It Was Worth It

The life I live today is AMAZING.

It’s for sure not “easy” although I love every aspect of it, therefore eliminating the debate over “easy” and “hard”. It’s just what I want to do with my life.

Along the way, there have been many obstacles that have helped get me to where I am today: 3 brain tumor diagnosis, torn ACL, countless concussions, living off my younger brother couch and out of my car when I was broke, depression, being physically and verbally abused as a child by a step father, being dropped from my bike sponsor mid recovery from surgery, and losing friends and family close to me to suicide.

Non the less, every obstacle, set back, and level of pain has taught me a valuable lesson and that is that shit could always be worse.

Through it all, I’ve been tempted over and over again with opportunity to make life “easier” as the cost of my integrity.

Whether it was taking a pay check to represent a brand that went so against what I stand for or even giving up on all the things I’m actively pursuing, including my own life.

The desire for the life I envision has been so strong it’s brought me out of very dark hole I’ve been in and kept me from taking the “easy route” when presented.

By doing so, it’s allowed me to continue down the path of living the life I desire and to choose to become who I want to be.

I’m grateful for my dedication to my core values and for all the love and support you all continue to show me as I navigate this life journey and sharing with all of you.

Josh P. 💚🧠✌️

Make Em & Take Em!

Who wants to burn body fat for fuel while fueling their brains?

Despite following traditional theories of eating less and moving more being the way to burn fat, it’s quite the opposite if within the right context.

The truth is that when we can shift our body to run primarily off of fat for fuel, both dietary and body stores, we can efficiently, effectively, and enjoyably reach our goals with burning body fat.

Burning fat for fuel helps support many benefits to the human body.

🧠 optimizing brain health and performance.

🔥reducing inflammation and glycation (blood sugar damage).

💪🏽reducing the rate of aging (measured via telomeres).

🧬 supports epigenetics (change in gene expression, which “can be up to 70% of our genes” @drandind).

👌🏼 increased sustainable energy without hard crashes.

😎 improvements to body composition.

Keto isn’t a fad once you look into the science behind the underlining mechanisms being targeted to create so many desirable benefits.

The mitochondria are one of, if not THE, most important aspects of the ketogenic diet, or a state of ketosis, that brings on so much profound benfits to our health.

What’s interesting is as you adapt to a state of ketosis, your ketone levels begin to drop due to the body’s tissues soaking up the ketones to use for energy demands.

“It is well established that the cells’ uptake of ketones is proportional to the amount of ketones present in the blood.” Dr.’s Lowery & Wilson, Ketogenic Bible

That’s why #MakeEmTakeEm is so crucial to understand, depending on your goals and where you are with your keto journey. While we can reach deep levels of ketosis with the ketogenic diet, supplementing with exogenous ketones like @justpruvit is a must in order to get numbers up.

@justpruvit makes the only ketone on the market that you can buy, drink, and that is “naturally biologically active” Dr.’s Wilson & Lowery, Ketogenic Bible.

@ryanplowery @zonehalo @themusclephd @drandind @thomasdelauer are some to learn more from in this department.

Josh P. 💚🧠✌️

Reboot Fot Keto Adaptation

August 18th starts the next Prüvit Rebøøt, who’s in?

”Give me 2-3 days 100% effort and you won’t crave sugar” (Dr. Eric Westman), especially if you use the Rebøøt to initiate the keto adaptation process.

Keto and fat adaptation is the process of your body recognizing how to burn fat for fuel, make ketones from said fat, and learn to uptake and utilize ketones for fuel efficiently over time.

Being fat and keto adapted can be a game changer for your physical and mental performance, body composition, disease risk factors, recovery and ability to handle stress, reduce your rate of aging, and help support so much more undesirable ailments we as a society suffer from on a chronic basis.

The epigenetic (ability to influence and change gene expression) effects of ketones are truly profound as Dr. Ryan Lowery and I have been showing with medical imaging and testing, and Dr Andra Campitelli presents and she mentions how 75% of our genes may be influenced due to lifestyle choices.

