Eyes Forward

Thank you to anyone who was for or against me.

Either way, in support of me or against me, it ultimately led me to where I am today & all I’m doing with my life & for others & I couldn’t be happier.

I’ve fallen in love with the journey while setting new goals every day & keeping my sights always exploring what possibilities there are for my life & my desire I’ve been creating in my mind.

@brianundy & I chatted about this concept of “where your eyes & head go, the rest of your body will follow” concept we have in BMX in regards to learning how to 360 in the beginning.

We were racing exotic cars out here in Vegas yesterday & the driver coaching us in the passenger seat would have to remind us all to stop looking so close in front of ourselves & look forward to where we wanted to go.

Great example of our goals & not getting stuck looking right at where we are but looking forward to what’s next & our new goals.

I talk about this mindset BMX and my hard working family instilled in me at a young age to always pursue what’s next in my life helping me overcome any hardship whether it’s fear, injuries, “failures” or “disease”. That same mindset has allowed me to get to where I am today and build the belief YOU can accomplish whatever you can see in your mind with the belief and persistence to not give up.

Failure only happens when you give up. Giving up doesn’t always mean you stopped pursuing a goal, sometimes it means being self aware enough to change course for the bigger picture / goal for your life and find another route.

This is all to say we have so much support along the way whether we can see it or not. Even the people that didn’t directly support us may have inspired us one way or another.

To be around @brianundy @ryanplowery Terry @magicmaleah @h_kingsbury and the whole @justpruvit family has been amazing and I couldn’t be more grateful for all I’m learning and experiencing.

There’s no such thing as self made and if you’ve read Think & Grow Rich, you understand this.

Josh P. 💚🧠✌️

Pain Over Suffering

Pain is inevitable but suffering is a choice we often subconsciously make.

This quote from Ronda Rousey makes so much sense when you really think about it. Pain doesn’t just appear, there’s always a cause whether it be mentally or physically.

When we become self aware and really understand where the pain is coming from in our life, we can make changes and no longer suffer.

Even if we avoid the cause of the pain, the pain turns to suffering mentally longer term in various forms.

BMX taught me how to understand pain and choose my next actions and if I wanted to love with the pain or not.

Josh P. 💚🧠✌️

Consistency is Success

Have you started towards a goal and found yourself going down multiple paths that don’t really get you any closer to your goal?

I have found as excited I got in the past to learn and try new things, every step away from the original strategy takes us out of alignment.

I’m not saying stay stagnant and in one box, I’m saying I’ve found most success in regards to accomplishing a goal when I stay the course and add the new ideas, concepts and plans to the list to try after some time.

For example, if we’re trying to remove body fat and start on a plan and switch to another plan even 4-6 weeks in, we don’t give it enough time to truly manifest and then get discouraged when we bounce around from plan to plan.

Even with BMX, we can’t try a new trick a handful of times and then move on to another one and expect either to get dialed in a short amount of time if we don’t stay consistent with the process. Once we get the new trick or plan dialed, and see results, we can then add to the plan or just stay the course longer and get it more dialed.

Far too often do we as a society want quick results and miss the long game approach. We’re playing chess here people, not checkers.

We don’t want a success to fizzle out, we want that success to be our new reality long term.

Josh P. 💚🧠✌️

Words Are Powerful

Words are powerful. But our thoughts are even more powerful.

Suggestions come and go every day and it’s our thinking and belief structure that makes those suggestions reality. That is, if we choose to let them do so.

I made a transition in my thinking and belief structure after being told I’d die at the age of 21.

I could have easily given up and accepted the suggestion as my new reality but I couldn’t fathom that as it didn’t align with my life vision.

Our thinking and belief structure combined with action is what allows some to beat the odds and others to wish they could change their reality.

What’s rad is we all can change our reality as long as we believe we can and take the action that aligns with our words.

Josh P. 💚🧠✌️

What’s Mine Is Mine

Following my recent post regarding attempting to “tear others down” to make yourself feel better.

How we treat others is a direct reflection of who we are on the inside in the moment.

I’ve witnessed this over and over again and have had to audit who I was and how I was treating others over the years due to my own negativity I was fostering within myself.

A great thing to focus on is “what’s mine is mine and what’s theirs is theirs” meaning, if you are causing no harm and someone’s sharing negativity back, that’s their bullshit. Not yours.

