I Needed The Brain Tumor

I needed to be diagnosed with a brain tumor to find & step into my true purpose.

I won my first pro contest and the best trick contest in the same weekend as a 20 year old in April of 2009, earning about $15k – the most money I had ever seen at once.

Pursuing my dream of becoming a pro BMX athlete is what got me ready for the obstacles that were to come almost exactly a year later.

The pursuit of this dream provided me the mental and physical tools to leverage fear to my advantage, persevere through obstacles, problem solve, look at things in a unique perspective, generate discipline and momentum, and create the resiliency required to succeed.

It took succeeding at my dream followed by a possible death sentence of a massive brain tumor as I was 21 years old to get me on the path of stepping into my highest purpose in life.

After a 6-hr brain surgery leaving me with 4 titanium screws in my skull, 75 staples in my head, and 16 stitches down my forehead, I woke up with a whole new perspective of my life and reality I lived within.

2 more diagnoses later, I found my Massive Intention To Optimize my life and voluntarily walked away from my dream with a higher purpose of serving others.

Today, I have embraced doing things in my life I never fathomed being apart of my reality like speaking and coaching others.

If it wasn’t for my passion to manifest my dream into my reality, I may not be alive but I’d also not be contributing to society the way I am today or at least on the level I’ve dedicated and committed my life to.

MITO is more than a concept, more than a lifestyle, more than a diet, and more than a purpose.

It’s what resides in each of us and it’s my goal to help people find their MITO in a state of inspiration rather than pain and suffering as I have been through.

Josh P. 💚🧠✌️

Build Without Destroying Others

When people throw shade your way, they clearly have unresolved emotional baggage they haven’t learned to let go of.


I used to be one of those people until I became aware of why I was reacting in such a manner and how I wasn’t living on a congruent manner to my vision.

I was living life as happenstance and my reality was predicated by my circumstance rather than by the vision I’m working towards.

When I welcomed self awareness and took accountability for my life, I stopped making excuses and trying to tear others down for going after their dreams or succeeding at their dreams.
Those that are living in a state of gratitude and succeeding at what they are passionate about don’t try and rain on others parades, send you negativity, or judge you because they know what it took to get to that level of success and want to see you win.

Those living in lack are afraid of others winning because they fear they’re isn’t enough to go around or haven’t found their truest form of self in being grateful, confident, and faithful in their efforts.

As Gary Vee says, you don’t have to tear down other buildings to build you’re own.

Josh P. 💚🧠✌️

I Did Not Know Better

I used to love BMX with all of my being.

I didn’t know better.

BMX was an outlet for me to escape pain in my life that also brought with it a sense of accomplishment that built up my confidence in other aspects of my life.

Growing up emotionally broken & insecure, I created an identity around BMX to protect myself from being seen as my truest form because my story/code I lived by said that expressing myself wasn’t safe.

Today, I’ve learned that although BMX taught me many things, has taken me around the world, & had led me to some amazing people and experiences, it was a shield I hid behind for far too long.

Today, with the help of Jackie & many other amazing human beings in my life, I’ve become conscious of this & have identified my fears & old belief patterns I was subconsciously living by in an effort to protect myself.

As I gained clarity on who I am at my core & where I want to take my life, I decided to take time off from riding (not for ever) to explore the depths of my human potential as it pertains to my personal & professional purposes & goals, outside of BMX.

I’ve learned we’re all more than one dimensional & when others try to tell us otherwise or that we’re “not good enough”, it’s only because they lack the self confidence to be their truest self & chase their own dreams.

Those that truly know who they are understand the grind in others & don’t judge. They respect, love & support those trying to do what they can to optimize their life.

Today, I help people find their Massive Intention To Optimize (MITO) as I’ve recognized support and purpose are key.

Your MITO can never be taken from you unless you choose to rid yourself of it.

Josh P. 💚🧠✌️

Don’t Let Fear Hold You Back

We only know what’s possible when we TRY.

Far too often do we let fear control how we think, feel and act in our lives which can, and usually does, limit our potential in our lives.

Fear is nothing more than a thought from a perceived threat in the moment our near/far future. This can be a life or death situation, judgment, failing a test, not paying rent, being turned down, or getting into an altercation, etc.

It’s inevitable that fear is going to be a player in our lives but we choose how much playing time fear gets.

Fear is essential for life as it’s hardwired into our human being existence to protect us.

The problem today is most of our fears are man made from non life threatening fears.

These are the thoughts that hold us back from going after our dreams because we either fear what others may think if we don’t succeed or we don’t want to go against our parents desires, expectations, or wishes for us.

These are the fears that hold us back from taking action in our lives to better our health, start a dream business, take a class we are passionate about, write a book, ask him/her out, speak in public, leave a job we hate, speak our truth, and so on.

What would happen if you chose to recognize your fears in the moment and evaluate.

1) where the fear is stemming from?

2) if this fear is past conditioning to keep us safe emotionally or safe physically?

