My 3 Core Life Principals

I live my life by these 3 principals:

1) perspective is essential to life

2) health is internal

3) our reality is a manifestation of our choices

After losing my brother, Danny, over a year ago to suicide, I have faced these principals in depth for how i choice to move forward with my life even tho I felt like quitting.

I can’t quit or I’d be letting my brother down and my biggest fear in life is letting down those I care about.

I’m fueled by doing right by Danny and Mirra and it’s part of what drives my efforts on the daily.

Josh P. 💚🧠✌️

Optimize > Adapt

There is a difference with tolerating what happens in our life and challenging it.

When we are constantly “adapting”, we’re settling for tolerating or accepting life as is.

If we’re “optimizing”, we’re challenging the undesirable and uncomfortable, and taking control of creating our envisioned life.

If we are unhappy with a particular aspect of our life, it’s our own fault. Nothing else’s and no one else’s fault.

What we experience as our “environment” internally and externally, is predicated on our thoughts, emotions and actions.

This cycle becomes our personality and is what creates our personal reality every day.

If we want a new outcome for our lives, we have to make changes. It starts with our thoughts and picks up momentum with taking action in the physical form.

This is how we optimize our life for what we desire, rather than accepting the status quo.

Believe in yourself. Don’t give in to fear. Know fear is just a thought and you can replace that thought with ones of love, abundance, and gratitude.

Are you optimizing or adapting your life?

Josh P. 💚🧠✌️

Failure = Growth

As human beings, we give meaning to every little thing in life.

When something doesn’t go our way, we “failed” we say.

We fear “failure” and in doing so, we fear adversity or challenges in life because we are afraid to “fail”.

What’s cool about our mind is we can change it. We can change our perspective and therefore change the meaning we give to experiences in life.

Rather than seeing “failure”, why not see “opportunity”? Opportunity to learn and grow.

When we’re stressed for any reason, we’re forced to make a choice. A choice to push through and move forward, which allows us to grow and advance in our lives. Or, we can be crippled by the fear and discomfort and continue to living life and getting the same outcomes as before.

With the latter choice, we continue the cycle until we finally push through our fears and really grow as a human.

Often times we only fear “failure” due to the “status” we want to have or think we have with our peers. That’s why we buy the things we buy, or don’t, based on our perspectives of what these things mean to us and society.

When it comes to goals, dreams and aspirations, we let fear hold us back with the thought of “what will they think of me if I fail?” based upon misty people that we don’t care about but for some reason care what they think about us.

I’ve experienced this in many different forms and BMX was the most profound form that’s taught me so much about myself and life, and has allowed me to grow in many different manners. BMX competition helped me as I advanced into being a business owner and public speaker.

I’ve learned to love challenges, obstacles, adversity, “failures”, and “losing” because it stimulates me to optimize my efforts and grow, leading to the life I desire and work so hard to live and share with all of you.

Are you living in fear of “failure” or are you embracing adversity?

Josh P. 💚🧠✌️

Desire>Goal>Action=Set In Motion

In honor of the #KetoExerciseChallenge hosted by KetoCoach and GoodyBeats on Instagram, I thought this quote was pretty fitting.

To me, exercise isn’t anything specific or intensive. It’s moving the body every day in a way that’s sustainable.

That said, it’s always context-driven to the individual.

Personally, even tho I don’t compete, I still ride BMX at an elite level and in doing so want my training to protect me from potential injuries.

Therefore, my training is programmed and involves the gym.

The purpose of this challenge is to get you moving your body for 20 minutes a day in whatever setting you feel is best. That could mean the gym or it could mean riding a bike, jogging, hiking, climbing, a sport, yoga, Pilates, etc.

Bottom line, move your body in a way that serves your goals. If your goals require more conscious programming and training, then you may find yourself in the gym more than 20 minutes a day. If your goal is to move regularly and in a fun manner, the latter examples may be a suitable choice per your goal.

There no right or wrong when we’re talking Action that truly aligns with our goals.

It all comes down to perspective!

Josh P. 💚🧠✌️

Working For A Weekend?

Are you living for the weekend or living for each day?

My friend posted this asking what makes you jump for Monday?

What makes me jump for Monday’s is the fact no one will comment about how it’s the weekend and I’m “working” because they’ll be working too.

I love every aspect of my life and don’t see weekends and weekdays as what I used to. They’re days for me to live my life and make choices that serve me.

