Make Em & Take Em!

Who wants to burn body fat for fuel while fueling their brains?

Despite following traditional theories of eating less and moving more being the way to burn fat, it’s quite the opposite if within the right context.

The truth is that when we can shift our body to run primarily off of fat for fuel, both dietary and body stores, we can efficiently, effectively, and enjoyably reach our goals with burning body fat.

Burning fat for fuel helps support many benefits to the human body.

🧠 optimizing brain health and performance.

🔥reducing inflammation and glycation (blood sugar damage).

💪🏽reducing the rate of aging (measured via telomeres).

🧬 supports epigenetics (change in gene expression, which “can be up to 70% of our genes” @drandind).

👌🏼 increased sustainable energy without hard crashes.

😎 improvements to body composition.

Keto isn’t a fad once you look into the science behind the underlining mechanisms being targeted to create so many desirable benefits.

The mitochondria are one of, if not THE, most important aspects of the ketogenic diet, or a state of ketosis, that brings on so much profound benfits to our health.

What’s interesting is as you adapt to a state of ketosis, your ketone levels begin to drop due to the body’s tissues soaking up the ketones to use for energy demands.

“It is well established that the cells’ uptake of ketones is proportional to the amount of ketones present in the blood.” Dr.’s Lowery & Wilson, Ketogenic Bible

That’s why #MakeEmTakeEm is so crucial to understand, depending on your goals and where you are with your keto journey. While we can reach deep levels of ketosis with the ketogenic diet, supplementing with exogenous ketones like @justpruvit is a must in order to get numbers up.

@justpruvit makes the only ketone on the market that you can buy, drink, and that is “naturally biologically active” Dr.’s Wilson & Lowery, Ketogenic Bible.

@ryanplowery @zonehalo @themusclephd @drandind @thomasdelauer are some to learn more from in this department.

Josh P. 💚🧠✌️

Gratitude= Key To Abundance

Comment “yes” if you agree.

No matter what your belief is in which gave you life, how can you expect more if you’re not grateful for the life you have now and all that’s in it?

It’s not about being happy about the “bad” or having to be perfect. It’s not about ignoring that things happen that we don’t always want.

It’s about perspective and fostering a perspective of gratitude to be a living human being with an opportunity to manifest the life you envision for yourself.

It’s about being grateful to feel emotions of all kinds and to have the ability to breath.

No matter what you’re going through, 2 things:

1) someone has it worse.

2) shit could always be worse.

If you’re reading this right now, YOU won and have the ability to make your tomorrow better.

Shoot, you have the ability to make your immediate presence better NOW.

Rather than waiting for “this or that” to make you “happy”, choose to be happy now because YOU literally have all the control to do so. Nothing and no one else.

Once you take accountability for your life, accept your power and CHOOSE to own your life, you’ll see massive shifts occur.

It’s all a choice. Choice the life you want. Don’t let life happy to you.

Allow life to happen FOR you.

Josh P. 💚🧠✌️

Dr. Ryan Lowery

Over a year ago I sent a DM to @ryanplowery with little to no expectation to get a response.

Less than 24 hours later I received a video message response full of love and positivity.

Fast forward a year and now we’re homies traveling the world speaking together and collaborating to share the keto conversation.

Ryan, just as all of my friends, feel as if we’re family that didn’t know it.

I consider Ryan a brother of mine and am honored to be in each other’s life and excited for all the change we bring to the world along with all the adventure and fun we have along the way.

Also, stay tuned for more content regarding our SPECT imaging with @doc_amen and @justpruvit exogenous ketones, among with content from @theaspi and all the fitness testing were gonna run me through.

Josh P. 💚🧠✌️

Lance Armstrong

True or true?

Still have an email saved from 2010 post brian surgery that I wrote to @lancearmstrong and will share what that email container in person one day. I just know it!

Until then, I’ll just continue to share my gratitude and perspective I’ve gained from Lance over the years.

When I was originally diagnosed with the first brain tumor in 2010, I was on top of the world living out my dream as a pro BMX athlete beyond what I ever fathomed being possible.

When the diagnosis hit, I was a fresh 21 year old sitting in the doctors office ALONE waiting to get a report from a concussion I had received a few days prior. Never did I imagine I would be diagnosed with a massive brain tumor on accident.

I’m thankful it all happened and has worked out the way it has and Lance is one of many I have to thank for the mindset that was instilled in me on top of what my family, BMX, and my own journey instilled in me at a young age.

