Fitness Is A Game Changer For BMX

Priorities tend to change with experiences as we grow and learn. I’ve had to learn important shifts in life that I’ve needed to make, but I had to learn the hard way for some shifts.

“You’d think fitness was on top of my mindset being a professional athlete. I had to learn the importance of proper fitness after blowing out my knee.” 


That being said, it has all taught me to open my mind and see how I can be proactive to learning as well as share my experiences in the ope it inspires a change in those who may need to make similar shifts in your lives. 💚✌️

-Josh P.


WHY we do anything is a million times more important than what we do. 

WHY is the driving force behind what anyone does, whether they are conscious of it or not. Whether they like what they do or not. 

There is a reason WHY they set out for that path and the more conscious we become of our decisions, the more we can navigate to the lives we want. 

Find what you want to do in life and be conscious to your WHY. It will help navigate your path to success and keep you motivated in times of doubt. 💚✌️

-Josh P.

Stop Complaining

Whether you believe you can or can’t, you’re 100% correct. You determine the possibilities for your life. No one or thing can do that but you. No excuses. Stop with the excuses that keep you from taking action and putting the work in.


I’m sick of people complaining when they don’t have it bad. They just look around at “what is” rather than what they want. They focus on what they don’t have rather than ways to obtain what they want. STOP IT! 

Your life could always be worse. You’re alive if you can’t think of how it could be worse. Maybe travel to a new country to gain perspective. Maybe do something risky to gain perspective. MAYBE, get the hell off social media and comparing your life to others?


Just because someone suggests you can or can’t doesn’t mean it’s fact. Your beliefs and actions determine the outcome. The power of suggestion is powerful but only if you allow it to be so. Good or bad. You choose your outcome. F all the noise. Do YOU!


-Josh P.

Is Pain & Suffering a “Must” for Life?

According to the actual definition of “pain”,

it’s suffering or discomfort caused by illness or injury.


That being said, the majority of us inflict that said “pain” on our selves by lifestyle choices and or lack of choices, aka mental illness (fear, anxiety, stress, and depression). I don’t believe anyone must choose what “pain” they will HAVE to endure and I don’t believe anyone must suffer against their own will, that is living in a past emotional state and experience, or literally harming yourself on your own terms, which creates illness and or disease.


I am not willing to suffer for shit. I am willing to make choices that will lead me to my goals. The cool thing is about most of anyone’s dreams and goals is that they come without illness or injury. MOST, is the key word. For example, my dream that I live today is to be a BMX athlete. An injury does happen because mistakes do happen in life but you move on, assess what went wrong, and learn from it. “Pain” in that sense is temporary unless you let it mentally hold you back later on in life.


What drives me is that life could always be worse, I am a living human in America, I want to support others in this world with my experiences that have given me tremendous perspective, and I, just as well all do, have potential to reach any and every one of my goals.


Nothing is worth my pain.

Pain is just information to the brain when things are not in balance.


I use pain as I use “failure” a lesson to learn what is out of balance and how to progress with my life.


-Josh P.

Train With Push

Having a clear goal/vision is one of the most important things to me.

Data follows closely behind. @trainwithpush put together an article detailing how @coachmatthunter and I track progression at @athleticlab and how @jciake and I worked together to get me back riding within 4 months after ACL reconstructive surgery, along with a host of other issues with my knee from my stubborn ass pushing surgery off for 2 years.

I believe that you have to have a clear goal, know where you’re starting from, and know if you’re progressing forward or not. @trainwithpush makes that easy for us and other athletes from pro to the weekend warrior.

Tracking data helps anyone accomplish their goals that much easier and more effective. 💪🏽💚✌️

Read the feature PUSH interviewed Jackie, Matt, and I for.

-Josh P.

Thanks To My Health

Gratitude is, in my opinion, the single most crucial aspect of life.

With the holidays coming, it seems to be the one time of the year everyone, for the most part, agrees on gratitude being so important.

I disagree, though.

Not with celebrating gratitude, or with my first statement, but the fact we dedicate one time a year to be grateful.