Some days it’s work related and some not so much, or at all. It all serves me tho and how I desire to live my life.

Let me know what makes you JUMP for Monday’s and tag 3 fiends so I can DM you to hop on a free call with me.

Josh P. 💚🧠✌️

Extraordinary or Ordinary?

“I’d risk the fall to know what it feels like to fly” @davemirra.

Are you willing to risk failure to have a shot at experiencing success? Yes or YES?

In order to live an extraordinary life, we gotta risk being an extraordinary person taking extraordinary actions.

It’s easy to see risk in BMX bike riding and business, but what about other areas of life?

It’s not always s easy to spot unless you’re really aware of what some risk looks like to each one of us individually.

Some are afraid of public speaking so to see someone like this post a video of them talking about something they’re passionate about, that’s an example of them being extraordinary.

By doing so, they’re getting closer to their goal of inspiring change and setting an example for others to follow that could spark a movement.

Are you being extraordinary or living an “ordinary” life dictated by fear?

Josh P. 💚🧠✌️

ADD these to your workout (multi-directional POWER)

When most people think of power exercises they think of things like power cleans, squats, jumping, etc.

All of these exercises are great however these movements are only in one plane of motion.

The body doesn’t just move in one plane. Incorporating rotational movements in your power development is important not only for athletes who throw, punch, kick, or flip and spin on a BMX bike, but also for the general population.

I consistently share the importance of full body movements for body composition and fat oxidation and mobilization, but to take that further it must be said that full body movements in ALL directions are important.

Josh P. 💚🧠✌️

How To Ease Back Into Something After A Break

Easing my way back into riding BMX after some time off to get the feel for it all again.

I love BMX and the analogies that comes from it. In this case, easing back into BMX and utilIzing the basics works as an ability for any aspect of life when returning back to a routine, plan, or skill.

In terms of keto or exercise, or any area of life really, we often get down on ourselves for taking time off and think we have to hit it 110% when we do return rather than easing back into a nice flow.

I share this concept of being kind to ourselves and not having to be perfect with my clients or when I’m speaking on stage. What’s important is to have a plan of attack that is always there to guide you back on track if you wonder off.

A plan is a tool and a support system is integral for our plans to achieve a specific goal in our life.

Josh P. 💚🧠✌️

It Was Worth It

The life I live today is AMAZING.

It’s for sure not “easy” although I love every aspect of it, therefore eliminating the debate over “easy” and “hard”. It’s just what I want to do with my life.

Along the way, there have been many obstacles that have helped get me to where I am today: 3 brain tumor diagnosis, torn ACL, countless concussions, living off my younger brother couch and out of my car when I was broke, depression, being physically and verbally abused as a child by a step father, being dropped from my bike sponsor mid recovery from surgery, and losing friends and family close to me to suicide.

Non the less, every obstacle, set back, and level of pain has taught me a valuable lesson and that is that shit could always be worse.

Through it all, I’ve been tempted over and over again with opportunity to make life “easier” as the cost of my integrity.

Whether it was taking a pay check to represent a brand that went so against what I stand for or even giving up on all the things I’m actively pursuing, including my own life.

The desire for the life I envision has been so strong it’s brought me out of very dark hole I’ve been in and kept me from taking the “easy route” when presented.

By doing so, it’s allowed me to continue down the path of living the life I desire and to choose to become who I want to be.

I’m grateful for my dedication to my core values and for all the love and support you all continue to show me as I navigate this life journey and sharing with all of you.

Josh P. 💚🧠✌️

The Grey Matters Podcast w/ Josh Perry & Jackie Lauricella

I started a podcast with my best friend and life partner, Jackie

“Grey Matters” as a title is a play on words. Grey matter is a vital part of the brain containing neurons and glial cells, imperative for motor function, processing thoughts, perception of life and emotions. We believe overall health and well being should start and focus on the brain & mind. We thought this would be appropriate because not only will our content and conversations focus on brain health, it will also focus on the grey areas. Most people live their lives in a grey area. Everyone is an individual & what works for one person, may not provide the same results for another. Health and wellness aren’t always black or white, right or wrong, with or against societal norms. That’s why grey areas matter. At the Grey Matters podcast, we embrace both grey areas and grey matter & it is our goal to explore and discuss all things grey.

Episode 2 is now live where we share our story of how we became “us”.

A new episode will be out every Monday at 730am EST.

To check out both episodes and to subscribe, click here.

To watch, click here.


Josh P.