Being confident enough in our own actions and walking our truth is key to not letting others affect how we feel. Because, when we have an emotional state it leads us to taking action one way or another.

If we are in a negative emotional state, guess what, we’re probably not going to take the action we’re proud of.

You can see with that how others may treat us, or try to, treat us poorly and how it’s on them, not us.

We’re not responsible for how others want to lead their life or their emotional states. We’re only responsible for our emotions and actions.

Own your shit and step into your power.

Josh P. 💚🧠✌️

Off The Bike Thoughts

Will I last until October before I ride again?

Although I intended to wait until October, I’m thinking that isn’t quite what I want to do.

Luckily, I have a ton of trips coming up to occupy me and keep me off my bike further but August has me thinking, haha.

I had a great chat with @createdbybrian today about my decision either way and what’s really “walking my talk” in regards to fearing lack of commitment with what I set out to do.

I’m still fulfilling my purpose, I’m still being 100% authentic and transparent, and I’m doing what’s in my best interest.

Although I have zero desire to compete, I still love the feeling of what I’m able to do on my bike.

That ability is something I’m grateful for and brings up another reason why this topic of ability means a lot to me because some out there can’t use their limb(s), maybe lacks a limb in general, or didn’t wake up today.

Beyond living with brain tumors, I’m alive, healthy, strong, and fully able to ride my bike the way I desire.

Would you like to see me ride again?

Josh P. 💚🧠✌️

Gratitude= Key To Abundance

Comment “yes” if you agree.

No matter what your belief is in which gave you life, how can you expect more if you’re not grateful for the life you have now and all that’s in it?

It’s not about being happy about the “bad” or having to be perfect. It’s not about ignoring that things happen that we don’t always want.

It’s about perspective and fostering a perspective of gratitude to be a living human being with an opportunity to manifest the life you envision for yourself.

It’s about being grateful to feel emotions of all kinds and to have the ability to breath.

No matter what you’re going through, 2 things:

1) someone has it worse.

2) shit could always be worse.

If you’re reading this right now, YOU won and have the ability to make your tomorrow better.

Shoot, you have the ability to make your immediate presence better NOW.

Rather than waiting for “this or that” to make you “happy”, choose to be happy now because YOU literally have all the control to do so. Nothing and no one else.

Once you take accountability for your life, accept your power and CHOOSE to own your life, you’ll see massive shifts occur.

It’s all a choice. Choice the life you want. Don’t let life happy to you.

Allow life to happen FOR you.

Josh P. 💚🧠✌️

Success Comes From DOING

True or true?

It’s important to realize the importance of the following:





-faith or a belief




We can’t manifest what we desire in life solely on the desire. Not even with meditation.

We MUST take action and be relentless with taking action and never settling or giving up.

Josh P. 💚🧠✌️

Lance Armstrong

True or true?

Still have an email saved from 2010 post brian surgery that I wrote to @lancearmstrong and will share what that email container in person one day. I just know it!

Until then, I’ll just continue to share my gratitude and perspective I’ve gained from Lance over the years.

When I was originally diagnosed with the first brain tumor in 2010, I was on top of the world living out my dream as a pro BMX athlete beyond what I ever fathomed being possible.

When the diagnosis hit, I was a fresh 21 year old sitting in the doctors office ALONE waiting to get a report from a concussion I had received a few days prior. Never did I imagine I would be diagnosed with a massive brain tumor on accident.

I’m thankful it all happened and has worked out the way it has and Lance is one of many I have to thank for the mindset that was instilled in me on top of what my family, BMX, and my own journey instilled in me at a young age.

After a 6-hr surgery, 75 staples, and 16 stitches later, I was back riding in 5 weeks!

The fact that I’m still alive and able to love my life better than before is why I work so hard and share all I share.


Josh P. 💚🧠✌️

Brain Health Is Wealth

Wealth starts in the brain.

Wealth consists of what we feed our brains: food, beverage, sleep, content consumption (social media, news, entertainment, etc.), desires, thoughts, beliefs, self-talk, exercise, mindfulness, perspectives, and so on.

Literally, every choice we make affects our brain.

If we want success, health, wealth, love and abundance within all of these areas, we have to begin by loving ourselves and that means loving our brains!

What do you do daily to love your brain?

Josh P. 💚🧠✌️