trick? And if the trick isn’t working, I have to make some changes to my approach in order to get a new result.

Same in other areas of life, these changes take a lot of time and energy to be devoted to manifesting the desire.

It’s not easy but it’s real simple when we take a step back, reach out for support, and really audit our actions.

It sounds cheesy and cliche but it’s so true. The only reason we often don’t create this discipline in our life is because we don’t believe it works.

Once I committed to change and believing in my efforts, I started seeing massive shifts in my life in terms of success, health, happiness, and abundance.

Josh P. 💚🧠✌️