Pursuing BETTER

No words will do this feeling justice beyond euphoria and gratitude.

I’ve never felt the same emotions since competing other than before, during, and after I step on stage to share my TRUTH with 1,000’s of people.

The energy from a Prüvit event, the love and support from this amazing community, and the atmosphere of the Louisville Palace is incredible.

I’ve only been speaking for about a year now and to have spoken in front of such an amazing audience in a historical and iconic theater blows my mind and I’m incredibly fortunate to have this opportunity to speak in such a venue to such a crowd.

As I stepped on stage and looked at all the amazing humans challenging BETTER for our society, I felt at home. As I looked up into the second level balcony, I took a breath and allowed all the love and gratitude in as I felt more belief in my purpose to empower people to be BETTER and realize their potential in life as soon as they choose to step into it.

I couldn’t be more grateful for Brian Underwood (Prüvit CEO) trusting me to share with his community and to have the opportunity to experience such an amazing time with Brian Guilmette Prüvit and PrüvitNation.

Thank you all for the love Prüvit, thank you to those who’ve ever given me fuel by saying I couldn’t be successful or that I wasn’t good enough, and thank you for whoever read this all the way through.

My top HACK for BETTER in my life is to become as conscious as possible in such a way that we can audit our personality (our thoughts, actions, and emotions) to see how aligned we are with our desires….and drink Prüvit exogenous ketones!

Josh P. 💚🧠✌️

Subconscious Status

Why do you care what people you don’t know or like think of you?

A lot of us are afraid of judgment from others.

What’s crazy to think about is the people we’re afraid of judging us don’t affect our lives in any anyway and don’t serve a purpose either way.

So why do we still care?

Subconscious status and insecurities is why.

Think about it. Why do you want that car? That watch? That job? That house? That amount of money?

Because of how it will make us feel based on how others will perceive us.

I see friends of mine waste their money on materialistic items they “want” because of how they think it change others opinions of them after years of negativity shared their way.

When you focus on you, and only you, and what fuels you and makes you happy, you start to invest your time, energy and money differently.

I’ve found that shifting my time, energy and money towards my purpose rather than my ego has helped me create more abundance, success, love, opportunities, relationships, and feelings of happiness like non other.

Where at you investing your time, energy, and money?

Josh P. 💚🧠✌️

Gratitude & Progression > Spite & Lack

Don’t get that quote wrong, I live and breath gratitude.

That said, I’m competitive at heart as we all are.

I didn’t make a name for myself in this world by being content.

I strived for more and pushed myself to reach new levels every step of the way.

I was fueled by a lot of spite and anger leading to my success as a professional athlete.

Then, after the first brain tumor diagnosis, my perspective shifted to one of gratitude for my life and all that was in it.

This sense of gratitude led me to wanting even more in my life, which led me on a path of serving others along the way.

What’s the use in my success if others can’t experience their success as well?

At the end of the day, it’s human nature to progress our lives in areas were passionate about.

What this journey up until this moment has taught me is that gratitude leads to abundance in all areas of life.

A simple perspective shift to that of gratitude not only changes our chemical make up, but it also attracts alike vibes from our external environments.

Sounds woohoo and all that but it’s backed by science that we can se and measure, and my life is a clear example of just that.

Gratitude & progression > spite and lack.

Josh P. 💚🧠✌️

Heart or Fear?

Is your heart running your show or fear?

My mission is to show people the potential for their lives in all aspects once they take ownership of their power and lead with their heart and passion.

I spent far too much time living in fear and not living up to my fullest potential and I don’t believe any one of us had to.

Be honest with yourself. What’s leading your life?

Your heart and passion? Or, fear and logic?

Josh P. 💚🧠✌️

Actions > Theory

The desire and vision are all that matter in the beginning.

No amount of planning or education will get you where you want to go without taking action.

I know so many people that are addicted to learning as they are insecure or their abilities to achieve their desires and scared to take action, so they learn more and work on more complicated plans.

Usually fear of failure and judgment, but I’ve also experienced fear of success thinking “what will people think of me when I accomplish this” or having to go through with even more action each step we reach along the journey.

Wr are also often unclear of our life vision and the belief that our desires are possible to posses.

There’s a ton of background context leading to these false beliefs based on social conditioning, subconscious programming from a young age, and our who stepping in telling us all the reasons not to act in an effort to keep us safe.

Taking action will teach you more about yourself and the reality of the desire and journey to obtain said desire than any amount of education.

Learning without doing is learning theory. I see so many people teaching theory out of fear to act, for whatever reason fear presents itself in their perspectives. How can someone teach a topic or help others device a plan if they have no hands on experience?

I am a big fan of walking my talk and try to never teach something I have no personal experience with, because that’s theory. Just because you understand something and memorized the topic, doesn’t mean you know the application of this topic. Here’s where I have issues with people “walking their talk” as I believe that’s all that matters when teaching others or learning from someone.

