We Compete Against OURSELF

I find most, if not all, of the competition we face is life is against ourselves.

When I talk about “perceived” fear, I’m talking about the mind games our brain plays on us to elicit the emotional response of fear to prevent us from danger or some kind of potential harm or threat.

The problem with this life saving programmed response is that the majority of the fear we experience today is self-created which begins the competition against ourself.

Once we can begin to understand this concept and apply more focus and intention of catching ourselves in these acts, we can begin to make changes to our behavior and create new habits, thus creating a new version of ourselves and ultimately putting the ball back in our court.

That’s not to think we’ll ever gain 100% control over the ego because that’s a fairy tail & if you think you do have that control, that’s your ego at work.

What I’m suggesting is that we can become as aware or conscious as humanly possible which will allow us to consciously design the life we desire rather than be run by conditioned / programmed fear from what’s uncomfortable in our lives.

Maybe then we’ll be more BOLD & take action that’s aligned with what’s in our hearts & what we envision for ourselves.

Maybe then we’ll focus more on being ourself rather than comparing ourselves to others.

Maybe then we’ll be able to make the changes we want in our lives and close the gap between how we feel inside and what our external world reflects back to us.

Josh P. 💚🧠✌️

Speak YOUR Truth

Speaking your truth is about connecting with others so we can begin to understand one another but it’s also about holding yourself accountable for your life and speaking your truth into existence.

Here are 3 episodes of my series “Josh Perry’s Mind” on The Grey Matters Podcast Fleming about how stress and fear can hold us back from speaking and living our truth.

Welcome Inside: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-grey-matters-podcast/id1475573434?i=1000482361530

Fear Is Practical: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-grey-matters-podcast/id1475573434?i=1000482361529

Speak YOUR Truth: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-grey-matters-podcast/id1475573434?i=1000484026488

Far too many of us are living a life designed by others while feeling suppressed to voice what we truly want to do within our lives along with how we may feel about it.

The potential for so much return in ones life is unfathomable when our actions are congruent with our thoughts and emotions.

This coherence of mind and body eventually manifest outwardly into our personal reality and by living in this state of being, walking your talk and experiencing what your heart desires, there’s no shortage of who you may inspire and connect with and all that you may experience along the way.

By following my heart and the future vision I held in my mind as my North Star, I was able to manifest my dream into my reality and that dream saved my life in so many ways as well as led me to my PURPOSE in life.

Today, I’ve become hyper conscious to this concept as a fact of my story and it’s become my truth I share with the world in an effort to empower others to consciously design their lives by optimizing their health and performance.

Josh P. 💚🧠✌️

What Are You WILLING To Do?

What are you willing to do for the things you say you “need” and “want” in your life?

Are you willing to sacrifice moments of instant gratification for the long game of sustainability?

Are you willing to put yourself in uncomfortable ale situations or moments of immense pain like I experienced in this photo?

The difference between a pro and amateur is the willingness to push past moments of physical and mental pain, fear, doubt, worry, judgment, stress and whatever else comes your way.

The future vision we create as a pro of our life’s journey is what defines us. We’re not defined by our past, who we showed up as yesterday, the times we fell down or “failed”, or the times we heard the word “no”. We are clear on our purpose behind the vision and won’t let anything stop us, no matter how far off course we find ourselves.

Pain is just information. Use the information to trouble shoot navigating forward to success.

When you find yourself comfortable, that should set off an alarm that it’s time to optimize.

Adaptations are healthy and necessary to build strength, but comfort can lead to stagnant phases in life and lead to unhappiness.

That’s what I’ve found in my life and BMX has taught me there’s always more in us to optimize our current level in area of life, if we’re willing to put the work in.

Get after it with clear, purposeful, and align intent that matches the vision you’ve created for your life.

Don’t settle for anything less and don’t let moment of pain persuade you off the path.

Josh P. 💚🧠✌️

Purpose > Giving Up

Never in a million years did I think this was possible.

That I would be speaking to a crowd of hundreds to thousands of people I don’t know.

Especially with my insecurities of being “good enough” to speak on such a stage.

Or, my social anxiety of speaking with strangers and how they may judge me and my life decisions.

Or, thinking “who wants to hear what I have to say? I’m just a high school dropout that pursued BMX as a career option, overcame some challenges along the way, and am trying to find my way in life beyond my past identity as just a BMX athlete living with brain tumors”. That’s the thing about being on PURPOSE, though.

You overcome the mental challenges to pursue the mission at hand while finding yourself in situations you never fathomed being in.

In this case, my mission is to inspire new PERSPECTIVE in others that leads them to making the choice to step into their power of creating the best versions of themselves.

With that said, I find myself speaking around the world, making videos sharing my journey, experiences, passions and my TRUTH, and reaching out to strangers to have a conversation to what value I can provide and what perspectives/insights I can learn.

The last decade of my life has taught me 3 valuable pieces to life that I live by and am passionately sharing as much as I can:

– perspective is essential.

– Health is internal.

– our reality is a manifestation of our choices.

The more I focus on my purpose to serve others, the more the anxiety, fear, and overwhelm disappear but it’s a constant work in progress to do so.