It’s great and all, but I believe it’s a facade concealing a business. But that’s a whole other topic.

Back to gratitude. Gratitude has been a game changer for who I am, how I live my life, the relationships I have built, the career I have developed, the health I maintain, how others perceive me, and how I move forward with my life and set goals. See, I used to be ungrateful. Very ungrateful.

Then one day my life was threatened. Then again and again. AND, still.

When you’re 21 and told “you are going to die” if you do not go into risky cranial surgery to remove a massive brain tumor taking up the lef portion of your brain and may die, even so, your perspective on life and what really matters shifts.

Then when it happens two more times, you get serious about this change of perspective. All the petty drama and negativity, we seem to let grab our attention and focus easily, goes right out the window. Why? Because it doesn’t matter at the end of the day and has no real affect on our lives when we stop and give it thought.

Once we shift our perspective in life and focus on the things that matter to us most, our health, family, friends, happiness, fulfillment, etc., gratitude starts to manifest itself every day in new ways. That is precisely what happened to me eight years ago and then again six years ago, and recently earlier this year.

No one thinks they are going to run into major health concerns or even having to face death at an early age. Or at least they don’t consciously think about the possibility. Why? Because we are all so focused on living but, not in this current moment. We are worried about the future and what we are going to do after school, what we are going to do for a career, how much money we “need” to make, what others will think of us, what happens if we take a risk on what we truly want rather than what we are told to want, etc. I was wrapped up in this.

When we are living in this state, it creates dis-ease, which creates “disease.”

Although I was pursuing my dream with massive success, I was still in a state of fear, worry, lack, and judgment. Once I began to shift my perspectives, I saw massive improvements in my life and those around me. This included taking my health into my own hands regarding nutrition, fitness, and mindset, and focusing on doing the things I loved, and what I think is the second most important thing in life, WHY we do anything.

Today I live, ride, train, and coach with 4 brain tumors in my skull and I wouldn’t have it any other way. No, honestly. People say “that’s gotta be the worst thing that ever happened to you.” No way! It changed my life around 180 and all for the best. It took that moment to show me what was important in life and teach me what gratitude truly is. Things could always be worse in our lives, and I don’t think people give that statement the credit it deserves. Don’t agree? Well, the fact that you have an opinion on this backs my statement. YOU ARE ALIVE!

Thanks, to my health, I can continue living my dream, develop new passions, and what I think is the greatest, I can share my experiences, beliefs, love, and support with others around the world in an effort for us all to live as healthy and happy as possible. It starts with gratitude, and it begins with us, then it spreads throughout the lives we lead.


-Josh P.

Uninspired “WORK”

We worry & focus on money too much!

Money is just a tool.

It’s important yet has no true value or meaning other than what we instill upon it. 

If you had a million dollars, would you be happy? If it just sat in a room & you couldn’t take it out or “spend” it, would you sill love it so much? Of course not. It’s not the money, it’s what you’d do with it and the emotional response it’d bring with it.

I encourage all of us to focus on the things we enjoy in life, the things we love doing most or would love to do most, and the emotional state it’d bring along with doing these things. Not the money.

When we focus on the things we love, actively pursue those things we love, and create that emotional response and space of the energy we live in, we can then attract the money. It may not show up in the form of a lump sum in your bank account. But, it’ll show up in the form of opportunity.

There is plenty of money out there for us all to live abundant lives. We just much choose to recognize it and believe we are all worthy of receiving it.

Uninspired work to make a dollar doesn’t lead to fulfillment and abundance. It may pay the bills but always have you working to make that money rather than enjoying what you’re doing and contributing to society as your best and happiest version that we all owe the universe and one another.

Wouldn’t you rather be inspired to contribute your talents, passions, skills, help, love, etc. to the world and show up happy and motivated every day? Or would you rather wake up dreading your daily tasks and way of providing for yourself, thus keeping you uninspired, unhappy, stressed, and feeling in lack?