3) is this fear serving us or taking from us?

4) do we want this fear present in our life during this moment or do we want to thank our ego for trying to protect us and set it aside?

BMX and overcoming multiple brain tumors in my life taught me that we have the power to either push past fear and have it fuel our efforts, or, we can let it paralyze us and keep us from taking risks for the things we aspire to do with our lives.

Fear is a great indicator of the places (internally and externally) we must explore, audit, and shine a light on if we are wanting to do, feel, or acquire something in our lives we currently are not.

What are you afraid of but what are you willing to do about that fear?

Josh P. 💚🧠✌️

Responsibility (response-ability)

Consciousness is step 1 to changing any aspect of our life.

Step 2 is to take ownership or responsibility of our reality. That’s a powerful step as it puts us back in the driver seat of our lives and empowers us to move forward as we’d like.

When we give blame to outside things or people, we give away our god given power to manifest the life we desire and deserve.

It’s not about blaming ourselves, it’s about creating self awareness and realizing that we are the problem to our undesirable experiences, feelings, actions, etc. which enables us to realize immediately that we’re the solution as well!

When we choose to believe we are the cause our of life rather than at effect to life, massive shifts begin to occur if we’re willing to take responsibility (response able) for our actions.

Step 3 is asking ourselves if we want to stay where we are? Do we want to continue playing the victim card? Do we want to continue complaining about what we don’t have or what we don’t get to do while others are putting in the work to do what we may be capable of?

If the answer is “no”, then the 4th step is to take action in making changes to your being and how you show up in life.

The last few years taught me that in order to achieve new results in our lives we must change who we are: what we think, what we feel, and what we do.

Are you conscious of your thoughts, language, and actions?

Josh P. 💚🧠✌️

One Choice

You have 1 choice.

That 1 choice is how you move forward each day with every single experience you encounter.

You can play small and make the easy choice to be a victim to your circumstance, or, you can dig deep, find the courage that we all possess, and choose to use the pain as fuel to move forward for the reality you truly desire and DESERVE.

I’ve learned that NO PERSON and NO THING can control our mind beyond us. We take in so much information every second it’s almost impossible to comprehend.

Over time, that information begins to make up our stories (codes) we live our lives by and these stories become our beliefs (filters) in how we see our lives and this leads to our values (motives) that govern our efforts.

If you have a story of being afraid of new things in order to feel safe and comfortable, adversity is going to be very difficult for you to move through due to the lens in which you see obstacles and challenges unless you recognize your story or code and make a choice to believe in this story or not.

Our stories, beliefs, and values make up our identity or who we believe we are. Who be believe we are when we say “I am…..”. If you’re not aware of what you CHOOSE to fill in after “I am…” then you are going to feel lost and afraid when challenges present themselves in your life or this may make sense as you reflect on your past challenges or adversities.

The moment I realized my stories, beliefs, and values on a conscious level, I was able to choice if I believed they served me or not which allowed me to change who I saw myself as and who I believe I was.

I’m doing so, I’m been able to overcome some incredible challenges that I don’t wish upon anyone.

Understand this, you’ve overcome all your toughest obstacles to this point. You’re stronger than you may believe and you’re capable of changing any aspect of your being if your intention is clear and strong enough.

That’s what MITO is all about – it’s finding your Massive Intention To Optimize.

Josh P. 💚🧠✌️

You Have To Have Up’s & Down’s

Happiness is a choice and discipline creates the habit and the habit creates the freedom we desire.


Fostering a perspective of gratitude along with a mentality of “shit could always be worse” is my key to not letting the times of adversity keep me down.

I’m not happy every single moment of every single day, otherwise, I wouldn’t be human.

I feel all the emotions just as all of you but my focus is on the vision for my life I created and I won’t let anything stop me from at least TRYING to obtain that vision.

That said, I put in the mental and physical work every single day as I audit my choices on a constant basis always thinking… “how can I succeed in this effort?” “what would it take?” “what can I learn from this experience?” what do I truly want?” And really focus on the life I’ve been given and all the abundance within it.

In order to have light, we must have darkness just as if we say there’s an up then there has to be a down.

It’s the yin and yang aspect of life and in order to have success, we must have tribulations, “failures”, and hardships.

With stress comes breakthroughs and strength. With pressure comes diamonds.

It’s not easy, but it’s SIMPLE.

With daily practice, just as any muscle becomes stronger, the mind builds strength, and the actions we take on our visions manifest into our reality.

Remember, discipline creates habits and the habits create freedom. When you let your body dictate how your mind works with giving into comfort as your condition habit to do so, you can’t expect to get new results in your life. As simple as getting out of bed when your alarm goes off is often step one to creating a new habit rather than hitting snooze.

What “downs” have you experienced that led you to an “up” in your life?

Josh P. 💚🧠✌️

The Way We See The Problem IS The Problem

If you want to change your life, change your thoughts.