After a 6-hr surgery, 75 staples, and 16 stitches later, I was back riding in 5 weeks!

The fact that I’m still alive and able to love my life better than before is why I work so hard and share all I share.


Josh P. 💚🧠✌️

Brain Health Is Wealth

Wealth starts in the brain.

Wealth consists of what we feed our brains: food, beverage, sleep, content consumption (social media, news, entertainment, etc.), desires, thoughts, beliefs, self-talk, exercise, mindfulness, perspectives, and so on.

Literally, every choice we make affects our brain.

If we want success, health, wealth, love and abundance within all of these areas, we have to begin by loving ourselves and that means loving our brains!

What do you do daily to love your brain?

Josh P. 💚🧠✌️

Sad But True

This is pretty ridiculous but sadly spot on to the direction our society is heading.

What’s even sadder is the fact that many people don’t even have control over it because their brain is being hijacked by the biological affects of the foodlikeproducts our nation consumes on a regular basis, making up for over 75% of diets and is full of sugar.

I was once there but luckily for me, and my genetic predisposition, I stayed “in-shape” and was “healthy”. At least I thought I was healthy.

The inflamed state of my body from such a processed diet, along with mutated genes and specific negative genes activated, led me to being diagnosed with a non cancerous meningioma brain tumor.

Since then, I have made some serious changes to my lifestyle and diet and I share this with all of you to inspire each and every one of you to make just one small change to your lifestyle and diet that could have such a profound impact you’ll never fathom until experienced.

You don’t need to be perfect or do it all at once. Just adopt one small change here and there, and stick to it, and share what you experience with others.

@nutritionschool refers to this as the ripple affect and I have seen it take place on a regular basis in my life.

Love your body and treat it right. You won’t be disappointed.

Josh P. 💚🧠✌️

Persistence is How I Made It Here

Persistence to land a trick has taught me many invaluable lessons in life.

To accept this kind of pain just to land a trick on your bike changes you mentally and subconsciously in such profound ways.

I wasn’t aware of it in the beginning but in my last few years competing and progressing, I started to become conscious to what was going on.

Now I harness it all for my purpose to serve and support those around me and willing to hear what I have to say.

Josh P. 💚🧠✌️


I get asked “how do you stay 100% keto all the time?”. Well, I don’t.

Now, if I had a sever condition such as cancer, seizures, etc., then the conversation would be different.

That said, 99% of the time I’m keto and on point. The other 1%, looks like this.

Still high in fat, cold rice (resistance starch, which is about 1-2 to 1/3 the carbs as when cooked) and @justpruvit ketones in my cup to mitigate the blood sugar spike and keep my brain fueled at the same time.

This is what I’d call my “cheat” meal, even tho I don’t believe in that phrase but for lack of better words, you get what I’m saying.

Still, no crazy sugars, processed foods, etc. Still real, whole food consumption. I also do an extended fast leading up to this meal and the next day as well as a fasted workout with some @justpruvit exogenous ketones to get back on track.

See photo 2 where I had a whole roll worth of rice we cut off 😂 trying to indulge but keto at heart problems.

This works for ME.

I should note that this DOES NOT work for everyone, especially if your metabolism is damaged or if you’ve not met your goals.

DM me if you have any questions.

Josh P. 💚🧠✌️

Falling Down

We all fall down in life. Figuratively and literally.

BMX has taught me to always get up and try again.

This becomes subconscious when the DESIRE to succeed is so strong that you don’t see “failure” as an opportunity to quit, rather it becomes an opportunity to learn and grow.

Hitting the ground like this hurts but the feeling of fulfillment and satisfaction for accomplishing the goal you set out for is a like no other.

The cool part about non physical times we “fall down” is that they don’t physically harm us.

I’ve proven to myself every day I’m strong enough to pick myself up and keep at it for the life I envision, no matter how much it hurts.

Are you proving yourself?

Josh P. 💚🧠✌️

Falling Down

We all fall down in life. Figuratively and literally.

BMX has taught me to always get up and try again.

This becomes subconscious when the DESIRE to succeed is so strong that you don’t see “failure” as an opportunity to quit, rather it becomes an opportunity to learn and grow.

Hitting the ground like this hurts but the feeling of fulfillment and satisfaction for accomplishing the goal you set out for is a like no other.

The cool part about non physical times we “fall down” is that they don’t physically harm us.

I’ve proven to myself every day I’m strong enough to pick myself up and keep at it for the life I envision, no matter how much it hurts.

Are you proving yourself?

Josh P. 💚🧠✌️