I choose inspired work. I choose to work for a purpose I believe in. I choose the belief that I am worthy of abundance and that we all are, and that we all have something unique to contribute. I choose love!

It’s a belief. People are not just rich or poor because that is so. It’s a belief in which they make that a reality or sustain that reality.

We can choose to see the world as it is and be “right” in our claims about why it is so, or we can choose to make a difference in our lives and live an inspired and happy life. It’s a choice. Not a fact.

What do you choose? 💚✌️


-Josh P.

Trust The Process

“When we focus on results, we don’t get change.

When we focus on change, we get results”


I heard this quote in 2013 by a dietician while enrolled in the Institue for Integrative Nutrition, and it has stuck with me since. I believe in it so much that I have aligned my life, goals,  and all my actions around this quote.


I must admit, I was skeptical of change providing me the results I desired for a while at first and didn’t want to make some necessary changes I knew I needed to make. My ego stepped in and told me that being settled into what I was familiar with, even though I was not happy, was better than the unknown.


I began to put my faith in this quote once I started to make some much needed and long overdue changes in my life. Whether they were difficult or easy, I started to see the small changes take place in my life and then the results followed. It was enough to make me a believer and since fully believing, I see so much progression in terms of results.


I noticed along the way that when I get cocky and comfortable with my ways, I begin to get anxious and stressed out. My mind and body don’t like to be stagnant, and goals don’t like this either. I am a big lover of discipline and my routines, but I know full heartedly now that change is inevitable and the more we fight change, the more tension and resistance we create along the path to achieving the results we want.


Once I get back to implementing change into my routine while still fostering discipline,  the stress, fear, and anxieties disappear.


If we are only interested in results, we defeat the purpose. The process is the purpose. There is no destination. We are always evolving, internally and externally, and must embrace the journey because, at the end of the day, the journey is, in fact, the “destination”.



-Josh P.

Triple Down on Your Strengths 

Bet on your strengths and punt your weaknesses.

Punt, don’t give up. If you punt, you’re still in the game.”

– @PaulRabil @garyvee

Well said, guys! Although it took me a while to understand I was doing this ever since I was a child, I fully support this concept. I see too many friends and family, and society altogether, follow a path in life because it is what they are told is going to be needed or a hot industry.

Rather than pursuing what they love and or are good at, they pursue what society dictates to be valuable and usually they don’t succeed and then end up depressed.

When we go all in on our strengths and follow our passions and true desires, success follows. When we pursue a life we don’t believe in and doesn’t fulfill us, we tend to be unsuccessful and live in the negativity such a path provides.

We all determine what success is in our own ways but health, happiness, gratitude, and abundance are what I believe success to be. When you have money, things, and titles at the expense of your health and happiness, YOU ARE NOT WINNING.

-Josh P.

Can’t Have Abundance Without Gratitude

There isn’t a single thing anyone wants.

Just the emotional response that “thing” triggers and the emotional state you’re living in once that “thing” is obtained. What would it take to live in that state of happiness, gratitude, ease, love, high energy, & optimism….now?

People and things don’t make you happy. YOU make you happy. It’s a choice. You either choose to be happy, or you choose to be happy because of this or that.

When you let go of the resistance to what you think will make you happy…”I’ll be happy when…fill in the blank…..” and choose to be happy because you’re grateful to be alive, then and only then will you find yourself feeling prospered in all the interests of your life. The universe provides you with your desires, “good” or “bad”. That’s only determined by your state of being and what you are focusing on.

Are you focusing on what you don’t have and living in lack? Hence, “I’ll be happy when I get that job, get that house, make that money, buy that car, find that significant other, etc, etc.”. Or are you living in gratitude for what you have, and because you know what you don’t enjoy/what, you do know what you enjoy and desire in life?

That’s the goal and that’s when the things we want and desire appear in our lives. When we let go of the lack, stress, worry, fear, judgment, anger, and suffering, and focus on what we do enjoy and are grateful for, the rest comes easy. It’s our choice.

Can’t have abundance without gratitude. 💚✌️


-Josh P.