The Rebøøt is a great way for people to reset their metabolism for the first time, after some indulgence, straying away from the ketogenic diet, or as a monthly mental challenge and metabolic/mitochondria boost.

Mitochondria are what’s responsible for creating energy in our body and when we can optimize their effectiveness and resilience, our body functions more optimally.

The Rebøøt is a great way to optimize your mitochondria and strengthen your fat metabolism, further supporting keto adaptation.

Josh P. 💚🧠✌️

1 Choice : 2 paths to choose from.

No matter what the reality may be, 2 things are to note: 1) shit could always be worse and 2) you still have a choice in perspective.

This choice is where the 2 paths come in.

Choose a path of victim mentality – why me, what did I do to deserve this, this always happens, am I a bad person, life’s not fair, etc. etc.

Or, choose a path of survivorship and view every event, no matter how difficult or undesirable it may be, as an opportunity to learn, grow, and move closer to achieving our goals and living the life we desire and deserve.

Both choices take the same amount of energy and effort upfront to make but I argue victim mentality takes more time and energy, and sometime money, in the long run.

The further down the victim route we go, the more deep rooted those neurological firing and connections set it as we think the same thoughts on a regular basis and create the chemical response known as an emotion, and then take similar action to create this experience all over again on a daily basis further cementing us into this undesirable emotional and physical experience.

I encourage the choice of a survivor as it’s worth the energy and effort for the long game. Sacrificing time, energy, money, etc. is always a must in order to achieve more in our lives.

The way we choose to sacrifice things in our life is our choice and is one built on deep rooted subconscious programming.

Sometimes this programming isn’t what we want to fuel how we think and act, but often we don’t know any better or know that there’s an alternative route.

That’s my goal in all I do and share.

Show you all what I’ve learned and implemented, proving we can create the reality we desire despite where we start.

Seeing all the “bad” in your life and the world is a choice because there’s enough “good” happening if we want to find it.

Josh P. 💚🧠✌️

Brain Optimization Food

Fat-burning brain optimization food.

I’ll never get bored of this meal. Full of brain healthy fats and proteins.

100% keto and delicious.

@yezfoods coming in with that weekend “indulgence” in the only “keto bread” I’ve fallen in love with.

Wanna burn body fat and remove excess weight, you gotta give the body the materials to do so.

No more “eat less move more”’ mentality as it’s been documented numerous times that this model isn’t sustainable or helpful for brain optimization.

Carbs are not the enemy, our choices and ignorance are. Being fat-adapted and disciplined creates so much liberation from cravings, empowerment on conciliatory choices, increased energy, effortless fat-burning and a sense of freedom to live life on YOUR terms.

This is a great example of a meal that can help facilitate al of the above and I’m here to help bring awareness and support to all of you.

Josh P. 💚🧠✌️

Choose Gratitude

What we think, do and feel becomes our personality, which becomes our personal reality.

If we desire more than what’s currently in our life, we must be clear on what we desire, think it’s possible, believe we deserve to acquire it and that we can obtain it.

This thought process will lead to the action required to physical manifest the opportunity to obtain our desires.

This combination, along with subconscious programming/auto suggestion, meditation and visualization will create the chemical reaction known as a feeling.

All of this combined with gratitude to be alive is how we make the “impossible” possible and live out the life we envision and desire.

The only reason we don’t do the mental and physical work daily is because we don’t truly believe it works.

I’m here to share that it does work and the life I live today is proof.

It took time for me to fully adopt this concept it apply it but now that it’s apart of my being, I can’t help but share it with all of you.

Being grateful for what’s currently in your life and that yet to manifest is crucial.

Josh P. 💚🧠✌️

Eyes Forward

Thank you to anyone who was for or against me.

Either way, in support of me or against me, it ultimately led me to where I am today & all I’m doing with my life & for others & I couldn’t be happier.

I’ve fallen in love with the journey while setting new goals every day & keeping my sights always exploring what possibilities there are for my life & my desire I’ve been creating in my mind.