As a former professional athlete and multiple brain tumor survivor, I find myself being incredibly hard on myself and thinking I could be doing more.

I’m learning this perspective is limiting my ability to fulfill my purpose on a archer scale and manifest my goals in an efficient and the least challenging way.

The fact that I get out of bed every day & don’t give up even when I feel as if I’m a failure, I can’t handle the overwhelm & stress, and think “why bother because no one would care either way”, is something to be grateful for.

If you haven’t given up, be grateful & see the value in that.

Josh P. 💚🧠✌️

It Was Worth It

The life I live today is AMAZING.

It’s for sure not “easy” although I love every aspect of it, therefore eliminating the debate over “easy” and “hard”. It’s just what I want to do with my life.

Along the way, there have been many obstacles that have helped get me to where I am today: 3 brain tumor diagnosis, torn ACL, countless concussions, living off my younger brother couch and out of my car when I was broke, depression, being physically and verbally abused as a child by a step father, being dropped from my bike sponsor mid recovery from surgery, and losing friends and family close to me to suicide.

Non the less, every obstacle, set back, and level of pain has taught me a valuable lesson and that is that shit could always be worse.

Through it all, I’ve been tempted over and over again with opportunity to make life “easier” as the cost of my integrity.

Whether it was taking a pay check to represent a brand that went so against what I stand for or even giving up on all the things I’m actively pursuing, including my own life.

The desire for the life I envision has been so strong it’s brought me out of very dark hole I’ve been in and kept me from taking the “easy route” when presented.

By doing so, it’s allowed me to continue down the path of living the life I desire and to choose to become who I want to be.

I’m grateful for my dedication to my core values and for all the love and support you all continue to show me as I navigate this life journey and sharing with all of you.

Josh P. 💚🧠✌️

Make Em & Take Em!

Who wants to burn body fat for fuel while fueling their brains?

Despite following traditional theories of eating less and moving more being the way to burn fat, it’s quite the opposite if within the right context.

The truth is that when we can shift our body to run primarily off of fat for fuel, both dietary and body stores, we can efficiently, effectively, and enjoyably reach our goals with burning body fat.

Burning fat for fuel helps support many benefits to the human body.

🧠 optimizing brain health and performance.

🔥reducing inflammation and glycation (blood sugar damage).

💪🏽reducing the rate of aging (measured via telomeres).

🧬 supports epigenetics (change in gene expression, which “can be up to 70% of our genes” @drandind).

👌🏼 increased sustainable energy without hard crashes.

😎 improvements to body composition.

Keto isn’t a fad once you look into the science behind the underlining mechanisms being targeted to create so many desirable benefits.

The mitochondria are one of, if not THE, most important aspects of the ketogenic diet, or a state of ketosis, that brings on so much profound benfits to our health.

What’s interesting is as you adapt to a state of ketosis, your ketone levels begin to drop due to the body’s tissues soaking up the ketones to use for energy demands.

“It is well established that the cells’ uptake of ketones is proportional to the amount of ketones present in the blood.” Dr.’s Lowery & Wilson, Ketogenic Bible

That’s why #MakeEmTakeEm is so crucial to understand, depending on your goals and where you are with your keto journey. While we can reach deep levels of ketosis with the ketogenic diet, supplementing with exogenous ketones like @justpruvit is a must in order to get numbers up.

@justpruvit makes the only ketone on the market that you can buy, drink, and that is “naturally biologically active” Dr.’s Wilson & Lowery, Ketogenic Bible.

@ryanplowery @zonehalo @themusclephd @drandind @kendberry.md @thomasdelauer are some to learn more from in this department.

Josh P. 💚🧠✌️

Persistence is How I Made It Here

Persistence to land a trick has taught me many invaluable lessons in life.

To accept this kind of pain just to land a trick on your bike changes you mentally and subconsciously in such profound ways.

I wasn’t aware of it in the beginning but in my last few years competing and progressing, I started to become conscious to what was going on.

Now I harness it all for my purpose to serve and support those around me and willing to hear what I have to say.

Josh P. 💚🧠✌️

Helmets Don’t Matter

We’ve always been told that wearing a helmet is important for our brains.

After @davemirra being diagnosed with CTE, I’ve become even more obsessed with 🧠 health and sharing with the BMX community and all of you.

Although I’m an advocate for helmets 100%, they don’t do much in terms of concussions and preventing CTE. They do protect the skull from fractures, tho, which is amazing!

🤓But, when we talk about the brain in regards to concussions, we have to understand the brains development, how the brain actually sits in the skull, and how a concussion occurs.