A degree doesn’t mean shit to me. Multiple degrees don’t mean shit. Knowing what works and what doesn’t work, based on actual experience and not theory, means the world to me and will always trump words.

Actions > words.

Life experience > education without action.

Truth > theory.

Gratitude > fear.

Purpose > self.

Do you take action or are you a subject of paralysis analysis?

Josh P. 💚🧠✌️


Who’s walking their talk and Prüving it every SINGLE day?! Words don’t mean shit if you’re actions aren’t align, otherwise you’re speaking in theory.

Part of manifesting our desires is taking action, not just speaking or visualizing our desires.

If you’re not uncomfortable every day, you’re not doing what you need to do to create a new reality for yourself.

That’s not to say you have to dislike your life and not enjoy the process. It just means in order to grow, you need to be challenged.

In order to manifest the life we don’t currently live how we envision, we gotta grow and pursue MORE.

Otherwise, we’d be content where we are now and not have any desires.

Are you walking your talk?

Josh P. 💚🧠✌️

My 3 Core Life Principals

I live my life by these 3 principals:

1) perspective is essential to life

2) health is internal

3) our reality is a manifestation of our choices


After losing my brother, Danny, over a year ago to suicide, I have faced these principals in depth for how i choice to move forward with my life even tho I felt like quitting.

I can’t quit or I’d be letting my brother down and my biggest fear in life is letting down those I care about.

I’m fueled by doing right by Danny and Mirra and it’s part of what drives my efforts on the daily.

Josh P. 💚🧠✌️

Optimize > Adapt

There is a difference with tolerating what happens in our life and challenging it.

When we are constantly “adapting”, we’re settling for tolerating or accepting life as is.

If we’re “optimizing”, we’re challenging the undesirable and uncomfortable, and taking control of creating our envisioned life.

If we are unhappy with a particular aspect of our life, it’s our own fault. Nothing else’s and no one else’s fault.

What we experience as our “environment” internally and externally, is predicated on our thoughts, emotions and actions.

This cycle becomes our personality and is what creates our personal reality every day.

If we want a new outcome for our lives, we have to make changes. It starts with our thoughts and picks up momentum with taking action in the physical form.

This is how we optimize our life for what we desire, rather than accepting the status quo.

Believe in yourself. Don’t give in to fear. Know fear is just a thought and you can replace that thought with ones of love, abundance, and gratitude.

Are you optimizing or adapting your life?

Josh P. 💚🧠✌️

Everything you want is on the other side of fear.

One of the top questions I get is how do I overcome fear and what’s the secret?

Secret? Non!

It’s a choice I make and we all can make when presented with fear.

Start with this set of questions:

1) is this fear I’m perceiving real?

2) is this fear what I desire?

3) is this fear what I want?

If you say “no” to any of these 3 questions, then you have to make the choice to let that fear fuel you to push through to pursuing the action that sparks fear.

Everything we desire is on the other side of fear when we sit and look at what that statement represents.

If it were easy and or not scary, we’d already be doing the things we want and have the life we desire.

“Easy” and “scary” are just words and perspectives. When we shift our perspectives, we are more likely to take new action in life that leads us closer to our desires.

Josh P. 💚🧠✌️

Failure = Growth

As human beings, we give meaning to every little thing in life.

When something doesn’t go our way, we “failed” we say.

We fear “failure” and in doing so, we fear adversity or challenges in life because we are afraid to “fail”.

What’s cool about our mind is we can change it. We can change our perspective and therefore change the meaning we give to experiences in life.

Rather than seeing “failure”, why not see “opportunity”? Opportunity to learn and grow.

When we’re stressed for any reason, we’re forced to make a choice. A choice to push through and move forward, which allows us to grow and advance in our lives. Or, we can be crippled by the fear and discomfort and continue to living life and getting the same outcomes as before.

With the latter choice, we continue the cycle until we finally push through our fears and really grow as a human.

Often times we only fear “failure” due to the “status” we want to have or think we have with our peers. That’s why we buy the things we buy, or don’t, based on our perspectives of what these things mean to us and society.

When it comes to goals, dreams and aspirations, we let fear hold us back with the thought of “what will they think of me if I fail?” based upon misty people that we don’t care about but for some reason care what they think about us.

I’ve experienced this in many different forms and BMX was the most profound form that’s taught me so much about myself and life, and has allowed me to grow in many different manners. BMX competition helped me as I advanced into being a business owner and public speaker.

I’ve learned to love challenges, obstacles, adversity, “failures”, and “losing” because it stimulates me to optimize my efforts and grow, leading to the life I desire and work so hard to live and share with all of you.

Are you living in fear of “failure” or are you embracing adversity?

Josh P. 💚🧠✌️