Step 1 – become aware of your thoughts.

Step 2 – make a decision to accept or change them.

Step 3 – make a plan to create new routines in your life that don’t trigger the undesired thoughts. This can be how you get out of bed (get up or snooze the alarm), changing what you do first thing in the morning or just before bed, what amount of time you give to entertainment vs education and growth, what you do on the weekends, or who you choose to hang out with or how you choose to respond to situations.

Step 4 – redirect your focus to your desires in life: goals, dreams, aspirations or simply what you want your life to feel, like and be like. While creating awareness and new routines, it’s important to refill your mind with new desire able outcomes for your life and new ways of looking at your life.

Step 5 – stay disciplined. Even if you feel tired and your body is telling your mind to stay in bed, get up anyways. Even if others are complaining and your unconscious mind wants to join in and complain, walk away or share a perspective of gratitude. Even if you think you want that alcohol or others are drinking alcohol around you, drink water instead.

The discipline is the most important piece after consciousness. The discipline creates the habits and the habits create the freedom from our old undesirable thoughts. When we’re free from our past ways of thinking (limiting beliefs, self doubt, stress, worry, fear, anxiety, etc.) we free up our minds to make changes, take in new information that’ll stick with us, and create new possibilities for our lives.

I don’t share theory. I share what I’m learning & implementing every day because I’ve seen my life continue to transform, inside and out, the more I practice these steps while also not giving a care to what others think of me or how others respond to my choices to change my life in the various ways I have.

I believe we can all change once we develop a Massive Intention To Optimize one or more aspects of our realities.

Our MITO becomes our purpose to initiate these steps and that is what becomes our anchor when motivation runs out or temptation comes present.

Josh P. 💚🧠✌️

Emotional Baggage

I’m told I need to do more “non work” related things in my life. Anyone else hear this?

I find it challenging to disconnect my “work” from personal life as they’re both almost exactly aligned with one another with similar yet different purposes.

Brian challenged me with the question the other week of “what’s your business and personal purpose?” At first, my unconscious mind wanted to say they’re the same. Then, after Brian shared some more, I really thought about it & it became clear to me.

My personally purpose is to inspire the belief in others by leading by example & sharing my journey.

My business purpose is to inspire new perspectives in others that leads them to finding their Massive Intention To Optimize (their MITO), so they can increase their health & performance in their personal & business lives.

Although I’m equally passionate about both, I find it easy to fall into the later purpose fueled by a deep rooted insecurity of not working “hard enough” mixed with past regrets of “time wasted” combined with a subconscious fear of letting people down.

After meeting Kara Flowers at the start of the year, along with many conversations with @jimmyfarris regarding these specific topics, concepts, & terminology shared in this post, I’ve trusted my intuition in guiding me to hire on Kara as my NLP coach for the year.

One thing Kara made very evident, despite what my conscious thinking mind believing a block around money was the cause of my challenges in life, is that I don’t do enough for Josh in terms of pleasure & leisure time & I carry too much emotional baggage.

I reflected on the year leading up to Danny, my younger brother, passing & how stressed I was starting my own business & never took the time to chill with him how I wish I could now. That regret is something I’m working to let go of as I know it serves me 0% in both of my purposes in life.

That said, over the weekend I was able to take Cheddar out & explore the Eno River with Jackie, Katie & Mitch in a nice grounding and resetting environment.

I love myself & my family/friends to much to not prioritize them, no matter how stressed I may feel.

Josh P 💚🧠✌️

Ketones are NOT magic fat burning pills.

Conventional wisdom says glucose is the preferred fuel source for the brain /body but did you know that even in the presence of elevated levels of glucose, the brain, heart, & lungs will use ketones for fuel first?

What’s sad is that most of society doesn’t know how to unlock/activate them, or that they even exist within us or that we can consume them via drinking them.

The old way tells us that carbs are necessary & healthy, fat makes you fat, & experts continue to say the key to increasing health & performance is to eat less, move more, follow restrictive bland diets & lower your fat intake.

An important factor to know is that a natural byproduct of making energy from any food source & oxygen is the creation of chemicals called free radicals, which are normal & healthy as long as they stay in check.

Too many free-radicals are like pinballs bouncing around the cells causing damage & inflammation, which can lead to things like brain fog, declined energy & performance, fat accumulation & are the cause of major disease like diabetes, cancer, heart disease & so on..if not addressed. Carbs yield more free-radicals than fat/ketones do & carbs produce less ATP (our body’s’ energy currency) per molecule than ketones.

Ketones are a byproduct of burning fat.

Ketones are essentially powerful energy & signaling molecules. Think of them as little biological hackers that can reprogram your genes to work in your favor & at the same time they are like these little motivational speakers running all throughout your blood. Imagine what it would feel like to have that running through your veins during the day & how much better you’d feel.

Have you tried the new strawberry peach Keto//NAT from Prüvit​?

-Josh P. 💚🧠✌️