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🤦🏼‍♂️Helmets Don’t Matter🙈 . We’ve always been told that wearing a helmet is important for our brains. After @davemirra being diagnosed with CTE, I’ve become even more obsessed with 🧠 health and sharing with the BMX community and all of you. Although I’m an advocate for helmets 100%, they don’t do much in terms of concussions and preventing CTE. They do protect the skull from fractures, tho, which is amazing! . 🤓But, when we talk about the brain in regards to concussions, we have to understand the brains development, how the brain actually sits in the skull, and how a concussion occurs. I’ve seen many of my friends out cold while wearing a helmet. . 🧠@scottycranmer was wearing a helmet when his life altering TBI occurred. . 🧠I’ve seen @vincebyron out cold several times with a full face helmet on, the last gnarly one resulted in blood seeping out of his nose and ears. . 🧠 @davemirra crushed his face through his full face helmet one year at a contest. . 🧠I myself have had a few concussions where I had a seizure and my heart stopped, all while wearing a helmet. . 🙏🏼 That said, this isn’t a post advocating for not wearing a helmet. Very much the opposite and helmets serve an amazing tool for protecting our skull and mitigating issues if a head injury were to occur. . 🙏🏼 This post is to understand the implications of hitting our heads. It takes time or it can be immediately. . 🙌🏼 Part 2 from my trip to @doc_amen with @ryanplowery to get SPECT scans of our brains comes out Friday at 330pm EST! Dr. Ali will be explaining this topic much more along with our scan results with exogenous @justpruvit ketones and without, what the scans mean, why we are the way we are, and how we can change our brains with and without exogenous ketones. . 🤔Comment any questions or concerns and I’ll do a LIVE to answer those questions.🤗 . Josh P. 💚🧠✌️ . ‪#BeTheChange‬ ‪#BeTheChange🌎‬ ‪.‬ ‪#ProtectThisBrain‬ ‪.‬ ‪#braintumor #ketoathlete #lowcarbdiet #ketofam #brainhealth #bmx #ketogenicdiet #purposedriven #ketolife‬ #brainhealthmatters

A post shared by Josh Perry (@joshperrybmx) on

I’ve seen many of my friends out cold while wearing a helmet.

🧠@scottycranmer was wearing a helmet when his life altering TBI occurred.

🧠I’ve seen @vincebyron out cold several times with a full face helmet on, the last gnarly one resulted in blood seeping out of his nose and ears.

🧠 @davemirra crushed his face through his full face helmet one year at a contest.

🧠I myself have had a few concussions where I had a seizure and my heart stopped, all while wearing a helmet.

🙏🏼 That said, this isn’t a post advocating for not wearing a helmet. Very much the opposite and helmets serve an amazing tool for protecting our skull and mitigating issues if a head injury were to occur.

🙏🏼 This post is to understand the implications of hitting our heads. It takes time or it can be immediately.

🙌🏼 Part 2 from my trip to @doc_amen with @ryanplowery to get SPECT scans of our brains comes out Friday at 330pm EST!

Dr. Ali will be explaining this topic much more along with our scan results with exogenous @justpruvit ketones and without, what the scans mean, why we are the way we are, and how we can change our brains with and without exogenous ketones.

🤔Comment any questions or concerns and I’ll do a LIVE to answer those questions.🤗

Josh P. 💚🧠✌️

We NEED Adversity

I would complain about things in my life, let alone what was outside of my immediate and selfish perspective that I would then complain about.

I lived my life fueled by anger, spite, and on a mission to prove abusive people in my life wrong.

After many wake up calls (3 brain tumor diagnosis, my main bike sponsor dropping me out of the blue mid ACL recovery, multiple TBI’s, debt, etc.) I decided to stop making excuses for why I couldn’t do or have something I desired.

I then took accountability for my life and started making small shifts that led to massive changes.

I sacrificed what I had left after my sponsor giving me the boot and set myself on a path fueled by gratitude and love with a very clear reason as to WHY I was doing what I was doing.

That why was PURPOSE.

A purpose to help others reach their full potential with health, happiness, and success, without the suffering we choose upon ourselves.

The reality is, we all face some sort of shit in our lives.

Perspective is essential, tho!

It could always be worse.

Anyone reading this, especially from a smart phone, is winning.

The belief we choose about our life and limitations dictates our reality and we become a slave to external sources when we’re all incredibly capable of manifesting a life we belief we deserve.

What do YOU believe is the life YOU deserve and what are you willing to do for it?

Josh P. 💚🧠✌️

Financial Stories

This trip meant the world to me to have documented.


In the past, I would make decisions by the short term gain vs loss.

I used to be crippled to the lack of money I had and my choices would be dictated by the fear of “not having enough”. That meant I missed out on seeing a lot of my family and friends a lot of the time because although I was laser focused on my BMX career, and successful, I wasn’t making much more money than my basic needs.

I’ve learned that was a simple perspective piece based on past subconscious programming that manifested this past relationship with money.

Today, I’ve thrown out the mentality of being limited by what’s in my bank account, not being to manifest more than “average”, and have swapped it out for the belief we live based on the limits we believe in for ourselves.

I’ve taken massive risks over the years, gone all in on what I believe in today, and made choices based on what’s best for my long game and my soul.

Taking the money I have after basic living needs is usually saved up to reinvest back in my business.

This time, I wanted to use that money for the people I love, now that my belief system is one of love, health, happiness, success, and abundance.

It’s always been a dream of mine to fly in with no notice to surprise my family and best friend (Brandon) and take Brandon and my dad to a Celtics game.

I was able to do that a few weeks ago and it was a byproduct of my belief and hard work for the life I envision.

Nothing more.

Josh P. 💚🧠✌️