@brianundy & I chatted about this concept of “where your eyes & head go, the rest of your body will follow” concept we have in BMX in regards to learning how to 360 in the beginning.

We were racing exotic cars out here in Vegas yesterday & the driver coaching us in the passenger seat would have to remind us all to stop looking so close in front of ourselves & look forward to where we wanted to go.

Great example of our goals & not getting stuck looking right at where we are but looking forward to what’s next & our new goals.

I talk about this mindset BMX and my hard working family instilled in me at a young age to always pursue what’s next in my life helping me overcome any hardship whether it’s fear, injuries, “failures” or “disease”. That same mindset has allowed me to get to where I am today and build the belief YOU can accomplish whatever you can see in your mind with the belief and persistence to not give up.

Failure only happens when you give up. Giving up doesn’t always mean you stopped pursuing a goal, sometimes it means being self aware enough to change course for the bigger picture / goal for your life and find another route.

This is all to say we have so much support along the way whether we can see it or not. Even the people that didn’t directly support us may have inspired us one way or another.

To be around @brianundy @ryanplowery Terry @magicmaleah @h_kingsbury and the whole @justpruvit family has been amazing and I couldn’t be more grateful for all I’m learning and experiencing.

There’s no such thing as self made and if you’ve read Think & Grow Rich, you understand this.

Josh P. 💚🧠✌️

Off The Bike Thoughts

Will I last until October before I ride again?

Although I intended to wait until October, I’m thinking that isn’t quite what I want to do.

Luckily, I have a ton of trips coming up to occupy me and keep me off my bike further but August has me thinking, haha.

I had a great chat with @createdbybrian today about my decision either way and what’s really “walking my talk” in regards to fearing lack of commitment with what I set out to do.

I’m still fulfilling my purpose, I’m still being 100% authentic and transparent, and I’m doing what’s in my best interest.

Although I have zero desire to compete, I still love the feeling of what I’m able to do on my bike.

That ability is something I’m grateful for and brings up another reason why this topic of ability means a lot to me because some out there can’t use their limb(s), maybe lacks a limb in general, or didn’t wake up today.

Beyond living with brain tumors, I’m alive, healthy, strong, and fully able to ride my bike the way I desire.

Would you like to see me ride again?

Josh P. 💚🧠✌️

Gratitude= Key To Abundance

Comment “yes” if you agree.

No matter what your belief is in which gave you life, how can you expect more if you’re not grateful for the life you have now and all that’s in it?

It’s not about being happy about the “bad” or having to be perfect. It’s not about ignoring that things happen that we don’t always want.

It’s about perspective and fostering a perspective of gratitude to be a living human being with an opportunity to manifest the life you envision for yourself.

It’s about being grateful to feel emotions of all kinds and to have the ability to breath.

No matter what you’re going through, 2 things:

1) someone has it worse.

2) shit could always be worse.

If you’re reading this right now, YOU won and have the ability to make your tomorrow better.

Shoot, you have the ability to make your immediate presence better NOW.

Rather than waiting for “this or that” to make you “happy”, choose to be happy now because YOU literally have all the control to do so. Nothing and no one else.

Once you take accountability for your life, accept your power and CHOOSE to own your life, you’ll see massive shifts occur.

It’s all a choice. Choice the life you want. Don’t let life happy to you.

Allow life to happen FOR you.

Josh P. 💚🧠✌️

2.5 Months Off The Bike

It’s weird how much I do and don’t miss this right now.

I’m on a whole other trajectory with my life and businesses that’s got me so fulfilled, excited, motivated and happy.

I have nothing but love and gratitude for BMX but it’s interesting to think about how dependent on it I was for my identity, emotional control, creative outlet and so on.

The hard choice to step away 100% has brought so many amazing people, experiences and opportunities to my life, literally has 5x’ed my income, and has allowed me to crest opportunity for my fitness and family to manifest the life they desire as well.

Josh P. 💚🧠✌️